Lost Ark Letters To Punika

Lost Ark Letters To Punika – It’s time for the hidden stories of Punika, a continent that Adventurer’s Tome promises to have three free points for 80% of its completion. After the Vistas, it’s time to face the hidden stories that spread throughout the entire island.

A tropical island in southwestern Arkesia ready to be displayed. Let’s take a look at all the hidden stories and their locations below. Completing Punika’s secret stories will give you a boost to your character stats, totaling +1 Courage, +5 Grace, +3 Charisma, +4 Wisdom.

Lost Ark Letters To Punika

Lost Ark Letters To Punika

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How To Find Every Ark In Lost Ark (explained)

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I am ANGE1K. I started playing video games a long time ago. In an instant I became a hardcore gamer. Two years later I went to the Counter-Strike 1.6 professional level. After a competitive ERA, I managed to discover the gambling industry and started working on FGR. My mission is to dive in and find secrets, create guides and provide you with valuable information. Most of them play FPS and like to experiment with good MMORPGs. The last event in Lost Ark starts at level 50, but some of them are more useful for the daily grind while others you’ll want to prioritize completing each week.

To unlock most of the endgame events, you need to be level 50, complete the Vern quest, and complete a guide quest (purple quest icon) for that particular event.

Here are some of the daily end game tasks that Lost Ark has to offer. There are a lot of activities going on. If you don’t have time to complete all these activities every day, this list is in loose order from most important to least important to help you prioritize what you need to do.

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Chaos Dungeons is a Diablo-style chaos where you slay thousands of monsters across multiple areas. They are divided into levels based on the level of your items and the progress of the story. So, in addition to increasing your item level, you must eventually complete the main story quest to advance to the next level of the Chaos Dungeon.

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After completing the Vern quest, you need to complete the “Ealyn’s Gift” guide quest. Once this is done, you can interact with the statue that tells the Chaos Dungeon to enter. If you can’t find it, you can also look for the icon on the map.

In Lost Ark you can have 2 presets for your character. It would be ideal to have a house for clearing mobs (like in Chaos Dungeons) and one for defeating bosses (guard attacks, abyssal dungeons, etc.). You can access the skills menu (with the “k” hotkey) and your gear presets in the character menu (“p” hotkey)

Lost Ark Letters To Punika

When traversing the Chaos Dungeons, you’ll sometimes see a gold or red portal instead of the usual blue portal. The golden portal will defeat a goblin. All you have to do is hit it a few times and the extra loot is yours! The red portal is a mini-boss so be prepared, defeat the boss for extra loot.

Lost Ark Punika Hidden Story Guide

Guardian raid has you and 3 other players hunting down a boss (or guardian), with limited use of consumables (you can only use percentage HP potions), no enemy HP bar, fe -time 20 minutes, and 3 wake up again. Guardians will spawn somewhere on the map and the player must find them and hunt them down. In the end, the guard may escape to another location on the map. Each guardian has different mechanics to be aware of, so if you’re having a hard time, it’s a good idea to find a guide to have the best conditions for success. Like Chaos Dungeons, Guardian Raids are locked behind item levels but not locked behind story quests. They require you to defeat the previous guards to move to the next level.

To unlock Guardian Raids, you need to open Chaos Dungeons and complete the “Raid Guard Qualification Certificate” guide quest. Once this is done, you can contact the security guard’s office to conduct a raid. If you can’t find it, you can also look for the icon on the map.

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Also, the guards at the end of a raid are harder than the ones at the beginning of a new raid, so be careful!

Guardian Raids require you to collect souls at the end of the hunt to get the loot so don’t leave without collecting it!

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In addition to all this loot, Guardian Raids offer a clear initial reward that gives you more respectable gear and accessories. You can enter Guardian Raids twice a day per character on your roster.

Make sure to set your single goal first. The Lost Ark also has a few weapons that can help you track down and hunt down these guardians. Two useful things are flairs and pheromones. Flairs allow guards to be seen on a small map for a short period of time. Pheromones can be used by guards to prevent them from moving to other areas. However, there is a short wind that you can use because it doesn’t last long and you want to use it before the guard leaves.

If you’ve played an MMO before, these are your typical “dailies”. You may invite you to defeat easy enemies, go talk to NPCs, etc. Depending on the task you choose to do, you will receive different rewards. Note: Some of Una’s Jobs are not as straightforward as they seem. For example, the quest to catch 10 chickens can only be done without Alakkir Island (you can find it in the alarm menu at the top left of the screen, the blue alarm clock). You can do 3 Una Tasks per day on your list.

Lost Ark Letters To Punika

All you have to do is reach level 50 and complete Vern’s quest. You can access the menu by pressing Alt + J.

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Una’s Tasks can give you many things like silver, leapstones, shards, ability stones, etc. These awards as your item level increases. However, there is also a popular system for Asa Una. Each Una task is linked to a category with a progress bar. This can be found in the Task Una menu (alt + J) in the popular tab. Each task you complete will give you 10 fame points in that category, after a certain threshold you will be rewarded. It is advised to check which reputation you wish to claim as it may take up to a week for the final reward to arrive for some of these categories. Also on the popular tab there is a claim all button on the top right, make sure you click it to get all the popular rewards you can get! Note, if you do the same Asa Una with another character, you will not get the fame again, only the reward.

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In addition to fame, there is another benefit to doing your Una Job, gold. Doing Una’s Taks (daily and weekly) will give you points and after a certain threshold you will get Una’s Tokens. With these tokens, you can buy chests containing gold from the Gold Exchange merchant. You can claim your token in the daily chart of Una’s Task menu. You can exchange with:

The big gold chests are the most worthy because they can also drop 10000 gold coins.

You and up to 29 other players go through a small dungeon defeating a series of mini-bosses. There are elemental thresholds for some Chaos gates so you’ll want to make them as high as you can. You can cast Chaos Gates once per day per ROSTER but not per character. So, it’s better to do it with your highest character.

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All you have to do is reach level 50 and complete Vern’s quest. You can find Chaos Gates in the notification window, the calendar (icon at the top right), or if you open Procyon’s Compass (icon below the small map). Clicking on the compass icon will show you where the specific Chaos Gate is located and appears at each hour peak. Note that Chaos Gates and field bosses alternate so only one is active per day.

Chaos Gates can reward you with rift shards, runes and card packs. There are also bids at the end of the legendary map (we’ll explain the map later). Gold is distributed to everyone in Chaos Gate and sent to your mailbox.

After you complete Chaos Gate, you will

Lost Ark Letters To Punika

Devano Mahardika

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