Letters From An Astrophysicist Pdf Download

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Letters From An Astrophysicist Pdf Download

Letters From An Astrophysicist Pdf Download

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Optimizing The Science: Foundations

Space Studies Board Jump to: News Jump to Science Subscribe to our free e-newsletter! National Academy of Sciences National Academy of Engineering Institute of Medicine National Research Council June 15, 2004 Committee on Current Activity Status on Astronomy and Astrophysics. Prince sent the following letter to Dr. Hugh Van Horn, Director of the Astronomical Sciences Division of the National Science Foundation (NSF), and Dr. Carl Erb, Director of NSF’s Polar Program Office. Dear Dr. Van Horne and Erb: Since its initial meetings in 1992, the Committee on Astronomy and Astrophysics (CAA) has followed with great interest the development of astronomy conducted at the South Pole. Since then the CAA has sought clarifications in several meetings. As part of its continuing interest in this subject, the CAA invited Antony Stark, Doyle A. Called Harper and John Lynch. The CAA was particularly impressed with the evaluation and analysis of the astronomical potential of the South Pole in the 3-5 micron and submillimeter bands, and appreciates the benefits of low water vapor levels, low sky background emissions, and 24 – Hourly security. Clearly, the Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica (CARA) has demonstrated over the past decade that good astronomy can be done from the South Pole and that the infrastructure is sufficient to support a reasonable astronomical enterprise. CAA strongly supports a peer-reviewed proposal process for selecting astronomy research programs open to the American community. The proposal process should emphasize the cost-effectiveness of the science conducted at the South Pole, the uniqueness of the science and, of course, the quality of the science. CARA is the primary agency that supports and oversees this type of work, and in the coming year, the National Science Foundation plans to phase out the program. The Astronomy and Astrophysics Study Group considered the role of Antarctic astronomy in overall astronomy as part of its decadal priority-setting process. In light of this, the CAA has decided that it is desirable to continue its support of the Antarctic Astronomy Program until its http://www7.nationalacademies.org/ssb/antarcticltr.html (1 of 2) [6/15/2004). 3:38:46 PM]

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The Space Research Board’s priority ranking in astronomy was determined and NSF could incorporate this information into its planning. The ranking should be available by mid-2000. CC: Morris Eisenman, NSF John Lynch, NSF Anthony Stark, CARA Doyle A. Harper, CARA Christopher McGee, Co-Chair, AASC Joseph Taylor, Jr., Co-Chair, AASC Donald C Shaparro, Director, BPA Joseph K. Alexander, Director, SSP Robert L. Rymer, Senior Program Officer, CAA CAA Member Last Updated 12/29/00 11:54 AM Site managed by SSP Web Group. To comment on this webpage or report an error, send a comment to the Space Studies Board. Subscribe to e-newsletters | Comment | Above Copyright © 2004. National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. 500 Fifth St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. Terms of Use and Privacy Statement http://www7.nationalacademies.org/ssb/antarcticltr.html (2 of 2) [6/15/2004 3:38:46 PM]

Space Studies Board Jump to: News Jump to Science Subscribe to our free e-newsletter! National Academy of Sciences National Institute of Engineering Education. Associate President, California Institute of Technology Eric E. Becklin, University of California at Los Angeles Todd A. Borosson, National Optical Astronomy Laboratory Roger Chevalier, University of Virginia (reappointment pending) Neil J. Evans II, University of Texas at Austin Jacqueline N. Hewitt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Robert C. Kennicutt, Jr., University of Arizona Richard F. Mushotsky, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Stanton J. Peele, University of California Santa Barbara Dean Peterson, State University of New York at Stony Brooke Blair D. Savage, University of Wisconsin at Madison David N. Spergel, Princeton University Laboratory Ellen Gold Schweibel, University of Colorado at Boulder Robert L. Riemer, Study Director Anne K. Simmons, Senior Program Assistant Last updated 12/29/00 11:55 am Site managed by SSB Web Group. To comment on this webpage or report an error, send a comment to the Space Studies Board. Subscribe to e-newsletters | Comment | Above Copyright © 2004. National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. 500 Fifth St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. Terms of Use and Privacy Statement http://www7.nationalacademies.org/ssb/antarcticmem.html [6/15/2004 3:40:20 PM]

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Devano Mahardika

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