At Any Time Crossword Clue 4 Letters

At Any Time Crossword Clue 4 Letters – Physician who co-founded A.A. familiar / SUN 10-4-20 / Oldest known Chinese dynasty dating back to 2000 BCE. / Outlaw since 1998 in Mulan County / Texas on the Mexican border / What the Old English called Winterfylleth / LGBT-aligned advocacy group since 1987 / Home of the world’s most valuable private Antilla residence 27 floors 2.2. billion

THEME: “You tell me!” — Phrases beginning with “You are,” all reimagined in a strange way:

At Any Time Crossword Clue 4 Letters

At Any Time Crossword Clue 4 Letters

Word of the day: DR. BOB (20D: Physician who co-founded A.A., familiar) – Robert Holbrook Smith (August 8, 1879 – November 16, 1950), also known as Dr. Bob, was an American physician and surgeon who founded Alcoholics Anonymous with Bill Wilson (better known as Bill W.), and a nurse, Sister Ignatia. (Wikipedia)

A Million Little Boxes

Leaving aside how very, very loose the concept of the theme is, there is one fatal problem with this theme, which is that virtually none of the themes really arrive. I think the JOY OF THE POINT is getting closer, but it’s all awkward or lopsided or forced. I don’t even know what the pun is supposed to be with IN FOR IT NOW . Fill in “in” for someone when you’re temporary, but…yeah, “she” really makes it not work. Beauticians may use blush, but they don’t make people blush (unless, I guess, they’re creating custom, custom cosmetics like a mortar and pestle or something). Why is he a *DARN* TOOTIN’ rude driver?? I understand that a “rude driver” might honk, but “Darn” makes no sense. You would never say “your gourd” – as if the produce vendor only carried one. The “wannabe entrepreneur” one takes up so much real estate and is just bland. None of these have spice or character or zing. It’s just old, pun intended. With the set of supposed recipients/professions not tight enough, and humor absolutely missing left and right, there’s nothing left here. HANGRY , that’s a good answer (73A: Itching for food and irritable about it, in slang). Is beautiful. But wow, otherwise, a lot of nothing here today. Miss Sunday and miss you very much.

I struggled with a lot of padding. Most of the struggle was proper nouns (surprise), especially HSIA (so many dynasties…) and SHAN-YU (I saw “Mulan” but couldn’t remember that), and “Our Song ” (not so familiar with Swift’s ’00s work) (71A: Taylor Swift’s first country hit, 2007). The worst, though, was STARR, like… what? How is anyone outside of a very small part of Texas supposed to know this [Texas county on the Mexican border]? There are at least four famous STARRs I can think of, but do we get a…county? Unremarkable? Bizarre. The entire *county* has 61,000 people. The county seat is…Rio Grande City? My own idiot county, which you surely cannot name, has over 200,000 people in it. This is the worst kind of clue. No chance for an aha or any kind of good feeling. All crosses, then a shrug. Just here to give a speed bump, as far as I can tell. I have no idea why anyone would make this edit call. Clue in MUMBAI tells me nothing about the place; just a piece of information I already forgot (26A: Home to Antilla, the most valuable private residence in the world (27 floors, $2.2 billion)). I had no idea that the “L” in “The L WORD” could be anything *but* “lesbian”, so I really struggled with that answer (61D: What could be “love” or “lesbian ” in a TV show title) . He had the ANCIENT before the ENEMY (6D: “Never interrupt your ___ when he makes a mistake” (old aphorism)). Strangely, he had no idea that the Titanic had MASTs (!?!?!) (47D: One of two on the Titanic). If there was a particularly good addition here to write about, I would, but there really isn’t, so have a good day!

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P.S. Just a reminder that *today* (October 4, 2020) is the last day to sign up for the Boswords Fall Themeless League (a weekly online crossword tournament with over 500 participants so far). Get the information here. The circled letters in the grid slope up and down and write the synonyms for “gradient”. Topic responses each start on the left side of a gradient, run UP or DOWN that gradient, and end on the right side:

Agar (also “agar-agar”) is a jelly extracted from seaweed that has many uses. Agar is found in Japanese desserts and can also be used as a food thickener or even as a laxative. In the world of science, it is the most common medium used to grow bacteria in petri dishes.

