Puzzle Crossword Clue 6 Letters

Puzzle Crossword Clue 6 Letters – We use the word “snowed down” to describe a feeling of being or feeling depressed, as if a person is weak when covered in snow. The derivative term “snowball” describes an attempt to convince someone that something is true, when it is not.

“Magi” is the plural form of the Latin word “magus”, a word for someone who knows how to read the stars. Therefore, the “magi” is often used for the “wise men of the East” who followed the stars and who visited Jesus shortly after “and his” born. In Western Christianity, the three biblical Magi are:

Puzzle Crossword Clue 6 Letters

Puzzle Crossword Clue 6 Letters

Mark O’Meara is a golfer from Goldsboro, North Carolina. He is known as one of the American players who competes in more world championships than most, and he is very popular as a top player all over the world.

Trick Crossword Clue

The yellow pages phone directory is a list of business names and phone numbers. The first yellow pages directory was introduced here in the US, back in 1886. The term “yellow pages” has become almost ubiquitous, even in some countries (like my native Ireland ) is using “gold leaf” instead. The term still exists in modern times, as the name of the business review website Yelp.com is a contraction of “YEL-low P-ages”.

Most embassies and diplomatic missions in Washington, D.C. located on a section of Massachusetts Avenue. As a result, that part of the street got the nickname “Embassy Row”. Some offices and embassies occupy buildings on adjacent streets, so the term “Embassy Row” can be expanded to include an entire neighborhood.

The African country called Chad takes its name from the second largest wetland in the world, known as Lake Chad.

Sudan was the largest country in Africa until 2011, when the region of South Sudan voted to become independent. “North Sudan” retained the name of Sudan, and the new country was South Sudan. Sudan is now the third largest country in the world, after Algeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Lea Thompson is known as the star of “Caroline in the City”, the television show from the nineties. That said, Thompson’s role that I remember most is playing Marty McFly’s mother in the “Back to the Future” trilogy.

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In the 1985 thriller “Back to the Future”, Marty McFly returns to 1955 and tries to get back to HIS future, 1985. But on the other hand, the 1985 Marty’s greatest treasure, before he returned in time. . Why does time travel have to be so difficult…?

The term “aerosol” describes a suspension of liquid droplets or solid particles in the air. A good example of an aerosol is smoke. We use “aerosol” to describe what comes out of a spray can, even though most of the time water droplets fall through the air and don’t stay suspended.

Puzzle Crossword Clue 6 Letters

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was founded in 1964. The PLO’s primary mission was the liberation of Palestine, with Palestine defined as the geographic entity that existed under the terms of the British Mandate in recognized by the League of Nations in 1923. PLO was recognized as an observer (i.e. without voting rights) at the United Nations in 1974.

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Yasser (“Yasir”) Arafat was born in Cairo in 1929, the son of two Palestinians and the second of seven children. Arafat was beaten by his father when he was young, so the relationship with him was not good. Arafat did not attend his father’s funeral, nor did he visit his grave. The punishments were apparently carried out because the young Arafat often attended religious services in Cairo’s Jewish quarter. Arafat explained that he wanted to “study the mind” of the Jewish people.

Gay Talese is an American writer, famous as a reporter in the sixties at “The New York Times”. His 1981 book “Thy Neighbor’s Wife” is a study of sexuality in America in the early fifties. Apparently, as research for the book, Talese slept with his neighbor’s wife for several months at a Southern California resort called Sandstone Retreat.

In 19th century America, when neighbors got together to work for the benefit of one of their group, it was called a bee. The name “bee” refers to the social nature of the insect. In today’s stories, other aspects of entertainment and fun have been introduced, for example the quilting bee or the spelling bee.

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“The Bourne Identity” is a great spy novel written by Robert Ludlum, and was first published in 1980. It has been ranked as the second best spy novel of all time, right after the most enjoyable “The Spy who came in from the cold.” by John le Carré. Two parts were written by Ludlum, and the three parts of the Bourne Trilogy have been made into a very successful movie now, Matt Damon is the star of title. Ludlum died before he could write more than three books featuring Jason Bourne, but five more titles in the series have been published, written by Eric Van Lustbader. I’ll have to check them out. …

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The word “miasma” was originally used for a poisonous gas thought to rise from swamps and decaying matter, causing disease. Today, miasma is a thick cloud of air or smoke.

Ashlee Simpson is the younger sister of Jessica Simpson. They are both reality show stars. I don’t know anymore…

A numismatist is a coin collector. The word “numismatics” comes to English through French from the Latin word “nomisma” meaning “money”.

Puzzle Crossword Clue 6 Letters

David Ortiz is a Dominican-American baseball player, nicknamed “Big Daddy”. After every home run Ortiz gets, he looks up and points to the sky to thank his mother who died in a car crash in 2002 when she was just 46 years old.

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Long gone is the 12-hour clock, which was also used in the date system in ancient Egypt. Our use of AM and PM dates back to Roman times, with AM standing for Ante Meridiem (before noon) and PM for Post Meridiem (after noon ). However, the AM program is different at first, counting backwards from noon. So, 2AM to the Romans was two hours before noon, or 10AM as it is today.

“Mahi-mahi” (meaning “strong”) is the Hawaiian name for the dolphin, also known as dorado. It’s a bit of a work-in-progress if I see one…

Nintendo is a Japanese company and one of the largest producers of video games in the world. Nintendo began in 1889 with the production of hanafuda cards, or Japanese playing cards. The name “Nintendo” translates to “leave luck in the sky”.

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Classical composers often chose a rondo for the final movement of a sonata (or symphony or concerto, for that matter). In rondo form there is a main theme that changes to a different theme. So, the basic theme anchors the whole section between the secondary divisions.

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Broccoli rabe is better known as “rapini”, a vegetable used in Mediterranean cuisine. It’s so delicious fried with garlic…

Orem, Utah was first named “Sharon” (a biblical name), then “Provo Bench”, and in 1914 was given the family name of a local railroad operator as “Orem”. Orem is known as “Family City USA” and in 2010, “Forbes” ranked Orem as the 5th best place in the country to raise a family.

“Jaws of Life” is a trademark, by Hurst Performance. Refers to a hydraulic device used by rescue crews to remove victims from car accidents. The device is relatively new, developed in 1963 for use after race car crashes.

Puzzle Crossword Clue 6 Letters

A rock is a ridge of solid material that lies below the surface of the water. It can be made of sand or rock, as well as coral. The largest reef in the world is Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, which is more than 1,400 miles long.

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Ada Lovelace’s real name and title is Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace. He was the only legitimate child of Lord Byron, the poet. Lovelace was fascinated by mathematics and wrote about the work that Charles Babbage did to create his new computer. In some of his notes, he proposed an algorithm for Babbage’s machine to calculate Bernoulli numbers. This algorithm is widely recognized as the world’s first computer program, which is why Lovelace is called the first “programmer”. A computer language called “Ada” was named in her honor. The Ada language was developed from 1977 to 1983 for the US Department of Defense.

Paella is sometimes called the Spanish national dish, but it is not made by the Spanish. In Spain, paella is considered a regional dish from Valencia. The name “paella” means “frying pan” in the Valencian language, and is a reference to the traditional shallow pan used to cook the dish.

Devano Mahardika

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