Pitchfork Shaped Greek Letters

Pitchfork Shaped Greek Letters – The Greek alphabet is one of the first alphabets to contain vowels and consonants. It appeared around the turn of the 8th and 9th centuries. The current modern Greek alphabet consists of 24 letters (7 vowels and 17 consonants).

What is the Greek alphabet? The ancient Greek alphabet was created in the late 9th century BC. based on the Phoenician alphabet. The modern Greek alphabet of 24 letters was created in 403 BC. by Euclid and was intended to create a unified alphabet for the entire Greek-speaking world.

Pitchfork Shaped Greek Letters

Pitchfork Shaped Greek Letters

The prototype of the Greek alphabet, oddly enough, was not the Greek writing systems, but the Phoenician alphabet. Moreover, the Greeks borrowed not only letters but their names. Subsequently, on the basis of the Greek language, a large number of alphabets appeared, which spread throughout the Middle East and throughout Europe. Among them are the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets, as well as many other alphabets in the world where the letters of the Greek alphabet are still used in the writing system. In addition, they still denote mathematical signs, astronomical objects and elementary particles.

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At the beginning of the 20th century, a shortened version of the Greek alphabet was used. Until now, you can find versions where the letters are absent: η, ξ, ς, ψ, ω.

How many letters are there in the Greek alphabet? The Greek alphabet consists of 24 letters, of which only seven are vowels. The classical version of the alphabet included three additional letters, which were used only to represent numbers. Greek letters alphabets

Α α – derived from the Phoenician “Aleph” (άλφα, alpha) pronounced like the Russian “a”. Used to indicate alpha rhythm in medicine and flat angles in mathematics. The brightest star of the constellation Centaurus bears the name of the first letter of the Greek alphabet with dignity.

Β ϐ – the prototype of the Phoenician “bet” (beta, vita). In the Cyrillic alphabet, B and C originate from this letter. The pronunciation of the ancient Greek alphabet is somewhat different from the modern one. Previously it was an explosive sound “b”, but now it is a sonorous sound with a dental-labial sound “c”, in many dialects it is pronounced as “vi”. This particle refers to the well-known beta radiation and beta particles.

File:greek Iota E Shaped.svg

Γ γ – derives from the Phoenician “old, gimel” (γάμα, gamma). In the ancient Greek alphabet, it denoted a sound similar to the Russian “g”. The letter G in Cyrillic also originates from him. In the new alphabet it denotes a voiced spirant and is pronounced softly and aspirated. Gamma radiation in physics and some variables in mathematics are denoted by this letter.

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Δ δ – the Phoenician “divided, valley” gave this letter its name (δέλτα, delta). From her came the letter D in Cyrillic. In ancient Greek it meant an explosive voiced “d”, in the modern interpretation it is more like the English “th”. This letter denotes variables in physics, in chemistry, as well as the brightness of a star in astronomy.

Ε ε – derived from the Phoenician letter “he” (έψιλον, epsilon) pronounced as the sound “e”. From it came the Cyrillic letters “e”, “e”, “e”. The letter Epsilon (Ε ε) is often confused with Upsilon (ϒ υ), but it has nothing to do with it. Such a sign can be found in physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathematical analysis and programming.

Pitchfork Shaped Greek Letters

Ζ ζ – comes from the Phoenician letter “zen, zain” (zeta). Previously, this letter denoted a sound similar to “dz”, in the modern Greek alphabet it is responsible for the voiced “z”. Zeta stands for symbols in mathematics, as well as some meanings in hydraulics and surveying.

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Η η – derived from the Phoenician letter “het” (ήτα, eta). In the modern Greek alphabet it means a closed front vowel sound and is called “ita”. But originally this sign meant a short guttural aspiration “x”. Used to denote quantities in quantum physics, cosmetology, thermodynamics.

Θ ϑ – derived from the Phoenician letter “tet” (theta, phita). It denoted the originally muffled sound “th”, which then turned into a dull interdental “t”. This letter is used to refer to the values ​​of variables in resistance to materials, electromechanics and medicine (theta rhythm).

Ι ι – the letter derives from the Phoenician “iod” (γιώτα, iota). Its prototypes are I and J in Latin, Y and Y in Cyrillic. It also corresponded to the letter “Yod” from the Aramaic alphabet. Incidentally, she was the smallest of all, from which the biblical saying “cannot be changed one iota” came from.

