5 Letter Words Containing Letters R A U

5 Letter Words Containing Letters R A U – The popular word puzzle game that’s spreading across the country, Wordle, can be really hard to work out some days. This is especially true when you get stuck on the second and third letters without knowing what to guess next. If you’re struggling to think of tips to try in Wordle today (or any other day), then we’ve got a list for you!

Today’s letters that occupy the second and third place in the Wordle are “RA.” Try any of the five letter words on our list to help you get the best word score possible. Simply scroll through this list until you find the word you want to use to guess, type it in the Wordle letterbox and press ENTER.

5 Letter Words Containing Letters R A U

5 Letter Words Containing Letters R A U

All of these words have been tested in-game to make sure Wordle accepts them. If we missed a word or you notice a word that doesn’t work for you, let us know in the comments. Also, feel free to share your Wordle scores below!

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Still stuck after using this list? If so, we have the answer for you! Go to All Wordle Answers in 2022 (Updated Daily) at Pro Game Guides.

About the Author The combination of my love of video games and my long-time passion for creative writing makes gaming guides and reports my favorite thing to do. In my free time, you can find me writing stories, reading my favorite books, watching horror movies or playing video games. I cover all kinds of content here at Pro Game Guides. Right now, Wordle is what I write about the most. My upload speed is quite fast so check back often for new content. Please send letters of interest to Misty Bushee, School Board Clerk ([email protected]), Attn Lori Landry, Superintendent and Sarah Vogel, Interim School Board Chair

Staff present: Sarah Downing (Administration Manager); Richard Kreissle (Finance Manager); Michael Rau (Road Agent/Highway Department); Kraig Harlow (Recreation Director); Jane Malmberg (Library Director); Meghan Hansson (Town Clerk/Tax Collector); Regina Borden (recording secretary)

ORDER: Mrs. Mayberry called this staff meeting to order at 5:00 PM at Walpole Town Hall. This meeting is recorded by the city.

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“With integrity, commitment and teamwork, we aim to provide an efficient, accessible and sustainable transport system for the people and businesses of Walpole. We are committed to public safety and providing the highest level of service to the community.”

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As we head into the hot summer weather, the highway has been noticeably busier with road project work. They have completed all necessary culvert replacements in preparation for this year’s paving. The drainage improvement project at the intersection of North Road and Drewsville Road has been completed and is working well. Additional trenches were made on North Road and Main Street. In the villages, they began to repair catch basins. A big thank you goes to the highway crew who continue to follow safety measures on the roads. Crews are provided with road safety clothing as well as water to keep hydrated in the hot weather. When driving, be sure to proceed with caution near crews and maintain a safe work zone by avoiding these areas if possible.

Mr. Rau announced that the Fuzzy Bros. will be working at Elm Street next Tuesday. The highway authority will help as much as it can. They think the project will go quickly once they pass City Hall. Compared to rose cones, many landscapers use similar ones. The city has now lost four.

5 Letter Words Containing Letters R A U

Mr. Dalessio asked if they had done maintenance on the mill pond dam as the Department of the Environment (DES) might come to inspect the dam. Mr. Rau said that Keith Hebert cuts/trimsthatare regularly.

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Ms. Pschirrer asked how they chose “transportation” in their mission. Transport means trains, cars etc. Mr Rau explained that the wording has a wider meaning and includes pedestrians and cyclists who can use roads and pavements. Ms. Pschirrer mentioned that if they interpret it that way it is acceptable. The condition of some sidewalks and the need to repair or replace some of them were discussed.

“It strives to provide timely, accurate and meaningful financial results to all stakeholders by recording financial transactions in accordance with government accounting standards and professional ethics ensuring a high level of confidence in these reported results.”

The audit continues quietly, but all the action is at the auditor’s end. Now that they have gathered the documentation required during the fieldwork portion, they will do the analysis that will lead to their report for the year ending 12/31/2020. They can anticipate questions from time to time, but most of the time they don’t have to spend any regular time on it.

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They received competitive proposals from all four suppliers they solicited. Proposals included information about their offerings in a variety of ways. To make an apples-to-apples comparison, he put together a rubric to make an objective comparison, followed by a story addressing the various concerns that arose as a result of the rubric. Finally, he did a cost analysis. Downing thanked Mr. Kreissl for doing such a good job. Having a reliable copier is so important.

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We are preparing for additional payroll items resulting from the opening of the pool and the Hooper children. At Pool and Hooper, he makes about 40 paychecks a week. Wages are busy.

“In addition to being the primary conduit for money coming into the town, my representative and I serve as the local representatives for the State of New Hampshire to: hold fair elections, handle motor vehicle registrations, create certified vital records, and license dogs for the State and town. We are the gateway to establishing a residence in Walpole. We keep records and collect fees and taxes to keep the city running. Our mission is to perform these tasks in a way that is efficient, helpful and done in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.”

Mrs. Mayberry mentioned that there are also representatives from the town of Walpole. They have a successful relationship with the community in general.

5 Letter Words Containing Letters R A U

Ms. Hansson submitted the following written report dated June 17, 2021:•People are paying their spring tax bills; they have collected two million dollars in property taxes since the tax bills were sent. Legal counsel is recommended for CVC (Central Vermont Communication) property. Verified letters to owners and mortgage companies were sent today.•Of the $96,396 raised by the Clerk, about 72,000 belongs to the city.•481 vehicles registered between the last staff meeting and this one.•31 boats registered between the last staff meeting and this one.•They allowed 38 dogs between the last staff meeting and this one.•Sent another license report to the police department for their use and one was also sent to the selectmen for information.•Cost estimates were obtained for office renovations.

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Mrs. Pschirrer mentioned that the list of dogs was very long. How can they help Mrs. Hansson collect these dog registration fees? A few years ago, Ms. Hansson went through the list and called people to remind them. They got a decent number of responses. They could mail reminders in the spring, but that costs money. Ms Pschirrer said, but with the number of unlicensed dogs each year, they are at a loss. People break the law. If they get a notice, they have the option to pay, but if they don’t, they get a ticket. Ms. Mayberry commented that we need to send a message that not registering your dog is not okay, we will enforce it and they will pay a fine.

“The mission of the Selectboard Office, under the leadership of the Selectboard, is to provide efficient, orderly and efficient services that meet the needs of the community. The Selectboard office serves as a liaison between the Selectboard and the residents of the Town of Walpole.

Due to a tight labor market, contractors scheduled to work at City Hall this summer are requesting a delay in the start of projects. The painting of City Hall will most likely be delayed until 2022. The entrance ramp, second floor ceiling repair and entrance ramp replacement will most likely be pushed to next year. We hope to have the slate roof repaired and the Town Clerk/Tax Office back door replaced this year.

The fountain in the corridor of the town hall on the first floor no longer works. A new water fountain with the possibility of filling a water bottle was ordered. This will help reduce the need for single-use plastic bottles and will be beneficial for those looking to top up their drinking water containers with great tasting Walpole water.

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Support continues with brownfield cleanup at the Central Plating Site, Community Power Committee and hiring young people for the summer.Mrs. Downing supports Ms Pschirrer in cleaning up the brownfields at the Central Plating Site. Ms. Daigle supports Ms. Pschirrer on the Community Power Committee.

Reminding employees that the 4th of July holiday as a paid day off is being moved to 5th July. When

Devano Mahardika

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