82nd Airborne Division Policy Letters

82nd Airborne Division Policy Letters – FORT BRAGG – A former Fort Bragg command sergeant major, who has since been demoted, is now facing new charges after allegedly falsifying retirement documents amid an Army investigation.

Clinton M. A trial against Master Sgt. Murray is scheduled to begin the new charge Oct. 11 on charges of desertion, failure to comply with regulations, extortion, obstructing a sex investigation and retaliation. Murray has pleaded guilty.

82nd Airborne Division Policy Letters

82nd Airborne Division Policy Letters

More details on Murray’s latest lawsuit are found in federal documents, after he filed a lawsuit on July 17, 2020, seeking a temporary restraining order against recall to active duty military status. The case was eventually dismissed.

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Murray was convicted in January 2020 following court-martial proceedings at Fort Bragg of having an affair between July 1, 2017, and December 30, 2017, while deployed to Afghanistan with a private first class. Sergeant.

He was found not guilty of sexually assaulting a junior enlisted soldier and a charge of mistreatment of subordinates was dismissed. An allegation that between April 1, 2017 and December 30, 2017, Murray fostered an “apprehension of undue familiarity” with a first lieutenant in Afghanistan was also dismissed.

At the time of his indictment, he was a sergeant major in the 3rd Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne, according to his enlistment records included in federal court filings.

Included in the records is an affidavit from Maj. Clifford Walters, commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, in which Walters says he told the trial team that a military officer helped Murray cover up evidence of sexual abuse at the court-martial. and inappropriate contact fees at Murray’s request.

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The officer told officers that she had an adulterous relationship with Murray, and that he asked her to destroy evidence supporting the charges in the case.

Walters stated that based on the new information, the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division opened a second investigation into obstruction of justice, and on February 6, 2020, Murray was notified that he was under investigation and “marked pending the conclusion of the investigation.” did That means he cannot be promoted, transferred or fired.

In a legal response to the lawsuit, officials said he requested medical retirement through the disability evaluation system in March 2019, but he had already been charged with UCMJ violations and was “flagged” to withhold favorable personnel actions due to the investigation.

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82nd Airborne Division Policy Letters

A Disability Evaluation System report said Murray suffered from back pain after a 2003 deployment to Iraq, was injured after several parachute landings during his 21-year career, and had brain injuries and sleep problems.

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The documents state that Murray’s battalion commander notified the Physical Evaluation Board’s coordinating officer of the new investigation, which began in February 2020, and that Murray could not be separated until the investigation was completed or adjudicated.

Walters’ affidavit alleges that Murray “withdrew his unit and forged several signatures to retire,” and the retirement was revoked.

According to a July 2020 motion filed on Murray’s behalf, he “honorably retired from the military on June 8, 2020.”

Murray says he was notified of his call to active duty when he received a voicemail from his former company commander informing him that his retirement orders had been revoked and that he was receiving a letter.

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The complaint says Murray did not receive a letter and retained an attorney, and received an email from a military prosecutor on July 17, 2020, with documents regarding Murray’s orders to report back to active duty.

A staff sergeant said the signature on the documents was not hers. The document included in the document shows a handwritten signature. The staff sergeant said she uses a stamp with the unit logo when signing discharge papers.

A first sergeant also claimed that a signature on the document was not his and that his name was misspelled.

82nd Airborne Division Policy Letters

In addition, the documents show that changes were made to the unit clearance form coded as “general” leave” and later changed to “terminal” leave – a term that describes when soldiers retire or are released until their discharge date. Holidays are used.

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When Murray’s new battalion commander learned on June 25, 2020, that Murray was “no longer with the force,” his retirement was revoked, the report indicates.

On July 23, 2020, a response filed on behalf of the Army defendants opposed Murray’s motion for a temporary restraining order, saying it “unreasonably interferes with the internal procedures of the Army, particularly as it relates to the Army’s ability to maintain good order and discipline.” , and to adapt to its own regulatory processes.”

