The Lost Letters Of Pergamum

The Lost Letters Of Pergamum – In the spirit of embracing what Bookstagram has to offer, I borrowed another book I found on the platform. It was from BookandBriefcase’s post and I decided to read it after she mentioned that the author was a New Testament scholar who used what he knew in the book.

As the title suggests, The Last Letters of Pergamum is an epistolary novel consisting of fictional letters between Luke (the author and physician of the Gospel of Luke) and Antipas (mentioned as a martyr for the church in the Book of Revelation), a respected Roman citizen, who begins to explore this new foreign religion.

The Lost Letters Of Pergamum

The Lost Letters Of Pergamum

It reminded me of Letters from a Skeptic, another book featuring letters from a non-Christian to a Christian (although I think Letters from a Skeptic is nonfiction). It is easier to read a book where two people share their doubts and answers to Christianity than to read a book on apologetics. In that sense, I thought it would be a great book to learn not only about the early church, but also about the foundations of the Christian faith.

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But while it’s an easy read and more entertaining than a pure apologetics book, please don’t read it expecting Ben Hur-level drama. There is discussion (and action) about martyrdom, but most of the book is about two men talking about the Gospel of Luke and their responses to Christian faith and life.

And if you’re interested in how reliable the information in this book is, the author also includes an appendix for each chapter that lists what is completely fictional, what is speculative, and what can be defended as historical. If you are wondering if the mentioned person is real, you can find out here.

Overall, I found it a quick and enjoyable read. I’m familiar with the basics of Christian theology, and I really appreciated learning more about the world of the early church and the challenges they faced – it may have been almost two thousand years ago, but in many ways, it feels like this. Even for our modern world. A great modern name that comes to mind when talking about faith and God is Professor Bruce W. Langenecker. This name stands large, invincible and unquestioned in the golden pages of Western Christianity, reflecting the hearts and minds of the people of their time. He devoted himself to the understanding and understanding of man’s salvation from his helpless plight.

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His observation and interpretation of human motives and emotions, their comprehensive analyzes of will and thought in their interaction, and their profound explorations of the inner nature of the human self, establish one of the major traditions in the Lost Letters of Pergamum.

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Professor Bruce W. Langenecker concludes that it is possible to deviate from the scholarly consensus for biblical reading. This book endeavors to explain and justify the manifest existence of an omnipotent and omnipresent power, far superior to mortal imagination; A power that the common man calls God.

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The author aspires to save Christianity from heresies and pagan offenses, and especially to restore and exalt the faithful hearing of the gospel of man’s absolute needs and God’s abundant grace. His historical novel reveals a good deal about the New Testament world and the time of Jesus. Longenecker, a professor of New Testament studies at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, has written a persuasive chronicle of the New Testament and Christ.

The Lost Letters Of Pergamum

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Even today, in the important theological revival of our own time, the influence of the Lost Letters of Pergamum is one of the most powerful and productive impulses at work. The author is never averse to celebrating God’s abundant grace and mercy, but is also thoroughly convinced that the vast majority of mankind have fallen under a just and terrible curse. He never denied the reality of human freedom, but never excused human irresponsibility before God, emphasizing both double predestination and irresistible grace.

An essentially conservative intellectual, the author transformed the patristic tradition into a new model in which European Christianity was molded. He sees himself as the savior of the Church rather than the Church’s faith, doctrines and ideas. The author presents the sovereign God of mercy and God’s sovereign grace as his central theme. Luke the Evangelist is one of the very few great figures whose influence cannot be ignored in any estimate of Western civilization, or on concepts of good and evil without impoverishment and poverty of one’s historical and religious understanding.

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He deliberately reworked the religious philosophy of the Greco-Roman world into a new apologetic use in maintaining the meaning of Christian revelation. Central to his views and motives were the sacred texts that guided his heart and mind in the directions of religious authority. Although Longenecker largely doubted the human race’s ability to live a sinless life, his writing suggests a higher standard of living that he hoped and aspired to make this possible.

The medium Longenecker uses to deliver his message is a sequence of interactions between two biblical characters, Antipas and Luke the Evangelist. The great Bible believes and tries to explain the fact that all we have is again a gift from the almighty and we should share it with people in times of need and trouble so that we can return our ability to the Lord. the best We conclude that we understand the reality for others when Jesus explains in the letter: “On the first day of each week, each of you should set aside money according to his income” (1 Corinthians 16:2).

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And again, “Each man should give as he has resolved in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). The book, that is, clearly represents the thoughts and opinions of the great author. From this book, the common man gets the conclusion of the ever-existing and eternal undoubted truth about the manifest existence of an omnipotent and omnipresent power, far superior to mortal imagination, called God.

A series of letters exchanged between two biblical characters, Antipas and Luke the Evangelist, convinces every Christian to consider it a personal responsibility to help his fellow poor Christian brothers and sisters and also to do his best to help the poor and needy. To eliminate social and economic hardship and inequality and exploitation from society. All religions believe that serving humanity is the best service to the Almighty and that God is One. The writer also perceives God as an ocean of infinite forgiveness.

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He believes that the Lord is constantly warning man to remind him of his duties and responsibilities: to seek salvation and follow the good path. Although in different forms and times, this book teaches the present generation to follow the same lesson; A lesson in the universal, eternal, ever-present truth of God’s power to redeem and His forgiveness. Perhaps Longenecker’s best work, The Lost Letters of Pergamum; The apocalyptic live-action graphic novel is a subversive, darkly satirical update of the original literary classic.

The Lost Letters Of Pergamum

It takes readers on a tour of what the modern world looks like. The author believes that there is no rational process for judging the actions of others apart from one’s personal reason. Reason, therefore, he held to be the most important of human virtues, which could never be corrupted by the desires of evil or by the sinful impulses of others. In his book, Langenecker says that if love for God directs one’s aspirations, there will no longer be any fear in the breast from oneself or from others.

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At the peak of man’s prosperity, man should not dance to the tunes of pride and insult her, and when a man fails or is in trouble, he should not curse her, but patiently pray for her return. He believes that God watches everything man does very closely. Antipas, too, was thanking his gracious God for all the gifts and joys showered upon him, but he knew very well that these were short-lived. In the Last Letters of Pergamum salvation is not about transcending individuality or self-esteem; The character remains a flawed humble creature, the only anomaly being that it is no longer separated from God.

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Devano Mahardika

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