Assent On A Ship 3 Letters

Assent On A Ship 3 Letters – Source: W.D. Cooper The Boston Tea Party in North American History London: E. Newberry, 1789. Engraving opposite plate p. 58. Rare Books and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress (40)

On December 16, 1773, America’s political and humanitarian protest was organized by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts.

Assent On A Ship 3 Letters

Assent On A Ship 3 Letters

The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which allowed the British East India Company to sell tea from China to the American colonies in addition to the taxes imposed by the Township Act. The Sons of Liberty strongly opposed the tax in the Township Act as a violation of their rights. Protesters, disguised as American Indians, destroyed a tea ship owned by the East India Company.

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Demonstrators boarded the ship Boston and threw chests into Boston Harbor The British government considered the protest an act of treason and responded harshly.

An iconic episode in American history culminated in the American Revolution As other political protests, such as the Tea Party Movement, claim the historical legacy of the Boston Protests of 1773.

The Tea Party was a resistance movement throughout British America against the Tea Act, a tax passed by the British Parliament in 1773. That is, to be taxed only by their own elected representatives and not by a Parliament in which they were not represented. In addition, the well-connected East India Company was afforded a competitive advantage over colonial tea importers, who rested on the move and feared additional infringements on their trade. Protesters successfully unloaded tea in three other colonies, but the Royal Governor in Boston, Thomas Hutchinson, refused to allow the tea to return to Great Britain.

The Boston Tea Party was instrumental in the growth of the American Revolution In 1774 Parliament responded with the Intolerable Act, or Compulsory Act, which, among other measures, dedicated local self-government to Massachusetts and closed Boston’s trade. Colonists across the Thirteen Colonies responded to the Intolerable Acts with additional protests and convened the First Continental Congress to plead with the British King to revoke the act and coordinate colonial resistance against them. The crisis escalated and the American Revolutionary War broke out near Boston in 1875.

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The Boston Tea Party arose out of two issues facing the British Empire in 1765: the financial problems of the British East India Company; and a dispute about the extension of Parliament’s authority over the British American colonies without any parliamentary re-election. The Northern Ministry’s attempt to resolve the issue led to a showdown that would lead to revolution.

As Europeans developed a taste for tea in the 17th century, rival companies were formed to import the product from China.

As tea became popular in the British colonies, Parliament attempted to eliminate foreign competition by passing an Act in 1721 that required colonists to import only tea from Great Britain.

Assent On A Ship 3 Letters

The East India Company did not export tea to the colonies; By law, the company was forced to sell its tea wholesale at auction in the gland. British firms bought the tea and exported it to the colonies, where they sold it to merchants in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston.

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Until 1767, the East India Company paid an ad valorem tax of about 25% on tea imported into Great Britain.

Parliament imposed an additional tax on tea sold for consumption in Britain. This high tax meant that tea imported into the Dutch Republic was not taxed by the Dutch government, meaning that the British and British Americans could buy smuggled Dutch tea at a much cheaper price.

The largest market for illicit tea was the gland – by the 1860s the East India Company was losing £400,000 a year to smugglers in Great Britain.

In 1767, to help the East India Company compete with smuggled Dutch tea, Parliament passed the Indemnity Act, which reduced taxes on tea consumed in Great Britain and returned the East India Company’s 25% duty on tea. were exported to the colonies

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To help remedy this erosion of governance, Parliament also passed the Township Review Act of 1767, which imposed new taxes on tea in the colony.

Rather than solving the smuggling problem, the township duty created a dispute over Parliament’s right to tax the colonies.

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A dispute arose between Great Britain and the colonies in the 1860s when Parliament sought to impose direct taxes on the colonies for the first time for recovery purposes. Some colonists, known as Whigs in the colonies, opposed the new tax program, arguing that it violated the British Constitution. The British and British Americans agreed that under the Constitution British subjects could not be taxed without their elected representatives. In Great Britain this meant that taxes could be levied by Parliament. Colonists did not elect members of Parliament, and so American Whigs argued that the colonies could not be taxed by that body. According to the Whigs, colonists could only be taxed by their own colonial assemblies. The repeal of the Stamp Act in 1866 led to colonial protests, but in the 1866 Act of Proclamation, Parliament maintained that the colonies had the right to legislate.

Assent On A Ship 3 Letters

In the Township Review Act of 1767, which imposed new taxes, Whig colonists again responded with protests and boycotts. While merchants organized a non-importation agreement and many colonists pledged to stop drinking British tea, activists in New England promoted alternatives such as domestic Labrador tea.

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Smuggling continued, especially in New York and Philadelphia, where tea smuggling was always greater than in Boston. The responsible British continued to import tea into Boston, however, especially Richard Clarke and the sons of Massachusetts Governor Thomas Hutchinson, until pressure from Massachusetts Whigs forced them to stop importing.

Parliament responded to this protest by repealing the township tax in 1770, to which Prime Minister Lord North called the “right to tax Americans” in addition to the tea duty.

This partial withdrawal of taxes was difficult to bring about by October 1770 to the measures that had not been imported.

From 1771 to 1773, British tea was once again imported into the colonies in large quantities, with merchants paying a township duty of three pence per pound of tea weight.

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Boston was the largest colonial importer of legal tea; Smugglers dominated the markets in New York and Philadelphia

This iconic 1846 lithograph by Nathaniel Currier is titled The Destruction of Tea in Boston Harbor; The phrase “Boston Tea Party” has not yet become standard Contrary to the Currier’s depiction, some of the teapots were actually disguised as Native Americans.

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The Indemnity Act of 1767, which refunded duties on tea re-exported to the colony to the East India Company, expired in 1772. On tea imported into the UK

Assent On A Ship 3 Letters

The Act also restored the tea tax within Britain which had been abolished in 1767 and left the colonies with a township duty of three pce, equivalent to £1.36 today. Sales fell with the new tax burden, driving up the price of British tea The company continued to import tea into Great Britain, but still amassed huge deposits of the product that no one would buy.

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For these and other reasons, by the end of 1772 the East India Company, one of Britain’s most important trading institutions, was in a serious financial crisis.

A famine in the Bugles from 1769 to 1773 reduced the East India Company’s remittances from India, driving the company into bankruptcy, and the Tea Act of 1773 was enacted to aid the East India Company.

Eliminating certain taxes was an obvious solution to the crisis The East India Company initially tried to abolish the township duty, but the Northern Ministry was reluctant because the act could be interpreted as a retreat from Parliament’s position that it had the right to tax the colonies.

More importantly, taxes collected from township duties were used to pay the salaries of some colonial governors and judges.

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This was in fact the purpose of the township tax: previously these officers had been paid by the colonial assemblies, but Parliament now paid them to defy British rule rather than being accountable to the colonists.

Another possible solution to reduce the growing burden of tea in East India Company warehouses is to sell it cheaply in Europe. This possibility was explored, but it was decided that the tea would only be smuggled into Great Britain, where it would be sold as a taxable commodity.

The best market for East India Company surplus tea,

Assent On A Ship 3 Letters

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