Names With Eight Letters

Names With Eight Letters – Learning Objectives: Here are the names of eight famous people. What letters are missing from their names? Listen. 1 Eric __ana 2 Or__ando B__oom 3 B__ad.

Presentation on the topic: “Learning Objectives: Here are the names of eight famous people. Which letters are missing from their names? Listen. 1 Eric __ana 2 Or__ando B__oom 3 B__ad.”- Presentation text:

Names With Eight Letters

Names With Eight Letters

2 Here are the names of eight famous people. What letters are missing from their names? Listen. 1 Eric __ana 2 Or__ando B__oom 3 B__ad Pitt 4 Jenni__er __ope__ 5 Jackie __ __ an 6 __ince __aughn 7 __atherine __eta-Jones 8 Tom __ruise

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3 These are the names of eight famous people. What letters are missing from their names? Listen. 1 Eric __ana 2 Or__ando B__oom 3 B__ad Pitt 4 Jenni__er __ope__ 5 Jackie __ __ an 6 __ince __aughn 7 __atherine __eta-Jones 8 Tom __ruise B Z l Vz l C l C r

4 1 Eric __ana 2 Or__ando B__oom 3 B__ad Pitt 4 Jenni__er __ope__ 5 Jackie __ __ an 6 __ince __aughn 7 __atherine __eta-Jones 8 Tom __ruise Be L Vz l Vl answer again. Say the names to the partner.

7 Listen again. Complete the address. 1. 816 ________ Street 2. 25 ________ Circuit 3. 1 ________ Court 4. 2902 ________ Street

8 Listen again. Complete the address. 1. 816 ________ Street 2. 25 ________ Circle 3. 1 ________ Court 4. 2902 ________ Street Church Cozy Thurston Breville

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9 Document 1. I am Maria. I live in a large apartment building. It’s called The Two Towers. My address is 816 Church Street. That’s C-H-U-R-C-H. Nice to meet you! 2. Hi, everyone, my name is Wang. I live in a small house near here. The house has a small, quiet garden. The address is 25 Cozy Circle. C-O-Z-Y.

10 Text 3. Well, my big house has a very big garden. I love it. Let’s party there sometime. Located in one Thurston Court. That’s T-H-U-R- S-T-O-N. And my name is Hugh. 4. I’m Emi, and I, uh, moved to town last week. I live in that old fashioned apartment building on Breville Street. The number is 2902. Sorry, Breville is spelled. B-R-E-V-I-L-L-E.

11 1 2 3 4 Four people are making a reservation at a restaurant. Listen and enter the memorized numbers 1-4.

Names With Eight Letters

15 Document (H = Host; C = Customer) 1. H: Hello, welcome to Vista de Nada. C1: Hello, I have no chance, but… H: Sir, aren’t you that famous movie star? C1: Ah, well, I look like him… H: You were in that time travel movie! You are Michael J. Kitsune! C1: Um… H: Come on, I’ll get you a seat right away! I’m so happy … C1: Uh … Actually, I’m not him. My name is Bennett. H: Oh. C1: Is it still okay to get a table now? H: Uh… No, we’re too busy. I can bring you one in about two hours. Is your name Bennett? How do you say that? C1: That’s B-E-N-N-E-T-T.

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16 Document 2. H: OK, I can meet you at six o’clock this evening. C2: Great. H: For large party bookings, I will only need your credit card information. First, your name, please? C2: Sure, it’s Jane Simmons. H: How do you say that? C2: My last name? It’s S-I-M-M-O-N-S. H: Sorry, more slowly, please. C2: OK. S-I-M-M-O-N-S. H: Now on the back of the card, there is… (H = Host; C = Customer)

17 Documents (H = Host; C = Customer) 3. H: Vista de Nada. can i help you C3: Hello, can I make a reservation for lunch? H: Sure. what time C3: Uh… Is one full hour right? H: No problem. What is your name, please? C3: It’s Endo. H: Oh, one more time, please. C3: Endo. That’s E-N-D-O. H: Okay, I got it. Let’s meet at exactly one o’clock, Mr. Endo.

18 Document (H = Waiter; C = Customer) 4. H: OK, we can give you a table for four like 20 minutes from now, an hour and a half. C4: But we are in a hurry. H: I’m sorry, but our restaurant is very busy at lunch time. Just let me get your last name. C4: It’s Llanes. H: How do you say that? C4: L-L-A-N-E-S.

