Tweak Crossword Clue 6 Letters

Tweak Crossword Clue 6 Letters – Very excited in modern language / FRI 1-21-22 / Sister Outsider Essayist / Poet / Hearing old-fashioned confessions and pardons / The last letter of a food brand is its company’s ticker symbol / Rosemary Harris, Sally’s comic character Field and Marisa Tomei / Once a member of the Big Four in the recording industry

Word of the Day: AUDRE LORDE (11D: “Sister Outsider” Essayist/Poet) — Audre Lorde (/ˈɔː d r i l ɔːr d / ; born Audrey Geraldine Lorde; 18 February 1934 – 17 November 1992) Yes American author, feminist, feminist, librarian and civil rights activist. A self-described “black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet,” she “dedicated her life and her creativity to confronting and addressing the injustices of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia. “As a poet, she is known for her technical proficiency and emotional expression, and her poetry expresses anger and indignation at the civic and social injustices she observed throughout her life. As a speaking word artist, her work has been described by the Poetry Foundation as powerful, melodic and intense. Her poetry and essays address issues related to civil rights, feminism, lesbianism, disease and disability, and explorations of black female identity.

Tweak Crossword Clue 6 Letters

Tweak Crossword Clue 6 Letters

Honestly, I don’t know how hard this is. It felt like the clue took a lot of effort to be sly and cute and misleading, so I made a lot of confused faces and never really got a good flow…but I never really got into *stuck* stuck, And confused faces usually don’t last more than a few seconds, probably, so who knows? The trail is where most of the entertainment is, as the padding, while solid, doesn’t really go very far from the ground. Lots of common phrases, nothing particularly striking. I was shocked that we somehow got AUDRE LORDE’s full name in the puzzle before finding AUDRE in the puzzle (which seems like a useful five letter answer, all those vowels and the “R” leading) . Thirty years ago, when I was in college, AUDRE LORDE was a household name (or, I guess, “the dorm”), at least among the literary/feminist crowd. I think half of my friends are women’s studies majors and AUDRE LORDE is a staple of the syllabus. So open the doors of AUDRE! why not? She was a very important and influential poet and writer. As I said, the rest of the grid is fine. No real complaints. But my main feeling during the solution was “I had to deal with a lot of tried leads”, not “Wow, what a cool answer!” , Chicago and Los Angeles, in short) and BIRDS (21A: Duck, Duck, Goose, etc.) clues are preying on your longer answer, well then your Friday priorities are a bit different than mine.

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The biggest “Aha!”/”Oh!” problem-solving moment for me was when I finally got the SPECIAL K (39A: food brand whose last letter is its company’s ticker symbol). Parse that is… an event. I had -IALK and thought “Okay, you screwed up again, genius.” Seriously considering pulling AIN’T (37D: “___ She Sweet” by The Beatles) for some weird variant like, I dunno, ARN’T (!?!), but -RALK doesn’t feel any more than -IALK as the end of the answer. Not a huge fan of ticker leads (i.e. not a fan at all) (boring, don’t care), but I do kind of like those parsing surprises when they end up showing up. (Note: If the recent Kellogg strike/boycott was still happening, I wouldn’t give this clue on the time of day – the company that makes Froot LOOPS and other breakfast cereals is still labor-unfriendly).

Why on earth do you think ALIEN is a ? If you’re going to use a lot of ink on your leads, this is a ridiculous place to use it. It’s a sci-fi movie franchise. That’s why it’s famous. Video game stuff…nothing added. Maybe it should make non-gamers think it’s something they don’t know, but voila! ? But it’s weak. Such an odd use of clue space (which is limited since the puzzle still has to fit in the designated space on the newspaper). The only point of ye olde fill is SHROVE, which I get easily (thanks, reading Middle English for years), but it’s probably an odd word for most solvers (25A: hear a pardoned old-fashioned repent). Also, are people still saying TURNT? (43A: very excited in modern terms). I feel like LIT survived the pandemic, but TURNT passed quickly. But that’s never been my slang term, so as far as I can tell, it’s over. That’s the hallmark of very popular slang – it can become ridiculously outdated very quickly. This thread ignores the fact that TURNT is most often used to describe someone (or a party) who is severely under the influence of alcohol/drugs. “Extremely excited” means something, but only indirectly.

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I had ACTS (22A: regular parts) before BITS, ALMAY(?) before ARDEN (38A: big name in cosmetics), and… well, I didn’t write SWIT or ALDA, but these are the only four Every letter “M*A*S*H” actor’s name I could come up with until I got the “F” for FARR (I FARR – got FARR). Never heard of ADA Twist, so the ADA/ATOP/is-it-YIKES-or-is-it-YIPES part is a short adventure, but only briefly. Not sure what to explain, clue wise. Black holes have a strong gravitational “pull”, you might see bears on a camping trip, so BEAR CLAW is suitable for such activities, AMY Tan is [Tan wrote the book], AUNT MAY is Peter Parker aka Spider-Man (38D: Comic book movie characters played by Rosemary Harris, Sally Field and Marisa Tomei), “Kid” is a slaughtered baby goat so you can have soft SUEDE shoes (20A: kids in expensive shoes?)…yes , should do so. Oh, BRACE is [Pair] — just a fancy half-past word for a set of two. I’ve never seen it, but I know. While most of you know it too, I’m sure it’s a new word to people out there. That’s all for me today. See you tomorrow. A life skill is a technique that makes everyday tasks easier or more efficient. The term was coined by journalist Danny O’Brien in 2004 to describe the less elegant shortcuts used by IT professionals.

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Tweak Crossword Clue 6 Letters

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