Highest Point Crossword Clue 4 Letters

Highest Point Crossword Clue 4 Letters – The tokens included in the game of Monopoly have changed over the years. Two of the most useful are combat and artillery. These were made by Hasbro for a board game called Discord. When there is conflict in the market, the excess tokens are recycled and included in Monopoly.

“Boondocks” (often shortened to “boonies”) is a term used in North America for remote, often rural areas. Often the word is used derogatively, implying that a remote place is unsophisticated. “Boondocks” were first used by American soldiers in the Philippines in the early 1900s. The word evolved from the Tagalog “bundok” meaning “mountain”.

Highest Point Crossword Clue 4 Letters

Highest Point Crossword Clue 4 Letters

The phrase “East is East” originated in a poem by Rudyard Kipling from 1892 called “The Ballad of East and West”. The full report is:

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Kipling’s reference here is to the British (“West”) and the people of India (“East”), and there is no understanding between the two days of the Raj.

A podcast is a piece of audio or video media that is made available for download. The name comes from the word “POD” meaning “playable on demand”, and “cast” from “broadcasting”. So, basically a podcast is a broadcast that one can play on demand, just download and open the podcast file.

For example, William Tell from Uri, the canton in the German part of Switzerland. Altdorf is the town of Uri and is the town where William the Wise shot the juice out of his son’s head with an ax, at least according to legend. There is a bronze statue of Tell that was erected in the town’s market place in 1895 to commemorate the event.

Singer Sheryl Crow dated cyclist Lance Armstrong from 2003-2006. Armstrong has publicly stated more than once that Crow’s music cured his cancer.

Webster’s New Explorer Crossword Puzzle Dictionary Large Print Edition: Merriam Webster, Merriam Webster: 9781596951778: Amazon.com: Books

“Smog” is a portmanteau created by melding “pam” and “fog”. The term was first used to describe the weather around London in the early 1900s. Many cities around the world have a reputation of being particularly smoggy. For example, the city with the worst air pollution in Latin America is Mexico City, which is located in a high-altitude “bowl” that affects business and traffic pollution.

The name “boot” was once used to describe some kind of quality in an attempt to achieve a goal. The word that can’t really be used is only found in the adverb “to boot” meaning “more, over and above”, the word “to better”.

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Ali Wong is a comedian representative from San Francisco who is a protégé of Chris Rock. He made two successful Netflix stand up specials “Baby Cobra” and “Hard Knock Wife”. He also worked as a writer for the hit sitcom “Fresh Off the Boat”.

Highest Point Crossword Clue 4 Letters

The Greek goddess of the earth is Gaea (also “Gaia”, and means “land” or “world” in Greek). The equivalent Roman goddess was Terra Mater, “Mother Earth”.

Puzzlesnacks: More Than 100 Clever, Bite Size Puzzles For Every Solver: Berlin, Eric: 9781982131562: Amazon.com: Books

“Archipelago” is our version of the Italian “arcipelago”, a word that has Greek origins. The Aegean Sea was once called the Archipelago. The use of “Archipelago” moved over time, eventually being used only for the Aegean Islands. Therefore, we use the word “archipelago” today not for a sea, but for a group or chain of islands.

“Séance” is French for “sitting”. We use the word in English for when a spiritual person tries to communicate with the spirits of the dead.

The Emancipation Amendment Act (ERA) was written by America’s leading suffragist, Alice Paul. Although Paul was successful in his campaign to get the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution ratified (providing the right to vote regardless of sex), his 1923 Constitutional Amendment The Act did not make it to the Senate floor until 1972. The amendment passed the Senate, and then went to the state legislatures for approval. 38 states must approve the law for the amendment to be ratified, but only 35 states have ratified it before the deadline. The amendment is still pending, although about half of the fifty states have adopted the ERA into their state legislatures.

I think curling is a cool sport (pun!). It is a little like a bowl, but played on a sheet of ice. The sport was created in medieval Scotland, and is called curling because of the action of the granite stone when it moves over the ice. A player can make the stone form a curved path (“curl”) by making it slowly rotate as it slides.

