Mosque Leader 4 Letters

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Mosque Leader 4 Letters

Mosque Leader 4 Letters

) five times a day, at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and nightfall. To call the worshippers, the Jews use a trumpet and the Christians use a bell, but the Muslims use the human voice. The muezzin is the servant of the mosque and is chosen for his good character. He is either at the door or at the side of a small mosque or on the minaret (

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) of a large one. He faces each of the four directions of the compass in turn: east, west, north and south. For each direction he shouts: “Allah is the greatest.” I testify that there is no God but God. I testify that Muhammad is the prophet of Allah. Come to prayer. Come to salvation. Allah is the greatest. There is no god but Allah.” The Shiʿi muezzin adds “Come to the best work” after “Come to salvation.” Many mosques installed electronic recordings of the call to prayer, and amplifiers moved the muezzin.

A Muslim cleric who was fired from at least two mosques amid claims of sexual misconduct with young women he led now works at a Texas mosque that is staying with him despite a warning from his former employer and a civil lawsuit.

The Grand Prairie Islamic Center in suburban Dallas threw a welcome dinner upon hiring Imam Zia Ul-Haq Sheikh in August and encouraged mosque members to bring their families. The celebration came months after a mosque in nearby Irving issued an unprecedented warning to Muslim leaders across the country warning that Sheikh had been asked to resign after a young woman “reported that the imam engaged in sexual misconduct with her.”

The woman, a young woman he had counseled since she was 13, filed a lawsuit in July alleging that Sheikh forced her to have sex with him in a Texas motel after years of “grooming,” including lewd requests through ‘ video chat. Her claims were at the center of an investigation by FACE, a new Texas-based nonprofit run by Muslim women who advocate for the rights of victims in cases of misconduct in Islamic settings. FACE’s findings, first reported by BuzzFeed News in October, came from eyewitness accounts that weave a pattern: A sheikh would arrive at a mosque as an acclaimed imam, then leave abruptly amid accusations of impropriety.

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Now BuzzFeed News has confirmed that twenty years before Sheikh arrived in Texas, he was kicked out of a mosque in Richmond, Virginia, in the middle of a polygamy scandal involving a young female convert. A community member involved in Sheikh’s exit corroborated the allegations, first detailed in the FACE report, to BuzzFeed News.

The warning. The cause. The year-long investigation dug up previous claims. The news. None of that convinced the Grand Prairie mosque to cut ties with Sheikh, who remains a part-time employee. None of this influenced other Muslim leaders in the Dallas area to call for his removal. The muted response, said FACE co-founder Alia Salem, is a reminder of the work needed to change the culture of silence in many US Muslim institutions when it comes to #MeToo-style accusations.

BuzzFeed News confirmed that twenty years before Sheikh arrived in Texas, he was kicked out of a mosque in Richmond, Virginia, in the middle of a polygamy scandal.

Mosque Leader 4 Letters

“It’s an indication of the uphill battle we have,” Salem said. “It is a seed that we are planting and we know that it will take a long time. Maybe even 10, 20 years before we start to see significant and significant change.”

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Sheikh’s attorney, Hershel Chapin, did not respond to an email seeking comment. Earlier, he said he would not comment on claims connected to Sheikh’s previous mosques. As for the pending case, Chapin said, Sheikh “is confident that the evidence will establish that the case against him is without merit.”

The Grand Prairie mosque deferred questions to its attorney, Charles Swift, director of the Constitutional Law Center for Muslims in America. Swift said the mosque’s board has decided to keep Sheikh on staff until the claims are substantiated in a court of law. Swift said the Grand Prairie mosque conducted a thorough background check and was not aware of any allegations of misconduct against Sheikh when it hired him in August, even though eight months before the mosque Irving had released a letter detailing the circumstances of Sheikh’s forced resignation from there. Swift would not say whether the mosque had seen the letter, but said the board later learned of the lawsuit involving the misconduct claims.

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When asked if mosque leaders have a duty to inform families of claims against an imam, Swift said the board has not received any complaints during Sheikh’s time in Grand Prairie and will wait. the outcome of the case before considering further action.

The FACE report came out because of the claims by the Texas woman, known only as Jane Doe in court documents. Salem traveled to mosques around the country for the investigation, following tips that led her to uncover similar claims that preceded Sheikh’s departure from previous jobs. BuzzFeed News independently corroborated the circumstances of Sheikh’s removal from Irving and Richmond.

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From the first report of BuzzFeed News, a member of the Muslim community in Richmond confirmed the removal from the local mosque of Sheikh, who had come from England to serve as an imam there in the 1990s. The community member was among those who confronted Sheikh and asked him to leave after mosque officials learned that he had secretly married a second woman – a young convert whom the imam was teaching. He spoke on the condition of anonymity because the issue remains taboo to be discussed even twenty years later.

“The idea was: Just let it go. And take a month’s pay, two months’ pay, whatever. That was my only play, that was the end of the story,” the community member recalled. “We talked, and he agreed to go.”

The scandal would have been devastating for a group of Muslim immigrants trying to plant roots in Richmond, said the community member. And, he added, even though the woman involved was an adult, people were uncomfortable about how the religious guide allegedly turned into a secret romance and polygamy. Still, mosque officials did not feel the breach was serious enough to alert other Islamic centers after calling on Sheikh to resign. There was no real mechanism to, anyway – this was around 1996, just as the internet was beginning to unite the nation’s burgeoning Muslim communities.

Mosque Leader 4 Letters

Today, say the activists, the old excuses for the lack of report do not fly. FACE is among a handful of new Muslim-focused campaigns calling for more transparency in misconduct claims; another, In Shaykh’s Clothing, says it has looked into more than 20 reports of secret marriages and sexual misconduct in the past four years. All these efforts are struggling with how to bring responsibility while respecting the Islamic traditions of managing problems without making a show.

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Salem admitted frustration with the aftermath of the Sheikh report. Still, she said, it had only been a few months since FACE published its findings, and no one expected change overnight. Her focus is now on FACE’s four active investigations, and three more in early stages. Since its launch in May 2017, Salem said, FACE has received a total of 30 misconduct reports that staff members are looking into. Allam Majharul Islam is the great guardian of the Amber Shah Shahi Jami Mosque. Interfaith group to promote harmony between faiths. Sadness for the attack on Sinai. To curb terrorism, “focus on education in madrasas and control sermons in mosques”. From our messenger on earth

We will deliver a letter to Pope Francis containing a fatwa against extremism signed by 100,000 imams” announced, Allamma Majharul Islam, Grand Khatib (great guardian) of the Amber Shah Shahi Jami Mosque, in the Kawran Bazaar area in Dhaka talks in an exclusive interview with .

We meet him in the mosque of which he is a guard in the evening, while the students of his madrassa (Koranic school) recite Islamic prayers (see photo). Over a cup of tea and pastries prepared by the wife of an imam who accompanies him, he reflects on interreligious harmony, how to build peace in Bangladesh, Islamic fundamentalism. Above all, he emphasizes: “Islam does not allow any form of terrorism. As a preacher, I teach my students that Islam means peace, and that it does not offend anyone’s religious feelings. ” Below l -our interview.

We welcome Pope Francis with immense joy. He is a world leader. He comes to a small Islamic country. His visit honors us, because he is not only the head of Christians, but a leader of all the faithful. Every religion brings with it a message of peace, and the Holy Father promotes it in an appropriate way. I will be one of the 500 Islamic religious

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Devano Mahardika

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