Skagit Valley Herald Letters To The Editor

Skagit Valley Herald Letters To The Editor – I support Clyde Shavers for state representative for District 10. I know Clyde and his values, and his values ​​align with mine and, I believe, the people of the district.

Clyde is a Navy veteran and graduate of Yale Law School. His details speak for themselves. He is passionate about his community, supporting quality education for all children in the region. He supports public safety and adequate funding for the police. Many of his family members have supported the military and law enforcement.

Skagit Valley Herald Letters To The Editor

Skagit Valley Herald Letters To The Editor

To protect our unique environment here in Western Washington, it is important to think long term. Clyde understands the importance of creating sustainable fisheries and agriculture and protecting the unique beauty of Snohomish, Island and Skagit counties. This helps support small businesses and tourism.

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The saying goes that women hold up half the sky. Clyde supports women’s rights to quality and private health care. She supports a woman’s rights to all forms of reproductive care and her right to choose the right course of care for herself and her family.

Clyde is an advocate for making the district a safe, beautiful community with good education for children and opportunities for all.

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An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the email address listed in your account. Jess del Bosque, high school coach and international coach for more than 30 years, represents the image at the base of his names. route Wednesday in Mount Vernon. The longtime coach at Mount Vernon High School ran the track during high school and used it as homework for the school during practice.

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A sign pointing to the Coach del Bosque Trail on Wednesday at the Skagit Valley Playfields in Mount Vernon.

MOUNT VERNON – Jess del Bosque left a legacy from her 50 years of teaching and coaching at Mount Vernon High School.

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The high school’s cross country track at Skagit Valley Playfields will be dedicated as a tribute to del Bosque at 10 a.m. Saturday. The event is open to the public.

Skagit Valley Herald Letters To The Editor

“This is really good,” del Bosque said on Wednesday as he stood on the part of the track that bears his name. “I have never dreamed of something like this. It is a great honor for me and my family. All the children who passed through here including mine and many of my relatives. It’s really cool.”

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Del Bosque, who retired in 2018, and his wife Barbara have two children, Kevin del Bosque and Lisa LaRocque, and six grandchildren.

A sign announcing the new trail name is located in the southwest corner of the playground. It chronicles the 76-year-old del Bosque’s journey from Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, to his decades in the Skagit Valley where he spent teaching Spanish and driver education, and coaching cross country and track and field.

“It was better, more than I expected,” del Bosque said of the sign. “It hit me hard when I saw it on the road. This sign is very good. “

Mount Vernon Athletic Director Jordan Sneva and Teresa Thomas, who has taught at the high school for 20 years, pushed hard to have the track named after del Bosque.

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“It’s really worth it,” said Sneva. “He (del Bosque) means a lot to many. I’m excited to see this happen and I’m excited to be a part of it.”

Skagit Valley Playfields and trails are owned by Skagit Valley College, but maintained by Skagit County.

He took Sneva and Thomas’ petition to the Skagit County Board of Commissioners, which approved a resolution naming the trail in del Bosque’s honor.

Skagit Valley Herald Letters To The Editor

“We listened to the proposal with my Parks Advisory Board,” Adams said. “It was an easy decision to make because he has history and is a legend.

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“There is a process and it is rare to see this. It doesn’t happen very often. But I think everyone on my board knew who Jess del Bosque was. “

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“Jordan really forced this,” he said. “He ran across the country and followed me for four years. And I’m very grateful to the parks department for deciding to do this.”

The track is not only where del Bosque’s cross country teams run for their home meets, but also hosts many district, conference and regional races.

“In the early 60s, I ran for Burlington-Edison,” del Bosque said. “We are in charge of the league and the village and we meet here. I didn’t even know the college existed or the trails when I started running.

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“So when I started coaching, I moved our courses here because we used to run on the streets and it wasn’t a good course.

“The children loved the lessons,” he said. “It has a little bit of everything. Routes, up, down. It’s just a beautiful place.”

Having his name included in this track is an honor for someone who has spent many years at the same school.

Skagit Valley Herald Letters To The Editor

“I taught for 30 years and I retired,” del Bosque said. “My wife then told me that I should find something to do, so I followed (as a teacher) and coached.”

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During his coaching career, his boys and girls teams won 17 district titles and eight Northwest Conference championships. His runners competed in the state meet 18 times as a team or individually.

“I started coaching because I loved running and I wanted children to enjoy running,” said del Bosque. “It was very rewarding. I’ve coached a lot of top kids and a lot of top athletes. And I like cross country because everyone runs the same distance whether it’s slow or fast. It makes no difference.

“It’s great to know that I was able to make the children feel good and have a good experience. I never ask my runners to do anything I can’t do myself. So I ran with my children. ‘Just don’t let me hit you,’ I told them. But it was fun to run with the kids.”

Naturally, del Bosque wants the route to draw in those of all ages to walk, run or enjoy the area along its length.

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Del Bosque still runs 6 to 8 kilometers a day five days a week and is a member of the Silver Striders, a running group for those – as del Bosque puts it – with silver hair. He also wants to enter many more races before he calls it a career.

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“Coming here, this is just a beautiful place and it holds a lot of memories,” he said of the trail. “I feel honored to have my name.”

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Skagit Valley Herald Letters To The Editor

An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the email address listed in your account. The state Department of Health reported 164 new cases of COVID-19 in Skagit County in the five days from July 3 to July. 7.

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The 164 new cases are the lowest in a five-day period, Sunday to Thursday as 159 were recorded from May 29 to June 2.

Between the period of May 29 to June 2 and this latest period of Sunday to Thursday, the region had an average of 185.5 new cases.

The 164 cases represent a decrease of nine cases from the 173 new cases reported in the previous five days, from Sunday to Thursday, and are significantly less than the 1,159 recorded in January.

This latest period from Sunday to Thursday marked the 11th consecutive time the number of new cases reached triple digits.

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From July 3 to July 7, there were no new cases of COVID-19 and 12 new hospitalizations in Skagit County, according to the state Department of Health.

As of July 7, Skagit County has had 216 deaths from COVID-19 and 1,220 hospitalizations since the first case was confirmed here in March 2020.

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Skagit Valley Herald Letters To The Editor

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