River In Russia 4 Letters

River In Russia 4 Letters – The Russian River is running at very low flows amid an ongoing drought, but would be dry or nearly so if it weren’t for human engineering.

At Lake Mendocino, which was created in 1958 by damming the East Fork of the Russian River outside of Ukiah, stored water is being released to maintain minimum flows in the upper watershed.

River In Russia 4 Letters

River In Russia 4 Letters

In comparison, the West Fork of the river is undeveloped, shallow and stagnant – and is likely to dry up this season.

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Flow into the lower mainstem river receives discharge from Lake Sonoma through Dry Creek. The reservoir was created in 1983 by the construction of Warm Springs Dam northwest of Healdsburg.

Both reservoirs are operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Sonoma Water, which manages dam releases during dry months. The Army Corps takes over its responsibilities during the rainy season, focusing on flood control.

Based near Forestville, Sonoma Water Pump supplies retailers serving approximately 600,000 people in Sonoma and northern Marin counties.

It also manages the river to sustain and restore endangered coho salmon, as well as chinook salmon and steelhead trout, both listed as threatened under species.

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River managers strive to provide adequate flows for recreational use as well as supplies available to about 2,400 individual households, community water districts and agricultural interests with state rights to divert water, particularly north of Dry Creek. In the upper watershed.

People from diverse backgrounds and a wide range of groups and agencies help protect and advocate on behalf of the river. For more information on their work visit:

The Russian River is an important source of drinking water for more than 600,000 people in Sonoma, Mendocino and northern Marin counties. It is a haven for endangered salmon runs and supports a thriving recreational economy. The region’s $12 billion-plus wine industry wouldn’t be here without it.

River In Russia 4 Letters

It is also under extraordinary stress amid the ongoing drought. Here’s a snapshot of how the crisis is playing out in a watershed vital to our lives and local economy:

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*The river’s 110-mile main stem is still flowing – fed by minimum releases from two dams. But its tributaries are drying up and its two main reservoirs are lower now than at this time of year.

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*To ensure the availability of sufficient drinking water, state regulators have begun ordering several thousand water rights holders to stop their diversions from the river. The move will affect grape growers, ranchers, rural residents and some communities in Mendocino and Sonoma counties.

*Sonoma Water, the region’s largest wholesaler of drinking water, has reduced its use of river water by 20 percent, saving essential water for homes and businesses in local cities that supply residents and businesses. Start ordering.

*Droughts combined with rising peak and average temperatures have put the river’s prized salmon and steelhead trout runs — a fraction of what they were half a century ago — at renewed risk. Some young migratory fish have already been rescued from shrinking ponds in tributaries. They face a long dry season before the winter rains return.

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*Dryness can exacerbate some long-standing river problems, including excessive nutrient, bacteria and sediment levels, which can affect water quality. These problems are linked to decades of heavy logging, gravel extraction, wastewater discharges, farm runoff and urban development.

*River is an important ecosystem and engine of local economy. It is a favorite destination for generations of families and visitors from all over the world. And its future depends on careful stewardship, resource conservation and a shared understanding of its value to our region. Next in our series for those tempted or troubled by crosswords: Rivers that solvers need to know.

In the example prompts below, I explain the two parts of each: the answer definition, given in bold type, and the wordplay – the composition of its letter combinations. In a real puzzle environment, you also have crossing letters, which greatly reduces your solving burden. Explanations contain links to previous entries in the series such as retracting one word to reveal another. And the names of the sitters are attached to the interviews, if you want to get to know them better.

River In Russia 4 Letters

There is an eye-opening moment in the beginning when you get used to solving passwords, and it goes like this:

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Every acronym you can expect to see in everyday life is fair game as part of wordplay. So “bold” might indicate a B (as seen in your word processor) and “departure” a D (as on a timetable). The atlas doesn’t have the space to write all its feature names in full, so “island” becomes I or IS, “mountain” becomes M or MT, and so on, the novice concludes, ” “river” clue in a crossword means that the answer definitely has an R.

