Letters From A Stoic Sparknotes

Letters From A Stoic Sparknotes – The essay “On Angeris” is addressed to Seneca’s elder brother, Gallio. Although divided into three books, the text is effectively divided into two parts. The work defines and explains anger in the context of Stoic philosophy and offers therapeutic advice on how to prevent and control anger.

The first part (I-II, xvii) deals with theoretical questions, while the second part (II, xviii – final) offers therapeutic advice. It begins with a preamble on the horrors of anger, followed by its definitions. It continues with questions such as whether anger is natural, whether it can be moderated, whether it is involuntary, and whether it can be completely erased.

Letters From A Stoic Sparknotes

Letters From A Stoic Sparknotes

“No one becomes braver from anger, except for those who without anger would not be brave at all: therefore, anger does not help courage, but replaces it … Every weakling is naturally prone to complaints.”

Seneca Letters From A Stoic Summary

“Nothing becomes less of a punisher than anger, because punishment has the greater power to act on correction if the sentence is passed with a considered judgment. That’s why Socrates said to the slave: “I would hit you if I wasn’t angry.” He postponed the correction of the slave until a quieter time; he is now on the mend. Who can boast of keeping his passions under control when Socrates did not dare to trust his anger?

The second part (Book II, xviiiff) begins with advice on avoiding anger and how it can be taught to children and adults. This is followed by some advice on how to delay or extinguish anger, and many real experiences that should be imitated or avoided. The work comes to an end with some advice on how to calm others, followed by a summary of the work.

Other vices affect our judgment, anger affects our sanity: others appear in mild attacks and develop imperceptibly, but people’s minds suddenly plunge into anger. There is no passion more violent, more self-destructive; he is arrogant when he succeeds and insane when he fails. Even when defeated, he does not get tired, but if chance puts the enemy beyond his reach, he turns his teeth against himself. Its intensity is in no way regulated by its origin: for it rises to the greatest heights from the most trivial beginning.

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While you are angry, you should not be allowed to do anything. “Why?” you ask? Because when you’re angry, there’s nothing you don’t want to be allowed to do.”

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In On Anger, Seneca defends the thesis—unlike other ancient philosophers such as Aristotle—that anger is always harmful. According to the Roman, a great man should never be angry, and when anger cannot be suppressed, he should try to calm down as soon as possible.

The depth of thought, the liveliness of style, and the rich examples provided by Seneca to support his theses make reading On Anger extremely satisfying. a few suggestions. Some letters have a few highlights, but I tried to synthesize the main points that stood out the most to me.

As you might expect, there is some repetition of themes and ideas in the various letters, but I can well recommend reading them in their entirety. The nuances and different expressions he uses to convey the same or similar ideas can help gain a broader and deeper understanding of the idea. My CVs are just CVs, so much more can be found in the originals.

Letters From A Stoic Sparknotes

Be mindful of how you use your time and make sure that how you spend your time is in line with your goals. It is up to us to decide how we want to live, if we wait too long to really think about it, it will be too late!

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In this world, there is a lot of knowledge, books, works, etc. to read. You can never read them all. Instead of having a superficial understanding of many authors and works, seek to deeply understand a few. A deeper understanding of some selected ideas will allow you to develop richer ideas of your own.

Friendship and trust go hand in hand. Without trust, friendship is doomed to fail. So, if you consider someone a friend, then trust him or her with your innermost thoughts and concerns. Before doing this, make sure you consider whether this person is a true friend or not.

Remember that death comes for each of us. If you waste time worrying about how to prolong your life, you will never truly live. Try to accept the fact that you are going to die and that it is already happening every second. You will learn to appreciate life more because it is short, and you will live more calmly about the ups and downs of life.

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Never disrespect or ridicule others for the way they live their lives. Don’t go out of your way to prove that you live “better” than anyone else. A virtuous person will live in such a way that he brings his actions in line with his values, and nothing more. There is no need to make a show out of this.

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Life doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Having a friend or friends with whom you can share knowledge and ideas is a joy for yourself and for others. And make sure you’re a friend of yourself too!

For some reason, the more people involved in something, the more likely it is that something will go wrong. “Crowds” may start out with good intentions but eventually turn for the worse. So evaluate your own position first before going out to a lot of people (in person or online) and remind yourself not to get carried away by peer pressure or the need to be like everyone else.

Take care of yourself first so you can help more people. If you do not have time for yourself, to rejuvenate and replenish the strength of the mind and body, it will be difficult for you to achieve the desired result.

Letters From A Stoic Sparknotes

A virtuous person will want to have many friends so that he can learn from and help others, as well as give further purpose and practice to their values. He or she will never seek the benefits of friendship, but rather see how others can benefit from themselves.

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Make sure your thoughts and actions are coming from within you and that you are constantly reviewing your behavior to make sure it is not negatively influenced by any outside source. Avoid others enough to put yourself on solid ground before interacting with anything or anyone external to you.

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Certain bodily functions, such as blushing, arise due to the mental and physical characteristics of a person in relation to a particular situation (for example, a new, uncertain situation). Redness can be tamed to a certain extent with experience, but there are some things that our bodies just do automatically, so they come and go as such.

Imagine someone you can use as a role model, and often compare your thoughts and actions to what the role model could potentially think or do. Consider that he is always there for you, evaluating how you act. This will give you a much clearer distinction between what you should be doing and what you can try to justify (even if it’s not what you would like to do).

Beauty is at every stage of our life, both in youth and in old age. Youth offers restlessness and excitement, old age offers a sense of calm. And we must always remember that we ourselves do not determine the length of our lives. We can live shorter or longer, but every day we must go to bed with the thought that we have lived and fully appreciate our life. When we wake up, if we are still alive, we can be thankful for another day.

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We often worry about things that may or may not happen in the future, and reduce the quality of our current lives by worrying about things that don’t currently bother us. Instead of giving in to fear and anxiety right away, consider whether you really should be experiencing any negative feelings. More often than not, our imagination comes up with things that never come true, so why do you think you have to worry like crazy?

Philosophy will help you hide from the world and not harbor negative feelings about people or situations. There is no need to be angry at the world. We can simply withdraw into ourselves, into our own minds, and look for the good that we can bring to the world. We should not despise anyone, but should live right and look for ways to contribute to the well-being of others.

Devano Mahardika

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