Sample Fulbright Affiliation Letters

Sample Fulbright Affiliation Letters – ) invites authors to submit original research manuscripts on relevant contemporary issues in international affairs. Proposals from the fields of international relations, political science, area studies, development studies, and international history and related fields will all be considered. Articles may take either a theoretical or policy-oriented approach. We are now accepting submissions for our May 2016 issue.

Is the only peer-reviewed journal of global affairs at the University of Oxford. Founded in 2005 by graduate students of St Antony’s College

Sample Fulbright Affiliation Letters

Sample Fulbright Affiliation Letters

Has created a unique space for research on contemporary global issues, as a multi-disciplinary gateway to research on contemporary global issues, providing a forum where emerging scholars can publish their work alongside established academics and policymakers. Notable past contributors include John Baylis, Valerie J. Bunce, Robert O. Keohane, James N. Rosenau, and Alfred Stepan.

Application For The Fulbright Scholar Program

Half of each issue is devoted to a special topic of contemporary importance. Authors should therefore refer to the Calls for Papers available at to determine whether their specific areas are covered by upcoming special topics. All articles that do not fit the specific future topics should be sent to the General Section.

Will include manuscripts containing original, previously unpublished material of approximately 6,000 words (including endnotes with full bibliographic information). Authors are required to include a word count and an abstract of no more than 300 words. Responses are sent to external reviewers for comment. Decisions are usually expected within three months. Future authors should follow the referencing guidelines for ‘humanity flare’ mentioned therein

Edition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003). For more information on referencing, manuscript preparation, and annotation, please refer to “Notes for Contributors”.

Research Days 2016 A Showcase of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Endeavor March 29 and 30 Call for Abstracts

How To Apply

Research Days GW invites undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral students to showcase their work and compete for prize money at the 21st Annual Research Days.

This annual event is dedicated to highlighting the breadth of research and discovery on important disciplinary, multidisciplinary and global issues being conducted at GW through poster sessions, presentations, guest speakers.

The US International Council on Disabilities (USICD) is seeking talented US citizen graduate students, recent graduates, and college juniors and seniors with disabilities to come to Washington, DC, for an exciting nine-week internship program. You will receive a week of training and orientation, followed by an eight-week internship at an international organization in the Washington, DC area. We pay for your expenses, including reimbursement for your travel to and from DC (US destinations only), accessible housing during the program, and a stipend that covers food, office travel and incidentals. ask for.

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Sample Fulbright Affiliation Letters

The United States International Council on Disabilities (USICD) launched its internship program in 2013. The program focuses on young US citizens with disabilities who intend to pursue careers in international development or foreign affairs. In its first three years, the program has placed 21 interns from 16 international organizations in the DC area.

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It is expected that this year’s program will last from May 29 to July 30, 2016. These dates may change.

USICD works to promote the rights and full inclusion of persons with disabilities through global engagement and US foreign affairs. Learn more about our work at

Who’s Eligible: Graduate students and recent graduates from universities in the United States, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland, Turkey, and Ukraine

Join the Program on International and Comparative Law as they host a meeting for the International Law Advisory Committee. The meeting will discuss many current international legal issues, including the development of non-legal norms and instruments, the International Criminal Court and the “crime of aggression”, and the ICRC’s upcoming Commentaries on the Geneva Conventions.

Fulbright Scholar Program Opportunities

Calling all George Washington University students interested in international affairs and international business! The Hansen Summer Institute, located at the University of San Diego (USD) School of Leadership and Educational Sciences (SOLES), is a unique leadership experience and program in international collaboration. For three weeks in July 2016, five American boys and men will join fifteen hand-selected students from a variety of developing countries and areas of social conflict.

Eligible American students will receive an award of $1000.00, with round trip ticket from their hometown. Get paid to learn! This all-expenses-paid, life-changing program lets you experience the world without leaving the United States. Students live on the USD campus, study together, work together, and develop friendships to last a lifetime. You’ll learn leadership, public speaking, negotiation, conflict resolution, and cross-cultural management skills hands-on—on instruction from real-world faculty and experts.

