Sea Duck 5 Letters

Sea Duck 5 Letters – A young, male garganey — a small duck native to Eurasia — has landed at Waller Park in Santa Maria and is attracting birders across the state. The duck is described as a code 4 on the rarity scale of the American Bird Association.

The little duck, which is rare in Waller Park, is much smaller than the mallard.

Sea Duck 5 Letters

Sea Duck 5 Letters

One of the best times to see the little mallard duck at Waller Park in Santa Maria is at sunrise.

Black Scoter Habitat Use Along The Southeastern Coast Of The United States

A young male garganey is causing a stir at Waller Park in Santa Maria after the rare bird was spotted by local birders on Sunday, Nov. 26.

Dozens of birders from across the state are flocking to Waller Park in Santa Maria to catch a glimpse of a rare bird, the lesser Eurasian duck.

A young, male gargany was spotted on Sunday, November 26 by local birders Jamie Chavez and Mark Holmgren and immediately reported to the Santa Barbara County Birding Forum  [email protected]. Since then, birders have driven the bird as far away as San Diego to photograph it and add it to the life list.

The garganey is about 6 to 8 inches smaller than a female mallard, so it’s easy to spot when a visitor can find it among the park’s 100 or so geese and ducks. Because it is so small, the garganey is often hidden by larger ducks. In the morning he prefers to feed in safe numbers on the lawn with other ducks, and in the afternoon the duck is seen sleeping on the island.

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This species breeds from Great Britain and France to Central and Eastern Europe and Russia. They are regular migrants in the Aleutians and other Alaskan islands, but are occasional, meaning they do not appear annually elsewhere in North America.

The garganey is classified as Code 4 on the American Bird Association rarity scale. Codes range from 1 to 2 (occurring regularly) to code 5 (species listed five or fewer times on the American Bird Association’s checklist). Code 6 indicates that the species is extinct or extirpated from the area.

A male garganey visiting Waller Park is believed to be lost or escaped, but the American Bird Association will determine this. Different species of birds behave very differently as patients. I recently wrote about the American black duck being the worst patient we have ever had. Now I’m writing about one of our best-behaved patients, the Black Sea Duck…

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Sea Duck 5 Letters

Scoters are black sea ducks that winter in the coastal waters around Cape Cod. They feed mainly on molluscs (especially clams and mussels) and crustaceans. There are three types of scooters available in North America; Black scooters, surf scooters and white wing scooters. Men’s orange bucks are great, especially the Surf Scoter.

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A male white-winged scoter was retrieved from Brewster Beach in mid-February. He was hypothermic, weak, wet and dirty. A large section of skin was torn from under his wing, exposing bone, ligaments and tendons. The wound was very fresh. It was a strange wound; very clean with no visible punctures. X-rays showed nothing significant. A large open wound on his elbow made treatment a bit difficult, so we consulted vet Dr. Louise Morgan. He examined the bird and decided not to sew in such an active area where the skin is constantly stretched. The stitches probably won’t hold. Instead, we treat the wound with fresh turmeric and Manuka honey every 2 days and administer antibiotics.

We had to remove the bandage, clean the wound, reapply the bandage and wrap the wing on this poor duck at least every other day. He was very “good” because Scotters turn into opossums when they feel threatened. They open their mouths and make a sort of grunt when you approach them, but when you pick them up, they go limp and seem dead. Sometimes their heads hang down when held. We would put him on his back, treat his wound and turn him over. It was easy to remove him from our ponds, he would dive under the water and swim into our net, then jump into his box that he had prepared for the night. He had a great appetite and (considering he was a duck) kept a very tidy box. We could easily keep him flapping his wings for flight therapy and I don’t recall him biting anyone.

The wound healed like a bird’s skin. Skin fills out without scarring, feathers grow in the right places, all pointing in the right direction. It never ceases to amaze us.

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Scoter rehabilitation includes; wound care, swimming time, physical therapy, lots of eggs, krill, oyster shells and fish. He was finally ready to be released in time to move to Northwest Canada.

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If you are suffering from an animal, please call us at: 508-240-2255 Our hotline and facility is open EVERY DAY from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We are located on the Orléans roundabout (Eastham side).

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Sea Duck 5 Letters

Wild Care has a state-of-the-art seabird therapy pool that allows seabirds and waterfowl to exercise in running water. This will help our bird friends recover faster so they can return to their aquatic habitats! State Fish and Game has set final season dates and bag limits for the 2022-23 waterfowl hunting season. (FISH AND GAME DICTIONARY)

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CONCORD — The New Hampshire Department of Fish and Game has set final season dates and bag limits for the 2022-23 waterfowl hunting season after reviewing comments from the sporting community.

The regular duck season lasts 60 days, with a bag limit of six birds per day. The regular Canada goose season lasts 60 days, with two birds in the daily bag. For season dates, bag limits and a map of waterfowl zones, visit

• Inland and Connecticut River waterfowl season opens Oct. 4 and runs through Nov. 6 and then reopens Nov. 23 through Dec. 18.

• Coastal waterfowl season opens Oct. 5 and runs through Oct. 11, then reopens Nov. 23 through Jan. 14.

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The special sea duck season was suspended and the bag limit was reduced due to overharvesting. Sea ducks will now be part of the total duck bag and have a four bag limit and a possession limit of 12. In the general duck bag, sea ducks are limited as follows: no more than three Scoters, three long-tailed. duck or three eiders (one of them can be a chicken). Beach season dates have been adjusted accordingly. For more information, visit

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The two hooded merganser species limit per day has been removed, so five hooded mergansers can be harvested per day. To hunt migratory birds, residents of the Granite State must hold a New Hampshire permanent hunting, combination or rifle license. All non-residents must hold a New Hampshire regular hunting, combination, archery or small game license.

A license is not required for youth hunters under the age of 16. However, youth must be accompanied by an adult 18 or older with an appropriate license. In addition, duck and goose hunters 16 and older must have: N.H. migratory waterfowl license; National Migratory Bird Harvest Information or “HIP” certificate number for hunting ducks, geese, grouse and hogs; and a federal duck seal with the hunter’s name on the face.

Sea Duck 5 Letters

A federal duck stamp can be purchased at most U.S. post offices, Fish and Game headquarters in Concord, or the department’s Region 2 office in New Hampton.

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HIP permit numbers can be obtained by calling 1-800-207-6183 or by visiting the Fish and Game website at under the “Purchase Your License Online” section (no charge ). This number must be written on your valid New Hampshire hunting license. Harvest data from the HIP helps Fish and Game and the US Fish and Wildlife Service more reliably estimate the number of all migratory birds harvested. Each year, a random sample of hunters is asked to complete a voluntary harvest survey.

Hunters are asked to report all banded birds at Please note that reporting by phone (1-800-327-BAND) has been discontinued. After you report the group, the USGS will send a certificate with the bird’s information.

Hunters should be careful when field dressing ducks this fall because birds may be infected with avian influenza (AI). For more information, visit “Hunters – Protect Your Poultry and Pet Birds from Avian Influenza (”

For more information on New Hampshire waterfowl hunting, including a guide to duck identification, or to purchase Little Baby Bum

Devano Mahardika

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