Little Words August 11 2022 Answers (8/11/22)

An area of ​​vegetation in the desert is called an oasis (plural “oases”). As water is needed for plants to grow, the oasis may also include a spring, lake or small pond. We often use the word “oasis” to describe a place, a place of rest.

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The word “ham”, describing an actor who acts too, is a shortened form of “hamfatter” and dates back to the 1800s. “Hamfatter” comes from a song in an old minstrel show called “The Ham-Fat Man”. It seems that the poor actor considered having a good “performance” of the minstrel performed in blackface.

The term “TED” stands for “Technology, Entertainment and Design”. TED is a conference held around the world by a non-profit group called the Sapling Foundation. The conference is diverse, and most of the meetings are led by big names such as Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Bill Gates and Jane Goodall. The Sapling Foundation then makes the recordings of the meetings freely available online with the goal of disseminating the ideas worldwide. These meetings are called “TED Talks”. There are also TEDx events, which are local talks presented under license from TED.

Highest Point Crossword Clue 4 Letters

Opie Taylor is a character played by Ron Howard on “The Andy Griffith Show”. Opie lives with widower Andy Taylor (played by Andy Griffith) and his aunt Beatrice “Aunt Bee” Taylor (played by Frances Bavier). Ron Howard first played the role in 1960 in the show, when he was only 5 years old. Howard sure has come a long way since playing Opie Taylor. He has directed some great movies including my favorites like “Apollo 13”, “The Good Heart” and “The Da Vinci Code”.

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The full name of the character played by Carrie Fisher in the “Star Wars” series of films is Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, and then Leia Organa Solo. Leia is the twin sister of Luke Skywalker, and the daughter of Anakin Skywalker (aka “Darth Vader”) and Padmé Amidala. Leia was raised by her adoptive parents Bail and Breha Organa. He eventually married Han Solo.

North America’s Rocky Mountains stretch north from British Columbia in Canada to New Mexico in the US. The length of the range is over 3,000 miles. The highest is Mount Elbert in Colorado, which has an elevation of 14,440 feet.

The Vikings were a Germanic people from northern Europe who were noted as great seafarers. The key to the success of the Vikings was the creation of their famous “longships”. Made of wood, the boat is long and narrow with a shallow boat, It is also light, so the crew will carry it a small distance over land and around obstacles. Longships were built with both sail and oars.

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The legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin dates back to medieval times. Recently there are suggestions that the story is rooted in some truth, that the town of Hamelin in fact lost many of its children, may be plague. The idea is that the story is an allegory. The use of the word “pied” means that the piper is dressed in many colors. Our everyday term “to pay the plumber” means “to pay the price of a bad decision”. It is a metaphor for the townspeople of Hamelin who refuse to pay the Pied Piper for a ride to the town of the mouse. They finally paid the price when the trader lured their children away.

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“The Kiss” is a beautiful sculpture created in 1889 by Auguste Rodin. I’ve had the privilege of standing next to a life-size, large marble version of the work on several occasions in the Rodin Museum, my favorite of all the museums in Paris. The Musée Rodin is unique in the building and garden that holds all the works that were Rodin’s home and studio. Well worth a visit if you make it to Paris…

Another word used in Great Britain and Ireland that is rarely used here is “pram”, which in my day is the most common term for what is called a small vehicle. children in the United States. “Pram” is short for “perambulator”.

London’s Piccadilly Circus is an important street in the West End of London. The intersection is at one end of a street called Piccadilly, hence the first part of the name. The coffin’s shape is roughly circular, hence the use of “circus”, the Latin word meaning “circle”. Famously, there is a statue of Eros in the middle of the junction.

Highest Point Crossword Clue 4 Letters

“Cher” is the stage name used by singer and actress Cherilyn Sarkisian. Formerly one half of the husband-wife duo Sonny & Cher, she is often referred to as the Goddess of Pop. In her acting career, Cher has been nominated

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