Vancouver Sun Letters To The Editor

Vancouver Sun Letters To The Editor – It’s not that I have pandemic fatigue. I don’t really, which makes me lucky, I guess, but then I’ve tried my best to follow the ever-moving goalposts of the COVID protocol because there’s a better interest in the collective rules, and I get that, and I get what you’re trying to do, and that it’s like a hundred cat boys in a hurricane, and I don’t want your job without thanking anyone.

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Vancouver Sun Letters To The Editor

Vancouver Sun Letters To The Editor

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Your Cell Phone Horror Stories In The News

We – and, yes, that’s royal we – are tuning out. I know you don’t want to hear this, but it’s true. One reason, and maybe it’s just the old reporter in me, is because the urgency of daily updates and pre-warnings and real warnings has become overshadowed by a relentless monotony that delivers little more than a hollow guide.

What do the numbers – exposures, outbreaks, cases, deaths, variants – really mean? You have to drill down, so why aren’t we getting specific data that would give the five million of us a better understanding of what we’re dealing with, and what the future holds?

Here’s what I mean – just a few questions that will never be answered, even though I guess they’ve been asked:

1. What is the recovery rate of the thousands who tested positive for COVID in B.C. in the past year? Ninety percent? More? Less? Is the recovery rate getting better, or worse? Do the daily math for us, because it matters.

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2. Who is dying? Literally, though. From the 1, 500-plus or so B.C. deaths (a very sad statistic) attributed to COVID since March 2020, what is the breakdown of those deaths, age, location and pre-existing health condition? Releasing such data does not compromise anyone’s privacy, so why is it a secret? Do you think the more we know the less we take things seriously? I hope not, but as Greta Thunberg would say: “How dare you.”

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3. No one doubts that intensive care units — let alone the people working on the front lines — are stretched. But what does that mean? How many ICU beds are there in B.C.? In Metro Vancouver? What is the current percentage occupied by COVID patients? If hospitals need more help, what are they doing?

4. Why such a mess, registration fiasco and nonsensical eligibility quagmire rolling out the vaccine? Young Whistler yahoos jump the queue for the job by ignoring protocol and super-spreading, but first responders elsewhere in the province have to wait? Websites crash, phone lines jam, vaccines expire, and Astra-Zeneca is no longer good for over 65s. What is the real hell. That last bit is more of an observation than a question.

Vancouver Sun Letters To The Editor

5. How can Canada be 35th in the world for vaccination distribution? How have the UK, and the US, done a great job with much larger populations and much worse death rates? Recently, the pubs opened in Britain. Someone has to do something.

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6. Why do international flights carrying COVID-19 continue to land at YVR daily (India and Pakistan notwithstanding), and why are international travelers allowed to ignore the quarantine protocols in place and those of us on the ground mocking and fad and sanitation from dawn to dusk?

7. Who can keep up with the pretzel logic, and the confusion of COVID? Stay in your neighborhood but hit the park for a 10-person picnic. Pubs and churches are closed but Metrotown and Ikea and the hairdresser are open – and soon B.C. campgrounds. No indoor restaurant, but enclosed patios and B.C. Ferries are fine.

Surely, you can not wonder why you are seeing a fountain of protest and, dare I say it, locked in anger.

At what percentage of vaccination saturation — 50 percent, 75 percent, 100 percent — do we begin to reopen our society, our economy, our businesses, our borders? And what does that look like? How do we handle new variants, or fourth waves?

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Certainly there is a management plan. What is that? Throw us a bone. We are in a holding pattern, with no end in sight, it seems, and no way to survive.

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It boils down to this, for me anyway. I don’t know how worried I should be, because I don’t know enough. And I’m not sure I trust my bosses anymore.

COVID scares me, but more and more, I hear people saying that enough is enough, we will wear a mask and get vaccinated and wash our hands and be careful as much as necessary, but we have to go on with our lives. .

Vancouver Sun Letters To The Editor

Letters to the editor should be sent to sunletters@ . Hardip Johal is the editor of the editorial pages, and can be contacted at [email protected].

White Rock Sun

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Vancouver Sun Letters To The Editor

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Contrary to the stories built by those with more recent agendas, BC’s forestry sector is vital to its economy now and into the future. Most importantly, 340 of BC’s communities and 120 First Nations and organizations depend – to varying degrees – on the success of the sector for their continued sustainability, viability and vitality. Don’t take our word for it; Resource communities have known this core fact for a long time and their voices are being heard in relation to government policies and strategies going forward. And their voice is supported by numerous studies that show how important the forestry sector is to their towns and cities.

Another fact, contrary to the narrative of those fighting against the forestry sector, is the dependence of BC’s Lower Mainland and urban areas on the forestry industry. The number of sawmills, remanufacturing, value-added and distribution facilities is extensive. In fact, a recent study by the Forest Industry Council shows that 19 municipalities in Metro Vancouver are the top recipients of industry supply chain spending. Where do the billions of dollars in benefits come from for all of us? It comes from the most controlled and sustainable forests in the world. It comes from the most independently certified forests in the world. And it only comes from one-third of one percent of the land base being harvested in any given year. That’s great. All of us in the industry will support any measure to make us stronger and more successful together. But here’s the rub: There’s a heavily funded elite, vocal and orchestral, intent on bringing the industry down to earth. In short, there is never a stump

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