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Or rather, sometimes there is. After this moment of joy comes the realization that setters don’t like to oversimplify things, and since so many rivers have good names, “river” could easily be one of them.

This is important. This is the first river I’d try if “river” doesn’t mean R. Despite being Italy’s longest river, it’s one of those names that comes up more often in words than in real life, except when it headlines such an Italian river as ‘full of cocaine’.

21ac in the river, you can have a look! (5) [Wordplay: Synonym of ‘in’ (meaning modern) + river name] [HIP + PO] [Definition: something you can see in a river]

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It’s actually not unreasonable for a sitter to expect that we’ve heard of the seventh longest river in the world. Since “Ob” means “river” in the Uralic macro-language, “Ob River” is one of those pleasant names like “Gobi Desert” and “East Timor”.

Arocaria loved Ob. Here he reminds us that other words are used to denote a river. Here it is “blossoming” and the obb sure flows:

7d Russian flower situation is poor (7)

River In Russia 4 Letters

You have to feel sorry for Yuri. Look at other Yorkshire dales: from Airedale and Swaledale to Teesdale and Wharfedale, they all have their rivers named after them. But not poor Ure’s Wensleydale.

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2d Ambitious banker has great taste (7) [ wordplay: synonym of ‘ambitious’ + river name (‘banker’) ] [ EPIC + URE ] [ definition: one with great taste ]

They say it’s the only river you can bungee jump into. When the setter is filling in the grid, it is also made up of the three simplest letters.

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16d Plants allegedly in flower (5)

It really is a river that the setter can expect you to keep in mind, as England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales each have at least one, not to mention other Dees around the world.

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1ac stand in place on island in river (8) [word play: synonym of ‘island’ for ‘place’ (‘on’) abbreviation for ‘island’, both within river (‘in’) noun ] [ insert with IS, within DEE ] [ definition: to stand ]

So it is deputized. Beginner: Any questions? Experienced solvers and setters: What other rivers do you take on your crosswording journey? The Volga (/ˈv ɒ l ɡ ə , ˈ voʊ l ɡ ə / ; Russian: Во́лга) is the longest river in Europe. Located in Russia, it flows through Ctral Russia into South Russia and the Caspian Sea. The Volga has a length of 3,531 km (2,194 mi), and a catchment area of ​​1,360,000 km.

/s (300,000 cu ft/s) and drainage basin. It is widely considered the national river of Russia. The fictitious Old Russian state, the Rus’ Khaganate, arose along the Volga between the late 8th and mid-9th centuries AD.

River In Russia 4 Letters

In Russia, this river flows through forests, woodlands and steppes. Four of Russia’s largest cities, including the country’s capital, Moscow, lie in the Volga drainage basin.

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The largest reservoirs in the world are located on the banks of the Volga River. The river has a symbolic meaning in Russian culture – in Russian literature and folklore it is often referred to as Volga-Matushka Volga-Matushka (Mother Volga).

The Russian hydrenium Volga (Волга) derives from Proto-Slavic *vòlga “wetness, moisture”, preserved in many Slavic languages, влага (влага ) “moisture”, Bulgarian влага (влага ) “moisture”, Czech vláha ” Нам” , Serbo-Croatian: влага (влага ) “moisture”, Sloven влага “moisture”, Polish wilgoć “moisture” and Macedonian влага (влага ) “moisture”, among others.

Literally means “wetness”. It is related to the Avestan name of the river. Raŋhā (𐬭𐬀𐬢𐬵𐬁) (derived from Proto-Indo-European *h1res- or *h1ers-, “wet” or “moisture”), or “mythical river”.

The Turks living along the river used to call it Itil or Atil. In modern Turkic languages, the Volga is known as İdel (Идел) in Tatar, Atal (Атӑл).

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Devano Mahardika

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