Letters From A Stoic Audiobook

Letters From A Stoic Audiobook – “It is in a state of immunity against care that the soul should harden itself in advance for occasions of great distress, and it is when fortune is good that it should strengthen itself against its abuse.”

After 10+ years of thinking about it, I’ve turned my favorite e-text (Seneca’s letters) into an audiobook series! The title of the series is The Tao of Seneca: Practical Letters from a Stoic Master.

Letters From A Stoic Audiobook

Letters From A Stoic Audiobook

This podcast episode gives you a sample, one of my favorites: On Groundless Fears (Letter 13). I listen to it at least once a quarter. Here it is:

On Clemency By Seneca

Seneca’s Arch: Practical Letters from a Stoic Master is an introduction to Stoic philosophy through the words of Seneca. Thought leaders in Silicon Valley tout the benefits of Stoicism, and NFL management, coaches, and players (Patriots, Seahawks, etc.) have embraced it because the principles make them better competitors. If you read Seneca, you will be in good company. He was famous for the intellectuals of the Greco-Roman Empire, but Thomas Jefferson also had Seneca on his bedside table. This philosophy is a no-nonsense framework designed to produce significant real-world effects. Think of it as an optimal operating system for thriving in a high-stress environment. Seneca’s arch is your guide.

My recommendation: get Volume One, listen to my Prologue (the original story is fun), then skip to one of my favorite characters, several of which I list in the first 10 minutes.

I like to listen to one letter a day – usually 10-20 minutes long – while walking to get coffee or going to the subway. It’s the perfect way to improve yourself to get better results with less stress every morning. Warning: the first edition of “On the Shortness of Life” is an essay and LONG (1-1.5 hours); I recommend skipping that and sampling short letters to capture.

See Also  The Rasmus Dead Letters Songs

Want to hear another podcast related to Stoicism? – Listen to my conversation with Ryan Holiday. In this episode, we discuss the “big three” stoics, how Stoicism applies to the modern world, and how to improve your judgment when the stakes are high (stream below or right-click here to download):

Letters From A Stoic: Seneca, Lucius: 9780008425050: Ethics: Amazon Canada

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Letters From A Stoic Audiobook

QUESTION OF THE DAY: What philosophy or philosopher has had the greatest impact on your life or business? Please let me know in the comments.

Inject That Stoicism Into My Veins!’: 10 Tools Of Ancient Philosophy That Improved My Life

Is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with over 800 million downloads. Voted “Apple’s Best Podcasts” three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast on all of Apple Podcasts, and has been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts multiple times. To listen to any past episode for free, visit this page.

See Also  Gru Words With 5 Letters

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Devano Mahardika

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