Assistant US Attorney Joshua Rogers wrote in the legal response that an injunction in the case would “impede military action.”

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“Indeed, if this court grants (Murray) the relief he seeks, it will nullify the Army’s ability to discipline (Murray) in a case investigating him for criminal activity in the course of his duties as a senior noncommissioned officer. ,” Rogers wrote.

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According to the Fort Bragg indictment, Murray was absent from his unit — Headquarters Support Company, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 82nd Airlift Wing — from July 17, 2020, until his arrest on Aug. 26, 2020.

• That Murray violated military regulations by having an intimate or sexual relationship with a commissioned officer between Sept. 1, 2017, and May 1, 2018, while stationed in Fayetteville and near Kabul, Afghanistan.

• That he obtained intimate visual images from a woman named in the report from May 19 to May 20, 2018, and attempted to extort money by threatening to reveal her relationship to the woman’s husband and her employer, the military.

82nd Airborne Division Policy Letters

• Alleging he tried to obstruct a sexual assault investigation between Dec. 11 and Dec. 14, 2017, from a person whose name has been redacted from the report, asking him to destroy physical evidence of sexual misconduct allegations.

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The sexual assault charge relates to an allegation that Murray had sex with the woman on May 21, 2018, and again threatened to tell her husband and the military about the relationship.

Additionally, he is accused of fraudulently separating from the Army between June 1 and June 30, 2020, “under the guise of medical retirement while being marked for investigation,” the charge sheet said.

A spokesman for the 82nd Air Force Wing would not comment on the pending charges, saying they are “mere allegations and the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty.”

Support local journalism with a subscription to The Fayetteville Observer. Click the “Subscribe” link at the top of this article. XVIII Air Force Headquarters insignia at Fort Bragg, N.C. on June 28, 2019. is displayed in (Pfc. Joshua Cowden/Army)

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A Pentagon commission on Tuesday presented its recommendations for renaming nine military bases that currently have Confederate numbers in their names. The proposals would for the first time re-designate positions for African American soldiers and women soldiers.

Defense Department naming commission officials said the changes were designed to ensure prominent military locations have names that “instill confidence in all who serve.” The committee will issue its final report to Congress later this fall, and the defense secretary will be charged with implementing the changes by January 2024.

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“At the commission, in many conversations with installation officials, civilian leaders and communities, we sought to find names that would inspire the Soldiers and civilians who serve on our military posts and the communities that support them,” Commission Chairwoman Retired Adm. Michelle Howard said in a statement. was

82nd Airborne Division Policy Letters

“We quickly realized that there were more heroes than we could name. We were in awe of the greatness of the American soldier – from those who devoted their entire adult lives to the military, to those who dedicated themselves to acts of valor.

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Abandoning military bases in Confederate names stirs strong passions, and Fort Pickett was named after Major General George E. Pickett is best remembered for a failed Confederate attack at Gettysburg known as Pickett’s Charge.

Over the past 16 months, the commission has been gathering recommendations from the public and groups involved with each foundation on what the next steps should be.

The redistricting process has proven controversial on Capitol Hill, with many Republican lawmakers opposing the effort. Former President Donald Trump publicly opposed the idea during his time in office, saying the name changes would ignore the history of the military sites and disrespect the troops who served there.

The new name for Fort Bragg may be the most controversial of the recommendations, as it is the only one not named for a military hero.

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Commissioners acknowledged that “Liberty” was not one of the 87 finalists previously announced. But during their first visit to Fort Bragg last year and the last this spring, they said community leaders rallied around the name and strongly recommended it to them.

Commission member Jerry Buchanan said community members there are concerned about naming a person. “Maybe this person is 100% acceptable right now, [but they] might not be 20 years from now for whatever reason.”

The 82nd Airborne Division’s World War II route from Normandy, France, eastward into Germany is a commemorative section of the “Liberty Road” with painted kilometer markers featuring a prominent figure.

82nd Airborne Division Policy Letters

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