Coeur D Alene Press Letters To The Editor

Coeur D Alene Press Letters To The Editor – I first met Sandy Emerson in the fall of 1984, when he ran the Coeur d’Alene Chamber of Commerce in a small building on the northeast corner of the Coeur d’Alene Resort’s front lawn.

I just got off the U-Haul truck in Lewiston, where I worked as news editor for the Morning Tribune. I replaced the hat and went back to reporting. At The Spokesman-Review CDA bureau, I was assigned local government (city hall and county courts).

Coeur D Alene Press Letters To The Editor

Coeur D Alene Press Letters To The Editor

I don’t remember much of that interview, except that Sandy smoked a pipe with sweetened tobacco and saw me as just another in a string of reporters for “out-of-state newspapers” — a common disparagement in “great” SR led by the press and local allies during the Northern Idaho Newspaper War” (1980s-90s).

As Rathdrum Prairie Disappears, With No Plan To Save It, Some Farmers Are Holding Out

Sandy and I eventually hit it off. In early 1985, he recruited me to be part of the inaugural Leadership Coeur d’Alene group. Then-news editor Bill Cooper was also part of the first class. I started my Huckleberries column—then called Kootenai Grapevine—because the leadership Coeur d’Alene was taking off.

Cooper and I made Sandy and our classmates nervous because we worked for fierce competitors—rushing to make “media rules.” The directive says that information shared in class cannot be used in our respective newspapers. I made Sandy’s heartache to say that I might publish something from the monthly class that, if it was juicy enough, could be fired by Leadership Coeur d’Alene. I’m just kidding. But Sandy didn’t know.

Leadership Coeur d’Alene is the only organization I have joined in the 38 years I have worked here. I am not a carpenter. I’m an observer and a journalist, and I share the philosophy of Groucho Marx, “I don’t want to join any club that would accept me as a member.”

On the week of August 3, 1987, 35 years ago, Sandy announced his resignation as chamber manager after a solid tenure of nearly seven years. A subsequent editorial in the press praised his work in helping build the conference hall. When Sandy started in 1981, it had 250 members and a $65,000 budget. In the late summer of 1987, the Chamber of Commerce had 650 members and a budget of $200,000.

Spokane Coeur D’alene Living #187 June 2021 By Spokane Coeur D’alene Living

For decades, life here from mid-July to August can be summed up with the 1958 Platters song “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes.” And lungs. under your skin.

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Even before he bought the old North Shore resort and went all-in on tourism, Duane Haggardone took to his media to oppose field burning on Rasdrum Prairie.

On August 3, 1982, the news agency editorial said: “For years, the citizens of this county have been listening to grass farmers explaining lamely why they burn stubble-covered fields every year, thereby changing our summer sky. It was dark, choking smoke for weeks on end.”

Coeur D Alene Press Letters To The Editor

Many were relieved on August 1, 1997, when Don Jacklin of Jacklin Seed Co. announced that nine of 16 local grass farmers had agreed to voluntarily phase out field burning within 10 years. “The message from the community is clear,” Jaclyn said in a news conference. “We have to stop open burning, and we will.”

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While the press applauded the actions of the majority, grass-burners among the few, including former state congressman Wayne Meyer, scoffed. Older farmers saw the concessions of Jaclyn and others as a ruse to develop the Rathdrum grasslands.

Some warned at the time that once the idyllic pasture disappeared, the grassland would sprout. And, for better or worse, it has.

Ziggy Steele and wife Harry (Harriet), former residents vacationing from Hawaii to Farragut, remember Idaho’s old anti-wildfire movement: “Don’t Be GUBERIF.” You learned in last week’s Huckleberries that “GUBERIF” is the inverse of “Firebug.” Now, go ahead. Ziggy Email: “My wife, Harry (Harriet), worked for the Idaho Department of Lands from 2007 to 2013 as a wildfire prevention educator. Her many responsibilities included the Firewise program. So she decided to resurrect GUBERIF. She has Garbage bags and posters with the GUBERIF logo. She also went the extra mile to walk the Panhandle painting “DON’T BE A GUBERIF” on selected roads. When you come across one of those paint jobs, it’s Harry’s masterpiece .”

Poet’s Corner (old song after drone strike killed al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, but Goodie): He lived by the sword and / earned what he got — / Osama bin Laden / Ben · Bin Laden (Bard) Sherman Avenue (“Bin a Long Wait”).