Ny Times Crossword 29 Sep 22, Thursday

Domestic cats with white fur and patches of brown and black are called calico cats in this country. In Ireland and the rest of the world I believe such cats are called tortoiseshell and white. “Calico” is not a breed of cat, but rather a color.

Yale Lary is a former NFL player from Fort Worth, Texas. He played college football at Texas A&M and spent his entire professional career with the Detroit Lions.

“Rucksack” is a word used for a rucksack, mainly in the UK, but also in the US military, I think. It derives from the German “Rücken” meaning “back” and “Sack” meaning “bag”.

At Any Time Crossword Clue 4 Letters

Basketball is truly a North American sport. It was created in 1891 by Canadian James Naismith at the YMCA in Springfield, Massachusetts. His goal was to create something active and interesting for his students in the classroom. The first “circles” were actually peach baskets, with the bottoms of the baskets intact. When a player put the ball in the “net”, someone had to go up and get the ball back again to continue the game!

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Nyt Crossword Answers For March 31 2022, Find Out The Answers To The Full Crossword Puzzle, March 2022

REO Motor Company was founded by Ransom Eli Olds (hence the name REO). The company manufactured cars, trucks and buses and was in business from 1905 to 1975 in Lansing, Michigan. Among the company’s best-known models were the REO Royale 8 and the REO Flying Cloud.

Artie Shaw was a songwriter, bandleader and jazz clarinetist. Shaw’s real name was Arthur Jacob Arshawsky, born in New York City in 1910. One of his many claims to fame is that he (a white bandleader) hired Billie Holiday (a black vocalist) and made a tour of the segregated South in the late thirties. Holiday chose to leave the band, however, due to hostility from southern audiences at the time. Artie Shaw was married eight times in total. His list of wives includes actresses Lana Turner and Ava Gardner, as well as Betty Kern, daughter of composer Jerome Kern.

The Seneca Native American nation was a member of the Six Nations or Iroquois League, along with the Iroquois, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Tuscarora peoples. Historically, the Seneca lived south of Lake Ontario. The name “Seneca” translates as “People of the Great Hill”.

Edmund Hillary was a New Zealand mountaineer and explorer. Famously, Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first climbers to climb Mount Everest, doing so in 1953. Edmund’s son, Peter Hillary, also became a climber, and he reached the summit of Everest in 1990. Peter repeated the feat in 2002, climbing alongside Tenzing Norgay. son of Jamling.

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L.a. Times Daily Crossword: Frequently Asked Questions

“Galoot” is a derogatory term describing an awkward or stupid man, an ape. “Galoot” comes from the nautical world, where it was originally what a sailor might call a soldier or marine.

Alice Walker is an author and poet. Walker’s best-known work is the novel The Color Purple, which won him the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize. “The Color Purple” was adapted into a blockbuster film of the same name, directed by Steven Spielberg.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) is the organization responsible for registering purebred dogs. The AKC also promotes dog shows around the country, including the famous Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

At Any Time Crossword Clue 4 Letters

“Yellowjacket” is a name commonly used in North America for what are often referred to simply as “wasps” in other parts of the English-speaking world. Both terms describe several different species.

Times Jumbo Cryptic Crossword 1481

Karo is a brand of corn syrup, an industrially manufactured sweetener derived from corn. The brand was introduced in 1902 by the Corn Products Refining Company.

The Jolly Roger is a flag that was flown by pirates to identify their ships, basically to strike fear into the hearts of the crews they attacked. We usually think of the Jolly Roger design as a white skull and crossbones on a black background. There is a theory that pirates originally flew a red flag, and it was colloquially known as “pretty red” or “joli rouge” in French. “Joli Rouge” then evolved into “Jolly Roger”.

Jolly Ranchers is a brand of hard candy that has been produced since 1949. Founded in 1949 in Golden, Colorado, the name Jolly Rancher was chosen to portray a friendly, western image.

The folk tale commonly known as “Cinderella” was first published by French author Charles Perrault in 1697, although it was later included by the Brothers Grimm in their famous collection in 1812.

Stephen Sondheim Didn’t Just Change Musicals. He Changed Crosswords

Devano Mahardika

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