Sample 4 H Thank You Letters

Sample 4 H Thank You Letters – This is a video I made as part of my fight to stop horse slaughter. I hope people share it everywhere! Let me know what you think and if you like it 🙂 Thanks for all the help mom!! ~ Declan

Here is a video about an inspiring story that shows you that when a horse is no longer worth it to you, it is not necessary to slaughter it. This is the story of Harry de Lair and a horse he will name Smoman that he rescues from the back of a truck going to a slaughterhouse. Harry bought him for only $80.00 because he saw a spark in the snowman’s eye while he was on the truck. Harry trained the old plow horse to become one of the best show jumpers in the world. This is the story of “The Flying Dutchman”. Author, “Elizabeth Letts’ message is simple: Never give up, even when the odds seem sky-high. There is something extraordinary in all of us.” ~ Declan

Sample 4 H Thank You Letters

Sample 4 H Thank You Letters

Please consider adopting one of these beautiful babies that survived the slaughter. This one Humane Society in Oregon has already saved 2000 horses in the last 9 years – that’s a lot! Horses don’t have to go to a slaughterhouse, they can go to people who really want them and will love them!! ~ Declan

Correspondence Regarding Expressing Appreciation Of The Fresno County 4 H Program — Calisphere

For the first time in their young lives, 24 baby horses in Oregon will get the care and nutrition they need, thanks to the efforts of rescue workers who might otherwise be sold at an auction or on the way to a slaughterhouse, ABC 10 News Sacramento reported.

According to a press release issued by the Horse Plus Humane Society, the 24 young horses were purchased by rescue workers after they were taken from a ranch in Oregon to an auction in Turlock, California. From there, rescue workers believe the horses would have been transported here. Mexico and slaughter for human consumption.

Tawny Presner of the Horse Plus Humane Society told ABC 10 that members of the California-based rescue organization traveled to the auction Saturday and paid as little as $50 each for the horses. Excess horses were purchased from an interstate transporter on Monday.

Presner told the station that while rescue workers can easily tell which horses are being sold to the slaughterhouse based on which, prices for slaughterhouse horses are generally set at about 22 cents per pound.

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Speaking to KHSL-TV, Prysner said the foals, which ranged in age from eight months to a year, were in poor condition and likely not properly cared for by ranchers.

“It’s rewarding to see life come back into their eyes, see their spirits come back to them and see life being hard and rough,” Pressner told KHSL-TV. “There’s actually a bright side. And they’re experiencing it now.”

Now the recovery workers at Horse Plus Humane Society are busy finding new homes for the young horses. The organization has lowered the adoption fee to $100 for approved families and is seeking donations to help feed and medicate them as they recover.

Sample 4 H Thank You Letters

In October 2011, a Northern California man was arrested and charged with 30 counts of animal cruelty after rescue workers found the remains of 28 horses and two dogs on his farm, where they also found methamphetamine and marijuana.

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A few years ago, a couple discovered a skeleton graveyard surrounded by 50 starving horses that ate each other’s ponytails to survive. In response, the couple founded Red Bucket Equine Rescue to prevent similar incidents in the future.

It’s official! Here is the flyer for my letter writing party. I’m so excited I can’t wait for the party! I think the flyer came out great! I think I will get a lot of letters at the party! I’m sure it works!

People have been asking how they can help me get to Washington DC, so my mom set up a PayPal account that you can contribute to if you want to help. I will donate any proceeds to the NHSPCA “SOS Fund” to help the horses of New Hampshire.

Here is an article written by a woman named Jo-Claire Corcoran for RT Fitch’s blog about the children’s letter writing campaign. Jo-Claire is a representative of the Equine Welfare Alliance (EWA) and asked me to go to Washington DC. ~ Declan

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Posted by Children’sEyes on: February 22, 2012 by R.T. FitchinHorse News, Horse Slaughter Tags:Broken Promises, Child, Horse Welfare Alliance, Child’s Heart, Horse, Horse Slaughter

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There comes a time when we, as adults, need to take a few steps back and look at the world through our children’s eyes.

Our life prejudices, at times, prevent us from recognizing that there are lessons to be learned from those who can see without blind shackles. In many aspects of life, as adults, we see things through a distorted lens, colored by many things: inherent greed, mistrust, fear, and broken promises. This does not mean that we should put on our rose-colored glasses. Let’s not just look for a moment, but look at the trust, love, honesty and compassion inherent in children.

Sample 4 H Thank You Letters

Many people discount our children’s ability to understand complex problems – because of their inability to lose their blindness. They are disconnected from the world around them, except those that include their immediate surroundings and comfort.

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This is most obvious in the context of horse slaughter. Horse slaughter has been a controversial issue for years, but in November, 2011, the House of Representatives was forced to pass an ag appropriations bill without the key Moran amendment—an amendment that specifically defunded USDA inspectors for horse slaughter. The president had no choice but to sign the bill or risk a government shutdown. Passage of this bill effectively allows reinspection of horse meat in the US, thus changing the landscape.

From the events of November 2011, a movement blossomed – a movement that is giving our children a vehicle to make their voices heard.

The Million Horse March – Children’s Letter Writing Campaign to Save America’s Horses is a project born in the heart of a child… a child who sees the madness that has taken over a small part of this country that wants to slaughter our horses for food. Not for the sake of the horses or to feed the poor and starving but the rich few in other countries. For our children, it is simple and is best described in the letter sent to the children who participated in the project:

“I admire Declanan’s bravery in standing up and supporting his horses. If it’s so obvious to our kids how does it not register with the so-called adults? If you really think about it, Declan and his friends aren’t just trying to save animals, they’re trying to save us too.”

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The kids participating in this project are from all over the country and have come together to shout to Congress, the President and the country, something is wrong and we need to make it right. They understand, our horses are more than livestock, they are our partners, our companions, our pets. They are symbols of beauty and power, glory and freedom. Children see the inhumanity of the process and understand that it is wrong to send meat that is not safe for children in other countries to eat. Why don’t those adults see this simple fact?

Here’s an adult who “gets” it – and the kids, whose actions and words were the catalyst:

Woman in IL, “Although I receive regular emails about numerous animal rights causes, S.1176/H.R. I am deeply moved by the recent actions of a young, idealistic boy named Declan Gregg who is actively seeking support for 2966….I want to encourage Declan and the many other kids who still believe that together we can make a difference….Declan is taking actions that I want to do myself but don’t because I get sidetracked by other superficial issues.”

Sample 4 H Thank You Letters

A majority of people in this country get it, along with the woman in Illinois. The question is whether our Congress representatives will get it.

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As cliche as it sounds, our children are our future. Do we want them to engage in processes (political and otherwise) that affect all our lives – unprepared, apathetic and unable to think critically? Or do we want them to grow up to be strong, decisive individuals, able to influence positive change through meaningful thought and action?

Here is the newspaper article in Foster’s Daily Democrat today. It’s on the front page!! I will not give up fighting for our horses and I hope you won’t either! ~ Declan

EJ Hersom/Staff photographer Declan Gregg reacts to feeding a horse at the New Hampshire Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

GREENLAND – Nine-year-old Declan Gregg is on a mission to save as many horses as possible from reaching the slaughterhouse.

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Devano Mahardika

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