Huckleberries: ‘one Day House’ One For Record Books

Bumpersnickers: Gina Emde Mote, who left here for Arizona five years ago, reported a mixed message in a white Subaru: First, she found three good sentences in the car Words, starting with (rear window): “I hope something good happens to you today.” Then (license holder): Kindness warms hearts. “And (dresser): “LUV ALL. “Mixed messages? Dotted with a dollop of bird shit on the “I” above the first message. This is life..

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CDA’s Sharon Gwyn needs a sticker like the one found on 9th Street this week: “This bumper sticker just covers a dent.” In the Demolition Derby we call the Costco parking lot, Sharon accidentally put her The new car fell on a truck. The fender bender left scuffs and dings on her bumpers. After she said, “When!” or “Dratte!” Sharon could almost hear the comforting voice of her late mother, “It’s going to subside.”

· Coeur d’Alene’s Urban Renewal Agency was established 25 years ago (August 6, 1997) with a 3-2 vote by City Council, with Mayor Al Hassell deciding the tiebreaker. Ron Edinger and Susan Servick voted in favor, Dixie Reid and Chris Copstead opposed. Two council members were absent. who knows? P’haps’ productive URA makes this place too attractive?

Coeur D Alene Press Letters To The Editor

· Raise a glass to Marion Finucane (Fa-NEW-can) with Huckleberries, who gave Hayden a 10-acre ranch on Fourth and Prairie in August 1987. The gift has been transformed into one of the busiest youth sports venues in the region in honor of a gift from Marion’s late husband, Charles, the former Deputy Secretary of Defense in the Eisenhower Administration.

Coeur D’alene Lake Drive Changes Create Confusion

Like parakeets in a mine, two Idaho congressmen warn us of danger. But 40 years ago, we were blinded by the national spotlight lit by U.S. News & World Report. In its July 13, 1982 issue, the magazine listed Coeur d’Alene as one of the 10 best places to live in America, describing our place as an “outdoor paradise.” But U.S. Senator Steve Sims told the media: “Let’s hope the news doesn’t spread so quickly that a sudden influx could devastate (Coeur d’Alene’s unique environment).” Representative Larry Craig ( Larry Craig) said the article puts Northern Idaho in a Catch-22 situation. He said the region needs jobs created by new businesses and industries, but an increase in population could “undermine the state as we know it”. See barn. saw the horse leave. After nearly 21 years as editor-in-chief of The Press, middle Mike Patrick will semi-retire on May 27. He will be replaced by longtime journalist and editor Maureen Dolan. They were seen here on Friday with Hagadone News Network regional publisher Clint Schroeder. Devon Week/News

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Mike Patrick will semi-retire on May 27 after nearly 21 years as editor-in-chief of The Press. He will be replaced by longtime The Press reporter and editor Maureen Dolan.

Patrick, 66, will continue to write editorials and serve as a consultant to Hagadone Newspapers. He and his wife, columnist Sholeh, are moving to Florida, where one of their sons and his wife had their first child Thursday night.

“This is something I’ve been talking to publisher Clint Schroeder for over a year,” Patrick said. “I’m at full retirement age, surviving stage 4 cancer and ready to be the best dad and grandpa I can be.”

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Patrick joined the paper on October 22, 2001. Before that, he was editor-in-chief of the Daily Journal in Provo, Utah; Flagstaff, Arizona; and Lawrenceville, Illinois.

In 2020, he was named Citizen of the Year by the Coeur d’Alene Regional Chamber of Commerce. He and Sholeh were inducted into the Idaho Hall of Fame last year for “distinguished service to the press – freedom of speech and freedom of the press.”

“Mike was one of the most talented journalists I’ve ever known,” Schroeder said. “His dedication and concern for our staff, readers, and community was shown through his seven-day-a-week work. I’ll miss him in the Wit and laughter in the office, but luckily for us Mike has agreed to continue to be an integral part of our mission by providing us with a steady voice and input.”

Coeur D Alene Press Letters To The Editor

In most dailies, Schroeder explained, the people in charge of news coverage don’t write the newspaper’s key opinion articles.

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“It’s more ideal that Maureen oversees our news coverage and Mike writes our editorial board’s positions on important issues,” Schroeder said.

During his career, University of Arizona journalism graduate Patrick has won editorial writing awards in Illinois, Arizona, Utah and Idaho. He also managed a group of weekly newspapers in Utah.

In addition to writing editorials for The Press, Patrick

Devano Mahardika

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