20 Answer these questions. Circle yes or no. 1 I have an email address. yes no 2 I have my own web page. yes no 3 Sometimes I go to an Internet cafe. yes no 4 I have used the internet for conversation. yes no

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21 Check this URL (web address). Write the name of each symbol using the words in the box. Listen and check your answers.

23 Four people are talking about e-mail and the Internet. Listen and number the pictures 1-4. Listen again. Write the address under each picture.

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24 Four people are talking about e-mail and the Internet. Listen and number the pictures 1-4. 2 [email protected] [email protected] 4 1 3 Listen again. Write the address under each picture.

Names With Eight Letters

27 Document 1. A: I like to check sports news online. B: Mm-hmm. A: You can find great video clips and stuff at Megajock. B: Mm-hmm. A: Are you ready? It’s Megajock is M-E-G-A-J-O-C-K. B: Mm-hmm.

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28 Document 2. A: I usually send all my emails to my mobile phone. B: Uh-huh. A: I always have my cell phone with me, so I can get all my mail that way. B: Mm-hmm. A: I will give you my email address right now. B: Okay. A: It’s [email protected]. That’s a-t-t-a-c-k. B: Uh-huh. A: Under eleven points… B: Uh-huh. A: For A-T-T dot C-O-M.

29 Document 3. A: These days, I spend a lot of time on my blog… B: Uh-huh. A: Every day for hours, uploading pictures of my dog ​​and writing about my favorite band, the Backyard Boys. B: Mm-hmm. A: They are very good. Come visit me at B: Mm-hmm. A: That’s W-A-Y-T-O-O-C-U-T-E dot slash K-I-T-T-Y. B: Mm-hmm.

30 Document 4. A: I only have email on my computer at home. B: Yes? A: You know, it’s a free account with Gargle. B: Really? A: So you can email me at cyber-loser@ That’s C-Y-B-E-R hyphen L-O-S-E-R… B: Yes? A: For G-A-R-G-L-E dot C-O-M.

31 When pronouncing a word or name, your tone should go down on the last letter. Listen to the example. J-A-C-K-I-E C-H-A-N

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32 Listen to the speakers writing their names. Write the names on the lines below. 1 ______________________________ 2 ______________________________ 3 ______________________________ 4 ______________________________ 5 ____________________

33 Document (Answer Key) 1. Let me leave you my name. It’s Addams. That’s A-D-D-A-M-S. 2. You’d better talk to Dr. Patel. He spells it P-A-T-E-L. 3. My name is Vladimir Hobowitz. H-O-B-O-W-I-T-Z. 4. The name of our principal is Mr. Wettinger. That’s V-E-T-T-I-N-G-E-R. 5. Many people get my name wrong. It’s Rousseau. R-O-U-S-S-E-A-U.

34 A: What is your email address? B: It’s [email protected]. A: What is your favorite website? B: I like A: Really? What is your other favorite website? B: I also like Write your email address and the URL of two of your favorite websites in the table. Work with two partners. Ask your partners questions and fill in the rest of the table.

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Names With Eight Letters

Download ppt “Learning Objectives:. Here are the names of eight famous people. Which letters are missing from their names? Listen. 1 Eric __ana 2 Or__ando B__oom 3 B__ad.”

Unique Spellings Of Common & Popular Baby Name That Add Major Flair

To make this website work, we store user data and share it with processors. To use this website, you must accept our Privacy Policy, including our cookie policy. If you told us 2 years ago that one of our songs would go gold we wouldn’t have believed you. We’ve always tried to keep expectations low and hope high through all of this, and you guys always blow us away. This was our highest hope. It’s easy to always get caught up in the future, but sometimes you have to stop and look at where you’ve come from, and it’s crazy what we’ve all done together. There are also 4 million of you now! So crazy. I love them all.

“8 Letters” is a single by Why Don’t We released on August 9, 2018. It is the first single from their debut album, 8 Letters (2018). They performed live on The Late Late Show with James Corden and Live with Kelly and Ryan. In April the band received their first ever gold plaque in Toronto, Canada.

On June 18, 2019, Why Don’t We announced that the song had been certified gold, their first. Later that month on June 28, the song went gold in Australia. The song samples the drum break from The Detroit Emeralds’ song “You’re Getting a Little Too Smart”.

“Letter 8” is “I love you,” which Corbyn Besson had confirmed via Twitter when fans discovered it. However, it is not stated in the song, as the band believes that eight letters can mean anything to the listener.

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“8 Letters” • “Speak” • “Choose” • “Too Deep” • “Friends” • “Hard” • “Catch” • “You Can’t

Devano Mahardika

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