Κ κ – the letter comes from the Phoenician “kaf” (κάππα, κάπα, kappa), it gave rise to the Latin K and the Cyrillic K. Despite these letters being very similar, all three are written differently. The letter is used to represent symbols in physics, chemistry and differential geometry.

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Λ λ – origin from the Phoenician “lamda, lamed” (λάμδα, λάμβδα, lambda). In the Cyrillic alphabet, the letter L originates from it, and the pronunciation is similar to the sound “l”. Used to denote symbols in linguistics, linear algebra and in virology to denote bacteriophages.

Μ μ – derives from the Phoenician letter “meme” and gave its name to the Latin M and the Cyrillic M (μῦ, mu). Used to denote quantities in mathematics, physics, thermodynamics.

Ν ν – the prototype of this letter in the Phoenician alphabet “nun” (nu, nine), from it the letter H is formed in the Cyrillic alphabet, and the pronunciation is similar to the Russian sound “n”. It indicates the amount of matter in physics and chemistry, as well as neutrinos and the frequency of waves.

Pitchfork Shaped Greek Letters

Ξ ξ – the letter originates from the Phoenician “semk or Samekh” (ξι, xi), its prototype is the letters “xi” of the Cyrillic alphabet. The letter corresponds to the sound “ks”, at present it can only be found in Church Slavonic writings.

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Ο ο – the prototype of the Phoenician letter “ain” (όμικρον, omicron). In the Cyrillic alphabet, it corresponds to the letters O and Yu (somehow). The letter is pronounced, as in Russian, the short sound “o”, and means “little o”. This sign indicates the brightness of stars in astronomy.

Π π – derives from the Phoenician letter “pe” (πι, pi), from which the Latin P and the Cyrillic P. are derived. It conveys the sound “p”. It denotes a mathematical constant, potential energy and transition probability matrix.

Ρ ρ – derives from the Phoenician letter “rosh / resh” (ρω, rho). Makes an alveolar tremulous consonant sound. It exists as a term in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Σ σ/ς – derives from the Phoenician letter “sin, shin” (σίγμα, sigma). The letter corresponds to the sound “c” and is the prototype of the Latin S and the Cyrillic C. It is used to denote variables in algebra, chemistry, electronics, quantum mechanics and also in medicine (it gave the name to the sigmoid colon).

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Τ τ – origin from the Phoenician “tav” (ταυ, tau), corresponds to the Russian pronunciation of the sound “t”. It is the prototype for similar letters in the Latin and Cyrillic alphabets. This letter is often found in astronomy, it denotes the stars in the constellations. It can also be found in chemistry, mathematics, mechanics.

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ϒ υ – derives from the Phoenician letter “vav” (ύψιλον, upsilon). From this letter came the famous “Izhitsa” in the Cyrillic alphabet, as well as somehow Yu and U. Russian speech has no analogues for this sound, it is usually pronounced as “u” or “og”, and between two vowels , like the sound “v”.

Φ φ – does not have Phoenician roots, the origin of this letter is unknown. In the classical Greek alphabet it is denoted as (φι, phi). Pronounced like “ph”, “f”. The letter φ denotes the golden ratio in architecture, art, mathematics. It is also used to denote variables in physics, chemistry, electrical engineering.

Pitchfork Shaped Greek Letters

Χ χ – the letter exists in the new Greek, in the ancient Greek alphabet there was no such letter (χῖ, χι, chi). Pronounced as “ch” or “kh”, the Cyrillic letter X derives from it. This sign indicates symbols in chemistry, physics and topology.

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Ψ ψ – one of the letters of the modern Greek alphabet, in the ancient it does not appear (ψι, psi), pronounced as “ps”. Currently it is found only in Church Slavonic texts; it also denotes the super golden ratio. This letter gave rise to such words as “psychology”, “psychiatry”.

Ω ω – comes from the Phoenician “ein” (ὦμέγα, omega). In Cyrillic, the prototypes of this letter are “fra” and “omega”. Unlike omicron (short “o”), omega denotes a long “o” sound. This is the last letter of the Greek alphabet, it is associated with the end (end) of something. Alpha and Omega in the Bible mean the beginning and the end. The sign is used in ballistics to denote the mass of a charge, as well as in physics and geometry to denote symbols.

Digamma was the sixth letter of the archaic Greek alphabet. It is derived from the Phoenician letter “Vav”. The letter got its name because of its graphic appearance, which resembles two large gammas. Digamma was used to denote

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