Wall Street Letters Crossword

Wall Street Letters Crossword – Hello people! Regular bully Laura is on some sort of secret hunt; Let him, in the words of the creator of this week’s puzzle, not be misled by words that intend to deceive!

So in hopes of doing the same for us this week, we’re looking for three-letter initialisms. Before delving into the puzzle, my mind drifted to Q.E.D. (Quod Erat Demonstrandum), or that which usually appears at the end of a proof (as implied in the title). But I poked around and saw 6 (!) theme entries with just a number in parentheses, which adds quite a bit of complexity to the puzzle:

Wall Street Letters Crossword

Wall Street Letters Crossword

My first guess was that these were clues to other words and that the length of those words was indicated by the number in parentheses (good guess!). The first, if indeed three letters, might just be CAB, but I struggled to be sure of the others. Do toads jump? Can you curse someone with bad luck? And if I was wrong about the word length, words like OAF, ESPY, and THEN/THUS would work for other clues. For an extra level of confirmation, I wondered if maybe these words were hidden in these clues or maybe anagrams of other words in the grid. No.

Crossword Puzzles Galore Now At Wall Street Journal

It wasn’t until I came up with JINX and KLUTZ that I started to notice that none of the letters were repeated in these theme words. When I turned on FROGS, I was left with HDEMPQVWY. From there, I rushed to see my likely answer (QED), the MVP sports award, and why why. So QED was not.

It’s a bit familiar as Matt’s meta device, but unlike my co-blogger June, I have a much more convincing memory of these things. In any case, I enjoyed it, although these words can be somewhat considered “unchecked letters” if one does not know in advance what the meta device is or at least is not sure what purpose the enumerations serve to limit the possible words. Some real hints: Our theme takes phrases that include a word that starts with A followed by a double letter, removes one of the two letters, and splits the word into two. I understand?

In general, I like the wordplay here, but this middle is filled with all kinds of issues, not the least of which is that she seems to enjoy the male perspective. Better not to go there.

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Starting the grid with MUDBATH is nice and you might think of ONE-TWO as TWO to MUDBATH’s ONE. It’s a good start. Elsewhere, I feel like I’ve been seeing a lot of FERRARI lately, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, FRISCO

The Wall Street Journal Premium Sunday Crosswords: 72 Aaa Rated Puzzles (volume 4) (wall Street Journal Crosswords): Shenk, Mike: 9781454929543: Amazon.com: Books

To most San Franciscans, it was considered a bad thing. It seems to be a city that defies nicknames, though “City by the Bay” comes closest.

As I said above, there is good wordplay in this thread, but one entry is problematic in my opinion. Solid filling for the most part as well. 3.5 stars.

I understand what Robin Weintraub was going for here, even if the overall performance mostly left me wanting more:

Wall Street Letters Crossword

This is nothing new – plenty of puzzles have “remove [x] to make the clues make sense”, but it’s usually been so large (every clue says a letter) that it’s a really impressive piece of solving. The W as the letter used is an interesting choice, but it’s used randomly enough that it was more annoying than challenging. There are some major changes – the “AWOL part” (WITHOUT???) becomes the “AOL part” (ah, AMERICA actually fits) – amused me, but there were also hints like “Wedgy” that just don’t read right. W is a tricky letter to sneak through the clues, and that’s what led to this puzzle.

The Crossword: Tuesday, August 9, 2022

I loved this puzzle. The topic is dangerous and look! The moment was very satisfying. I actually said “ohhh” out loud when I got it. Filling is also difficult. I suspect the answer to this will be bimodal – openers either hate it or love it.

I knew there were rebuses from the start because 17a [a fast-growing youth sport] started with FLA and was supposed to be FLAG FOOTBALL, which doesn’t fit. It crosses the 18d [midnight, in some planning apps], for which I had _AM. The blank should be 12 and the clue says “Applications”, which indicates that it will not be Roman numerals, but actual numbers. I finally figured out that a FOOT is 12 INCHES and INCHES make 5d [Sews up] into CLINCHES. ohhh! And wow. So 17a is a FLAG 12 inch ball.

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Here are the answers from another thread, with Peter’s grid, since he shows the rebuses better than I can. You can click Embigen.

I think some people hate this puzzle because the rebuses are difficult to cross. If you don’t care about the theme and work backwards from there, you should know the bridge and classic rock and explore the country road reference. It helps that the first one has the simplest number representation. At least it helped me.

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The only thing in the contents that made me roll my eyes was LOBBY MAN for 6d [certain theatre-goer]. I’ve never heard that in all my years of going to the theater and working backstage. It didn’t detract from my enjoyment because the theme was so good.

What I didn’t know before doing this puzzle: See above re: LOGIA. I also didn’t know the muffuletta contained SALAMI (I knew it was a sandwich).

Today’s topic is somewhat similar to yesterday’s. Yesterday was COLOR + ANIMAL and today is FOOD + USED ITEM. One difference that makes this week’s ending more difficult is that the answers are imaginative, like used items, not food. So, for example, LEMONWEDGES are considered shoes to wear in a car, not accompanied by a drink (which is now illegal here).

Wall Street Letters Crossword

On the other hand, the grid design was more at the beginning of the week. In part, this is due to the fairly conservative wheel design, which has two up and two down thread responses. Typically, this creates the most balanced fill with fewer forced responses. This, along with the mostly one-word long answers, made the whole puzzle game easier. The most confusing was [do the long jump?] for SKYDIVE. How do I meet?? However, the high jump seems more appropriate.

Wsj Contest — Friday, May 6th, 2022

Good day everyone! Welcome to Opening Day of the 2020 Major League Baseball season…in the middle of July, of course.

Today’s grid was dropped from heaven, in the sense that puns were made from common phrases by taking one of the words in the phrases and replacing it with a similar-sounding word that happens to be associated with the name of a known deity. The entry in the middle, GOD MODE, a popular setting used by video gamers among us, acts as a reveal (37A: [Vulnerability achieved by cheat code…and alternate title for this puzzle]).

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The constructor’s note on the website says it was a little harder than usual for Thursday, and for the most part I have to agree. Still, the long non-thematic filler stood out quite well. I’m not sure which baby’s choice would be, but I’m torn between BET AWARDS (9D: [awards Beyoncé has won the most, 31]) and TV TIMEOUT, because I’m sure the phrase abbreviation is in between. There was a great deal of approval (46A: [break in program]). I can’t say I’ve ever had a sugar high on a Halloween night out, but I’m sure I’ve had it a few times when I’ve eaten too many cookies while covering sports in the press box (28A : [felt a buzz on Halloween]). Well, I’m not worried about that right now because I have no idea when I’ll be in the press box eating food again. However that means more time on the SOFA and stuffing my face with snacks (55D: [Netflix and chill spot]).

“Sports Make You Smarter” Moment of the Day: BENJI (15A: [Good Charlotte guitarist Madden ]) – Very sad SWMYS as we use this space to celebrate Benji’s 2012 ESPN documentary about high life and tragic death . High school basketball legend Ben Wilson. In 1984, Wilson was considered the nation’s top prep basketball player at Simeon High School on Chicago’s South Side. On November 20, 1984, Wilson and the mother of his young son were out walking when Wilson accidentally bumped into two people. One of the people who wasn’t with Wilson had a gun, and Wilson was shot twice after the scuffle. Wilson was taken to hospital – initially more than an hour after being wounded – where he died from his injuries the next day. (The attacker was sentenced to 40 years in prison, and the second suspect was sentenced to 30 years).

Ny Times Crossword 1 Jun 22, Wednesday

Devano Mahardika

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