Writing Surface For Handwritten Letters Codycross

Writing Surface For Handwritten Letters Codycross – The letter had a wax seal. WAX SEAL. How amazing is that? I felt like I was opening a shipment from the King of Science. What spells or quests might be requested in the pages within. I almost tore the letter open, but then it felt wrong; like destroying a beautiful piece of art. I looked in my junk drawer for my grandmother’s antique letter opener, but it was nowhere to be found, so I reached for a knife and carefully cut open the letter at the crease.

Inside were four pages of handwritten script in dull blue/black ink. The words, like the lines on the face, said so much more about the person who wrote them. I poured over each line, stopping occasionally to decide which marks were “s” and which were “r.” It was like uncovering a mystery in every word.

Writing Surface For Handwritten Letters Codycross

Writing Surface For Handwritten Letters Codycross

The paper was dense and rusted with a depth uncommon in any book I’ve ever held. Although the message wasn’t a letter or a royal request, it still felt special to keep. Whoever had written it was in the paper and the ink. This letter was an outpouring of their souls. It was a point of connection with a person I had never met, halfway around the world. It was a treasure.

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In our mobile and “connected” world, we may lose touch with the true power of writing. Inscribed words can be powerful on their own, but they lack the spiritual significance of handwritten notes. When we take a pen in our hand and pour ink on the pages through actual physical interaction, we lose more of ourselves on the page.

Writing by hand slows the mind. It forces the writer to create the words one at a time rather than typing them out in quick succession. There is a cost to choosing the wrong word, so the writer must make careful decisions. When a page is finished, the words contained in it are the unique artistic beauty of an individual artist.

“What I didn’t realize was how many doors the essay opens, as if Dad’s old fountain pen wasn’t really a pen, but some weird variation of skeleton keys.” —Stephen King

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There is a difference between a page of handwritten text and a printout from word processing. A trained eye can tell who wrote one, but the other could have been created by anyone.

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After reading through the letter twice, I went back to the junk drawer and dug through it again. Somewhere in the swamp lay a pen I had bought for no good reason. My fingers found it. It was crusted with ink, so I took it to the kitchen to clean it.

I had a sample ink that was sent, as a gift, from an online stationery store. It was a small bottle that I kept on my desk because I liked the color of the deep green elixir inside. I loaded the pen and made a mess of my shirt in the process, but I didn’t give up.

The scratch of the pen across the paper was soothing. It was more like creation than work. When I write away, endlessly, I feel like a machine. This was different. I took my time. I chose my words carefully. In the end, I had four beautiful pages of green tags that held the magic of my creature. I put them in an envelope and mailed them.

Writing Surface For Handwritten Letters Codycross

A letter takes ten days to go from New Jersey to Portugal. It also takes ten days to come back. Twenty days apart can feel like a lifetime, but the joy of a handwritten reply cannot be underestimated.

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Reading a reply to a conversation you had so long ago has become unnatural. Remembering the letter you wrote seems like a chore, but for some reason I never have a problem remembering what I’ve written by hand. I can’t say the same about words I’ve typed.

The pen in the hand has a direct physical connection to the heart. And the heart seems to be able to work through a pen differently than through a keyboard. And writing letters can connect you with people in a way that Tinder never will.

Fountain pens can be intimidating to the uninitiated. There is no reason they should be. A solid and fine writing instrument is easy to obtain for a relatively small investment. The Lamy Al-Star, with a “fine” nib, is a great pen for beginners. Although it comes with a blue ink cartridge, but I suggest you add a refill adapter – which allows you to use bottled ink – and ink that the color describes your imagination. Here is the one I like.

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Please note that the links above are affiliate links. If you buy from them, it won’t cost you anything extra, but I make a small commission that helps fund my pen addiction.

Hand Lettering Design: 40 Stunning Examples To Inspire You—and Tips From A Designer

Paper is an even bigger choice than pen. Each type and type will perform differently depending on the pen and ink you choose as well as your particular writing style, pressure and speed. Rather than giving you information, I suggest you try as many different types of paper as possible and see what gives you the best results. Choose paper like a painter chooses a surface.

When I sent my first letter to a pen pal, it was just because I happened to meet online. A small thread of comments blossomed into a group where everyone wanted a pen pal. The moderator responded quickly and compiled a list. We chose from the list and started answering.

You may be wondering who to write to and who might respond. I will. Here is my offer. Sign up to be my pen pal at www.wanderdoctrine.com/penpals. No strings attached. If I get oversold – I hope I do – I’ll do my best to connect some of you with another pen pal. Of course with your permission.

Writing Surface For Handwritten Letters Codycross

Writing a letter will open locked doors in your mind and spirit. I think the adventure that awaits you may be profound. I hope to write you soon.

Writing A Letter Pictures

Grammar ensures that everything you write is easy to read, efficient and error-free. Take your writing to a new level.

Medium’s largest collection of advice, support and motivation for writers. We help you become the best writer possible. In just a few months of correspondence, Izabella Antouniou learned more about her grandmother than in 24 years of phone calls and visits

Our correspondence has given Grandma and I the space to open up with unparalleled casualness and familiarity. Photograph: Constantine Johnny/Getty Images

The act of writing – physically writing, pen in hand, overpriced notepad on the desk – is a uniquely visceral experience. I have discovered this in recent months through the letters I have written to my grandmother. It’s a communication style that takes time, dedication and patience with both yourself and your recipient.

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Letter writing is in every way antithetical to our modern ideas of communication: immediate, intense, and filled with snapshots and images that slide us toward the illusion of face-to-face. We’re encouraged to pour every thought, idea, or moment into a messaging app—a stream of consciousness that we allow ourselves to forget when the conversational momentum turns. All for pleasure. But that feeling pales in comparison to the shock of cold concrete under your bare feet as you approach your mailbox, the thrill of physically holding a letter that isn’t junk or a note—your name written in ink with care and purpose.

The whole process is an oxymoronic exercise in both intimacy and formality. But it is this unique position that has allowed my grandmother and I to become closer. Although we were never divorced, there were 93 years of life she didn’t willingly share over milky tea and Arnotts biscuits.

I knew the basics, a few stories of her growing up on a sheep farm in Harden, her married life in Gulgong, widowhood in Sydney. Having been a child of a strictly bourgeois upbringing and growing up in my father’s Cypriot culture, it seemed on the surface that our lives were naturally different. Yet the paper-thin barrier seems to have given us room to open up with unmatched casualties and familiarity.

Writing Surface For Handwritten Letters Codycross

I have been graced with cream recipes, romantic details of her day and a brief dramatic moment where toilet paper was used to lament the lack of lined paper; her thoughts, feelings and talents – all led to her sending a 20-page handwritten memoir, detailing all the major events in her life with a request that I create a digital version. It is a gift that outlines things that my mother – her daughter – did not know. I have nothing of value to send back, my life has been too short, too mediated by technology to make a good story. I can’t just write out a series of funny tweets with the title “mood”.

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The act of writing a letter

Devano Mahardika

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