Frozen Buttercream Transfer Letters

Frozen Buttercream Transfer Letters – Okay! So back to things. I have a tendency to panic, and when I panic, I don’t get much done. I have a system of procrastination that eventually leads to results. Basically, that means keeping up with my posts for a week was one of the things to fall by the wayside. Now that I’ve covered that… Let’s move on! Since someone ordered a cake for me, I had to start with a practice cake. They wanted a chocolate cake, with a vanilla buttercream frosting. Since I’ve only baked a few vanilla cookies, I had to test a chocolate recipe I had. Also, cookies are my weakest thing right now. Whoo-hoo confidence!

But the first thing I should mention is my new KitchenAid mixer! Macy’s had a sale this past weekend, so I took advantage, ripped off the patch and bought it. If you go back a few posts you can see how my old one would basically dance off the counter if left alone. I will also get a free meat grinder to use with the blender which is an added bonus.

Frozen Buttercream Transfer Letters

Frozen Buttercream Transfer Letters

It came with whisk, bread and paddle accessories. It also had a tiny little recipe book. My dog ​​tried to help unpack the blender as you can see below.

Healthy Carrot Cake (gluten Free!)

So go ahead! I thought the recipe I had printed was something super original but after checking online I was wrong. Not very original! Regardless, this is an extremely simple recipe. I will definitely make this my go-to chocolate recipe (

I really liked how it was completely runny when it came time to pour into the cake pans. It makes things so much easier. Saying that, as you can see below, the cookies turned out uneven. I had changed a part in the oven which seemed to solve the problem, so hopefully I won’t have to deal with uneven cakes again.

So when I tried to figure out if my cookies were even, I always saw it. This didn’t feel good to me because I always felt like things were off. Do you know the easiest way to solve this problem? I bought a leveler. This is seriously the easiest thing I could have done, and has made my life so much easier. I love this silly little equalizer.

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I didn’t take pictures of my frosting (because I forgot), but I just made a small batch that barely covered the cake. I wanted to test the taste and how well it was crusted. It was really delicious. So much so that I tested the cake on some family members and they just wanted to eat the frosting out of the bowl ( Although the frosting tasted really good, I wasn’t very happy with it. It does not crust. I thought it would because it’s half butter and half Crisco, but no luck. Maybe I could use it as a nice filling for cakes in the future, but I can’t use it as a frosting to cover the cake. Now my dilemma is finding a good buttercream that isn’t too sweet and still crusty. I hate how sweet a buttercream can be. I know when I made a traditional buttercream for my transfer cake it was just so sweet it was hard to actually eat a whole cake. Now I’m nagging. I will find out about this at a later time. I end with a picture of my dog ​​and fish enjoying the view of my new blender.

Chilindrina Birthday Cake

Lesson 2 is complete! I got to Michaels early to pick up a few things. We needed piping gel, and Wilton sells a container of that (more on the gel later). I also bought a cake lifter, a cake lifter and a rose lifter (looks like boring plastic scissors). Remember to get coupons before you buy anything to save as much money as you can. All of these things add up! Anyway, the class was full today. The people who missed the first class all showed up so we couldn’t spread out much. Below is a picture of the space I had to work with. After we started working on the cookies, I barely had any room to move. I had to pull an extra chair over just to hold all the supplies. I didn’t take many notes because I ended up not having room for my notebook. The instructor said that it gets worse by course 3 when rolling out the fondant. We’ll try to come up with something better next week.

We started the class by working on the lesson boards again. In the top left image, you can see that we started with lines and zigzags using the #18 tip. The class book said to hold the tip on the surface for these two designs, but I had more success holding it directly above. We then switched to the #12 tip (top right of the photo) and worked on our print with the spirit bags. With this design, for the larger balls you just keep constant pressure on the bag. When you’re done, stop the pressure and then pull the tip aside. The training boards come with a stand to keep the board upright. The bottom two pictures show the board upright. I thought it would be good because it would be similar to decorating a cake, but it was more problematic than useful.

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Then everyone leveled their cakes. I didn’t actually have to level mine, so I don’t have a picture of it right now. Turns out, by stacking and then wrapping my cookies in layers of plastic wrap, they flattened out. This was something I will keep in mind for the future as it made things easier. Also, a slightly frozen cake was much easier to put frosting on.

Frozen Buttercream Transfer Letters

The picture below shows how to put the cream on the cake and then stack the two cakes. As you can see in the picture on the left, there is a solid line around the inside of the cake. I did this with a #12 tip. This is the buttercream “damn”. This will prevent the filling from running out of the center of the cake and mixing with the outer buttercream. This is important if you use a filling other than buttercream. I used the same filling/icing throughout the cake to make it easier in class. I made two circles around the cake to ensure everything stayed in place. I made the buttercream to a medium consistency and smoothed it onto the cake, and topped it with the other cake. Important note: the bottom of both cakes will be the bottom, then the top of the cake when put together.

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After the cake was assembled, we covered the cake with buttercream. Having a record player for the cake made this a lot easier. This was my first time using it and I can’t imagine how I ever iced a cake without it. Oh! A funny thing happened. As we were baking the cakes, I heard the instructor talking about how she buys out all the mixes in the store. I was confused and asked what she meant. Turns out she makes all her professional cakes with cake mix. Also, everyone else in the class made their cakes from a box. Needless to say… I was a bit puzzled by this. Honestly, it never occurred to me to use cake mix. I feel that when you do something for someone, you should do it from scratch. I spent 6 hours baking cakes this week, and I could have used a box I guess. I could think of it in the future when I’m rushing to class, but shouldn’t it be from the beginning? Or am I completely off base?

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Moving on, after the cake was completely iced (top picture below) I smoothed it out with cake as best I could. I waited until it got a little crusty and used the Viva method to make it as smooth as I could. Remember, the Viva method is just to use a Viva paper towel and a fondant smoother and lightly rub the cake. The only glitch with this step today was that I didn’t have enough frosting. I only made one batch and had to keep the frosting thin on the cake (which led to some crumbs mixing into the cake). I think it would have been better to triple the recipe.

The main focus of this class was the Wilton Piping Transfer. This is almost the exact opposite of a buttercream transfer. With a buttercream transfer, you copy the design with buttercream, freeze it and then transfer it to the cake at a later time. With this system, you take piping gel and put it in a piping bag with a #1 tip (I bought a container of piping gel from Michaels. You can see it in the very first picture at the top of this post). We could take any picture we wanted, but I got stuck on one

Devano Mahardika

Halo, Saya adalah penulis artikel dengan judul Frozen Buttercream Transfer Letters yang dipublish pada September 13, 2022 di website Caipm

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