Words Using Letters Service

Words Using Letters Service – To win at Wordle, players have to think about the frequency of letters and how they are arranged – a greater challenge in English than in many other languages. Read moreTOM AVRIL/STAFF

Here is the easy temptation of the letter E. The hard hit of a well-placed L or T. Or the gambler’s pleasure of a J, X or Z. Rare, but if any? Oh, so sweet.

Words Using Letters Service

Words Using Letters Service

We’re talking, of course, about Wordle, an online word-guessing game that has hooked millions in search of a new distraction from the pandemic.

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Fans raised concerns this week when The New York Times bought the game from its developer, who had been offering the daily challenge for free since late October. The media reports that for the time being Wardle will continue to be free.

And the simple appeal of the game remains the same: easy to play, once a day, in a minute or two.

But that simplicity is also a source of danger: the player only gets six chances to guess a five-letter word. All failures are recorded in the person’s cumulative statistics.

Time to up your game with some hard science. As a public service to the word-crazy herd, we consulted linguistics and computer science experts on how to crack the code. We’ve also crunched the numbers to fulfill that goal of Wordlers everywhere: finding the best word starter.

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And along the way, we delve into some of the relevant Philadelphia history of a longtime wordsmith better known today for his literary endeavors: Edgar Allan Poe.

The mastermind behind Wardle is Josh Wardle, a software engineer in Brooklyn. The name of the game is a play on his last name.

Wardle created the game just for fun – at first he only shared it with his partner and then with family members, he told the Times. But when he went public in late October, it took off. By early January, more than 300,000 people had played, and the number is now well over the millions.

Words Using Letters Service

As many have noted, it is similar to the classic Word Mastermind game, which also comes in wordless versions that involve guessing sequences of colors or numbers.

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In Wordle, each time the player guesses a word, the five squares change color to reflect the accuracy of the guess. The square turns gray if that particular letter is not contained in the answer. Yellow means the letter is correct but in the wrong position. Green means it’s both correct and – ding ding! – in the right position.

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To increase the chances of guessing the word every day, it makes sense to choose words with letters that appear frequently in the English language. No surprise there. (More on the best words by this measure and how we chose them later.)

It’s also important to keep in mind which letters usually combine with each other and in what order—a set of rules that linguists call phonotactic constraints. Even if they’ve never heard the term, skilled players intuitively grasp the concept, said Christian Felbaum, a professor of linguistics and computer science at Princeton University.

For example, many five-letter English words contain the sequence CK, usually at the end—as in CRACK or FLICK—but never at the beginning. Other rules govern how S can be followed by a combination of “voiceless stops” and “liquid” sounds, as in the sequence STR-.

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And because English is drawn from so many sources, the language presents special challenges for puzzle solvers, said Charles Young, a professor of linguistics and computer and information science at the University of Pennsylvania. Germanic languages ​​and Latin are the primary sources, but English also includes words from Arabic, Hebrew, and Native American languages, among others.

“You really have a mixed bag of different languages ​​with different phonotactics,” Young said. “Different combinations of letters are more likely in some languages ​​than in others.”

Secret codes and puzzles have been around almost as long as the written language, although the emergence of a popular, Wordle-like phenomenon is relatively recent. In the United States, the epicenter of one of the first such crazes was Philadelphia in the 1840s, says Shawn Rosenheim, a professor of English at Williams College.

Words Using Letters Service

Edgar Allan Poe was the instigator. In the July 1841 issue of a Philadelphia publication called Graham’s Magazine—a few years before his famous poem The Raven—he wrote “A Few Words on Secret Writing,” exploring how the frequency of letters could be used to decipher codes.

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“It added to his reputation as this kind of analytical genius, which he was certainly happy to reinforce whenever possible,” said Rosenheim, the Poe specialist.

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In another Philly publication called Alexander’s Weekly Herald, Poe invited readers to submit their own word ciphers, boasting that he could solve them all. And code-breaking was a central element of his 1843 short story The Gold Bug.

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Doing well in Wordle is just about choosing the best starting word. It’s not as simple as taking the five most common letters in English – E, A, R, I, O – and making a word out of them. (There is simply no such word that we could find. Also, the letter frequencies are slightly different in the subset of words with only five letters.)

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Among those to tackle this analytics problem is Cambridge-educated mathematician Alex Selby. He devised an algorithm to find the initial word that should, on average, require the fewest total guesses, assuming the player makes logical choices based on the frequency and position of the letters.

His response? SALET, a type of medieval helmet. With that as the starting word, Selby calculated that a player should arrive at the answer in a total of 3.4 hits, on average.

Young, the Penn linguist, also took a stab at the problem, but limited himself to more common words. He started with E as the common last letter, then added A, the second most common vowel, which often appears in the middle of five-letter words when E is at the end.

Words Using Letters Service

Then he looked at the consonant clusters most commonly used at the beginning of words and came up with TRACE. Somewhat surprisingly, since C is a relatively uncommon letter, that word also ranked high on Selby’s list.

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We weren’t that fancy. Instead, we broke down the numbers purely based on letter frequency. And here’s some good news.

To make it easier for the players, Wardle limited his universe of answers to a set of 2,315 words, leaving out those he deemed too unusual. Plurals ending in -S are also excluded.

We wrote a computer program to rank them all by how many letters, on average, they would match in each of the 2,315 possible answer words.

No, we didn’t know what that meant either. Not found in some dictionaries, but appears to be an alternate spelling of MEMORY, as in learning by repetition. It matches 1,789 letters, on average, in all answer words.

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You will get the same result if you start with the more common ORATE, because it contains the same letters. But ROATE may have an advantage, since R is a more common initial letter than O.

A common strategy is to use words with as many of the five vowels as possible (or six, if you count Y), since all five-letter words have at least one of them.

Young admits he played, though he calls it “terrible.” Felbaum, a Princeton linguist, says the game also has a practical benefit. List of military calls and phonetic alphabet from alpha to zulu, here is the full list of military calls

Words Using Letters Service

Stew Smith, CSCS, is a veteran Navy SEAL officer, freelance writer and author with expertise in the US military, military fitness and its traditions.

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NATO and the US military use the same phonetic alphabet and it is widely accepted and used in international radio communications by sea, air or land.

The International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet (IRSA) is its real name and was created by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to help decipher similar sounding letters and numbers between different countries and organizations.

A phonetic alphabet is a list of words used to identify the letters in a message transmitted by radio, telephone, and coded messages. The phonetic alphabet can also be signaled by flags, lights and Morse code.

When on the radio, the spoken words from the approved list are replaced by the letters. For example, the word “Army” would be “Alfa Romeo Mike Yankee” when written in the phonetic alphabet. This practice helps prevent confusion between similar-sounding letters, such as “m” and “n,” and to clarify communications of signals that may be disrupted during transmission.

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In military missions, the use of the phonetic alphabet is used to communicate to the chain of command which phase of the mission has been successfully executed. For example, if a SEAL team arrived on a beach and was not detected to continue the mission, they might have designated that as the first “waypoint” and used the code word “Alpha.”

Devano Mahardika

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