In addition to classroom instruction, American students serve as ambassadors to introduce our international peers to cultural events, including the Fourth of July parade in Coronado, horseback riding on the beach, Sea World, and a harbor cruise.

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Sample Fulbright Affiliation Letters

In addition to building a “leadership tool” to solve conflicts and create a better future, Hansen Fellows have the option of becoming social entrepreneurs. The Institute hosts a three-day International Social Entrepreneurship Workshop. Managers, Coaches and Entrepreneurs help students prepare their ideas for investment. Hansen Fellows will help decide which ideas receive awards.

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The Fred J. Hansen Foundation has generously provided all funding for tuition, room and board, cultural tours, round trip costs and a $1,000 award for completing the program.

The friendships you make, the experiences you have and the knowledge you gain will help you better understand our world through the extraordinary people who participate in this program. You will learn skills to apply in your everyday life, and create “renewable capital” to help advance your career.

Don’t just take our word for it, check out the videos on our website ( to see what our participants have to say about the program. You can apply for summer 2016 on the same website. US applications are due on February 15, 2016.

Rumi Forum , Washington DC is organizing the 2015 Hizmet Essay Contest in collaboration with Hizmet Studies Review, based at KU Leuven University in Belgium. The theme of the 2015 Hizmet Essay Contest is:

Scholarship, Fellowship, Research, And Conference Opportunities

The Hizmet Essay Contest is an annual contest series that encourages research on the Hizmet movement as well as the works of Turkish Islamic scholar Fethullah Gulen. The purpose of the competition is to encourage people to think critically about issues that affect the international community and how to solve these important problems from a Hizmet perspective. People research the various activities of Fethullah Gulen and the activities of Hizmet organizations at home and abroad, with the aim of understanding how the Hizmet movement contributes to solving a particular problem on an individual, social and global level.

The Hizmet movement, which takes its name from the word “service”, has established hundreds of organizations and educational institutions, civil services in more than 160 countries, which are active in the fields of peace building, conflict resolution, intercultural-religious dialogue, and education. media and aid work. These organizations and institutions engage in a range of initiatives that drive inclusion, build community capacity, and create common spaces.

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Individuals are asked to evaluate the social impact of the activities of the Hizmet movement and the ideas of Fethullah Gulen and how those ideas and actions can be used in the context of confronting violent extremism at the local, national and international levels.

Sample Fulbright Affiliation Letters

1. Case Studies: Using this approach the competitor looks for a very specific case study which can be a country study or a regional study (ie USA, Europe, Middle East, South Asia, Africa, Australia, Turkey etc.) Identify and identify Hizmet’s initiatives. Analyze various contributions in the fields of peace building, interfaith and intercultural dialogue, education and aid work in that particular country/region and how those contributions have helped to counter violent extremism and radicalization.

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2. Theoretical focus: How the teachings and writings of Fethullah Gulen laid the foundation for the initiatives of the Hizmet Movement and therefore contribute to the solution of the problem of radicalization and extreme extremism. The situations used in the articles on this category can be hypothetical and do not necessarily apply to a specific country/region.

*The article should be less than 3000 and more than 4000 words. (References and bibliography are in word count).

* One entry per person. Articles must be submitted by February 1, 2016, no later than 11:59 PM, Eastern Standard Time. (The organizers have the right to change the time of the competition).

*The article must be the original work of the participants and must be owned by the participants. Plagiarism will result in disqualification. The article must not infringe the rights of a third party or the intellectual property of any person, company, or organization. By submitting an entry for this Contest, the entrant agrees to hold the organizers harmless from any claims, demands, judgments, or other claims arising from possible infringement of trademark, copyright, or other legally protected interests in any way contained in the entrant’s entry. it happens, pay the price.

Pomona College Fulbright Handbook. Table Of Contents

* Winners will be notified by email by April 30, 2016. Rumi Forum reserves the right to change the date of publication.

* Participants must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program that awards Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate degrees. Both full-time and part-time students can apply.

* Successful essays

Sample Fulbright Affiliation Letters

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