Sample Kairos Retreat Letters

Sample Kairos Retreat Letters – As an intern for PAHRC, I was tasked with processing a collection entitled, John Gilmary Shea Correspondence, 1836-1891 (MC 51). John Gilmary Shea was not only a writer, editor and lawyer, Shea was considered the leading American Catholic historian of his time.

Shea was only 14 years old when he published his first article, a short essay on Cardinal Albornoz in

Sample Kairos Retreat Letters

Sample Kairos Retreat Letters

. It was not until the 1850s that Shea really began his work in American Catholic history. Between 1852 and 1855, Shea published several critically acclaimed scientific papers:

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Shea was very passionate about his life as a scholar; so much so that in the next four decades he published two hundred and fifty articles and books. His magnum opus was a four-volume series titled,

, published between 1886 and 1892. With all of Shea’s publications over the decade, it is reasonable to assume that he relied on his extensive network of personal and professional relationships to obtain the relevant information needed for his extensive scholarly works. The Shea Collection of Correspondence, which I processed in the late fall of 2012, provides a unique perspective and reveals Shea’s activities as a writer, researcher, historian, and friend.

On my first inspection of the collection, I discovered that most of the correspondence was crammed into dilapidated archival folders and boxes – a preservation nightmare. I was lucky enough to find one positive quality in the collection; it is previously processed at the subject level which may prove useful to researchers.

After discussing an appropriate processing plan with Faith Charlton, then PAHRC’s Archivist for Reference and Technical Services, we devised a plan that included: keeping item-level correspondence intact while updating correspondent names in the Library of Congress Name Authorization File (NAF); as well as their religious order (where applicable); performing basic conservation such as repositioning and removal of rubber bands / staples / staples; and creating a finding aid in the Archivists’ Toolkit. The most challenging aspect of processing the collection arose from the fact that Shea had a significant amount of personal correspondence; the collection is housed in approximately seven boxes.

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The bulk of the collection consists of incoming correspondence. Some of the larger files with twenty or more letters are from famous people who helped Shay during his scientific years.

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For example, the collection contains a large file of correspondence between Oscar Wilkes Collet, writer, scholar and member of the Missouri Historical Society. Here is a postcard Shea received asking for help locating research material.

Another notable correspondent was John Wesley Powell. Powell was an American soldier, geologist, explorer of the American West, and director of the Smithsonian Institution’s Bureau of Ethnology.

Sample Kairos Retreat Letters

Letter written by John Wesley Powell, US Department of the Interior geologist, October 27, 1876, requesting Shea’s scientific assistance.

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A typed letter composed in 1891 by Archbishop Michael Augustine Corrigan asking Shea to clarify the source of the claim that there were large defections in the Catholic Church in America.

Other large correspondence files contain letters from Archbishop James Roosevelt Bailey, James Cardinal Gibbons, Peter DeSmet, John Ward Dean, Edmond Malet, and Eugene Vetromil.

The collection is open to researchers. Help for finding the PDF can be found here. PAHRC also has an original finding aid with item-level information that includes specific dates. If you would like to view the original finding aid or one of our other collections, you can make an appointment to visit PAHRC or email us at [email protected].

American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia. (1897). Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia Vol. VIII no. 1. Philadelphia: The Society.

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American Catholic History Archbishop James Roosevelt Bayley Archbishop Michael Augustine Corrigan Catholic Church in America Correspondence Historian James Cardinal Gibbons John Gilmary Shea John Wesley Powell Native Americans Oscar Wilkes Collet Peter DeSmet You must comfort him with the inspiring words he will soon begin his journey on God’s path. This sample letter encourages a person seeking salvation in a Catholic way.

The words used in this letter are quite inspiring. It will definitely ignite the mind and soul of a person who wants to surrender completely to God. This letter format will make a person a firm believer in the Catholic way of serving God.

This letter is to encourage you on your Catholic retreat. I want to start by saying how proud I am of you for taking the initiative to be on this divine Catholic retreat. Putting God first takes a lot of courage and strength. I am so happy that you have shown so much courage and strength at your young age to overcome the negativity that comes your way,

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Sample Kairos Retreat Letters

I am writing this letter to bring many emotions into my heart. I hope you feel this Catholic retreat with love and joy. I hope this Catholic retreat is just the beginning of a journey with God and your soul and eternal friendship with people who share the same spiritual needs and interests. I am proud of you. Believe in yourself, you have the power to do it.

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Finally, I would like to encourage you by saying that what you have decided to do is a great choice. It will bring you closer to God and your soul. You will feel good and spiritual.

For any need, don’t hesitate to contact me, I’m always there for you, just call me whenever you need me. You can contact me at [insert phone number] or by mail at [insert email address].

I am writing this letter to encourage you in the Catholic retreat. As you have made the decision to be a Catholic center, I feel so proud of you. To walk with God on this path, you must muster a lot of courage and strength.

I cannot express the joy within me that at this stage of your life you have decided to choose the appropriate way to live a peaceful life without any negative thoughts in it. You have shown yourself to be the right person by making the decision to join the Catholic retreat.

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I became so emotional after hearing the news that I cannot help writing this letter. This Catholic sanctuary is sure to bring not only love and joy but also peace into your life. Finally, you are considering starting a new life path with God. Without any doubt, you will be able to find true friends of your soul in this Catholic shelter.

You will have the opportunity to meet such people who have the same thoughts as you. I know you have a deep faith in God. You have the strength for this. Don’t worry about anything.

Finally, I would like to inspire you by saying that choosing to do this is a great choice. It will give you incredible spiritual satisfaction and mental strength.

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Sample Kairos Retreat Letters

Don’t be shy to contact me and ask for any help at any point in your journey. I will be happy to help you in any way possible. You can contact me at (insert your 10-digit mobile phone number) or you can email me at (insert your email address).

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With this letter, I inform you that not only I but also my family members are very happy for you. I wish I could be there to encourage you on your Catholic retreat. I think God is planning something special for you in this Catholic retreat. To journey with God you will need an abundance of patience and spiritual knowledge.

We are all extremely glad to know that you will prove yourself as a calm and spiritual person in these years.

After receiving the news, we became very excited to write you this letter. You will have a great time with your soul and God without a doubt. This spiritual journey will bring happiness into your life.

You will be in contact with many unknown people who are going through the same phase. I believe in you, and you believe in God very much. By this faith, you can surely do it.

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Finally, I would like to motivate you by saying that by choosing this path of God, you are making the most precious decision of your life. This opportunity will lead your soul to God. You can experience true peace in your life without any negativity in it.

For any help, you can contact me at any stage of your spiritual journey. Having the opportunity to help you in this holy occasion, I will feel blessed by God. I will be available at (insert your 10 digit mobile phone number) and you can email me at (insert your email address).

Marketing | Branding | Blogging. These three words describe me in the best way. I am a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. Helping startups/IT companies/and small businesses to grow their business through branding and marketing ideas. About the mission to help small businesses become a brand. A letter of encouragement for a spiritual retreat is a letter that can be used to recommend a spiritual retreat to someone who is struggling. The

Sample Kairos Retreat Letters

Devano Mahardika

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