82nd Airborne Policy Letters

82nd Airborne Policy Letters – The Global Response Force (GRF) was developed to respond quickly to unexpected operations. This study determined access strategies for each geographic combatant command given limitations in aircraft, intermediate platform bases, operational capabilities, and other factors. Global reach requires both well-established and difficult platform foundations. Complex joint deployment concepts are necessary to ensure accessibility.

By Christopher G. Pernin, Katrina Leigh Best, Matthew E. Boyer, Jeremy M. Echouth, John Gordon IV, Dan Madden, Kathryn Pfrommer, Anthony D. Rosello, Michael Schwill, Michael Shurkin, and others.

82nd Airborne Policy Letters

82nd Airborne Policy Letters

The Global Response Force (GRF) was developed to respond quickly to unexpected or, more specifically, unplanned operations. Selected Army airborne forces provide a large portion of the GRF and are based on common concepts for deployment and access. This study presents a method for determining optimal access strategies given constraints on aircraft, intermediate bases, operational capabilities, and other factors. The study applies this methodology to each geographic combatant command and develops strategies unique to each.

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The access strategies were developed from a number of analytical techniques: historical aircraft data and platform specifications to determine the capabilities and limitations of the aircraft fleet; Intermediate preparation of multiple airport databases, site reports and expert judgments to determine base locations and their capabilities; Multiple deployment concepts to reduce operational risks; and detailed geographic and operational analysis to determine and achieve global coverage. We were finally able to narrow down a preferred strategy for each combatant command.

Global GRF access is provided in part by the use of well-established platform bases, but it is necessarily based on a solid foundation and complex deployment concepts for specific locations across multiple combatant commands. The study concludes with several recommendations for closing those risks, including services, combatant commands and joint staff.

In addition to its intended use as a rapid response capability, the GRF unit of the army has a role in long-term lines.

Customization of force packages should be done for both initial and follow-on forces to meet environmental needs and limitations in common assets (such as strategic lift).

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Joint correspondence between the Army and the Air Force should maintain a continuing understanding of airborne personnel limitations on airborne operations.

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This research was supported by the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division and conducted by the Energy Development and Technology Program at the Arroyo Center.

This report is part of the Corporation’s research report series. Reports present research findings and empirical analysis that address challenges facing the public and private sectors. All reports undergo rigorous peer review to ensure high standards for research quality and objectivity.

82nd Airborne Policy Letters

This document and its trademark(s) are protected by law. This intellectual property representation is provided for non-commercial use only. Posting this publication online is prohibited; Linking directly to this product page is encouraged. Permission is required to reproduce or otherwise use any of the research documents for commercial purposes. For information about reprint and reuse licenses, please visit /pubs/licenses.

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The Corporation is a non-profit organization that helps improve policy and decision-making through research and analysis. Publications do not necessarily reflect the views of the research clients and sponsors.

Pernin, Christopher G., Katrina Leigh Best, Matthew E. Boyer, Jeremy M. Echouth, John Gordon IV, Dan Madden, Kathryn Pfrommer, Anthony D. Rosello, Michael Schwill, Michael Shurkin, and Jonathan P. Response Force: Approach Tactics for the 82nd Airborne Division. Santa Monica, CA: Corporation, 2016. https:///pubs/research_reports/RR1161.html. Also available in print form.

Pernin, Christopher G., Katrina Leigh Best, Matthew E. Boyer, Jeremy M. Echouth, John Gordon IV, Dan Madden, Kathryn Pfrommer, Anthony D. NC () – With the recent deployment of thousands of troops to the Middle East, many people are wondering how to help and support the troops stationed abroad.

A week after Fort Bragg’s legendary 82nd Airborne Brigade soldiers deployed, a North Carolina base is offering advice on how to send letters and care packages to those soldiers.

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Many people have asked how to send care packages or letters to deploying #troops. A few years ago, the … Posted by XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg on Wednesday, January 8, 2020

“Fort Bragg is unable to accept care packages and/or mail for delivery to our deployed forces. However, we are blessed to have two major organizations step in to meet this need, the USO of North Carolina and NCPacks4Patriots,” the post read in part.

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For more information or to contact the USO of North Carolina, you can visit their Facebook page here , or contact Trish Cannon at 910-495-1438 or by email at [email protected].

82nd Airborne Policy Letters

For more information or to contact NCPacks4Patriots, you can visit their Facebook page here or contact Barbara Whitehead at 252-714-1175 or by email at [email protected]

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After a special needs person has been fired from his job for more than 20 years, the post virus begins, the franchise organization says is a ‘tragic mistake’. Authority in the approval process. The Medal of Honor was presented by President Joseph Biden Jr. in a White House ceremony on July 5, 2022. The Secretary of the Army Board for Correction of Military Records decided in January 2014 that the Board of Officers would recommend a modification/revision to the Medal of Honor for Major (Retired) John J. Duffy. The recommendation was made after an extensive and careful review of new evidence, including tapes of the events and five new eyewitnesses, all highly decorated combat veterans. General Frederick C. Weind initiated this action through the office of Senator Inoue (HI). Additional testimony was provided by the region’s senior general officer in charge of the war. BG George E. Wear extract: The 11th Airborne Battalion was stationed at Fire Base Charlie, the most important position between the enemy and Kontum. That 470-man force held their defensive position for two weeks, resisting a heavy assault by several North Vietnamese Army (NVA) battalions. Major John Duffy, the lone American adviser to the 11th Battalion, distinguished himself by the gallantry and courage that risked his life beyond the attack in action against the North Vietnamese Army’s 320th Division that attacked Fire Base Charlie. His bravery and, above all, his self-sacrifice in the face of a determined enemy was inexhaustible….Major Duffy received five wounds and twice was unable to be medically discharged. Play as an air controller by placing multiple attack planes and helicopter gunships on enemy positions and formations. He volunteered as a rear guard and contributed to the escape of the remnants of “Charlie’s” battalion. While fighting in the rearguard action, his wounded counterpart handed over command of the battalion to Major Duffy. They were hit by friendly artillery (7 WIA and 3 KIA) the night they escaped in the jungle. Major Duffy immediately gave the “Check Fire” order, halting the deadly barrage. The group was ambushed by another NVA battalion the next morning. Major Duffy, leading the opening force, secured the landing zone and called for an emergency evacuation, fighting the pursuing enemy for an hour. When asked to board the first extraction helicopter, he refused, saying, “I’ll be the last man.” The last helicopter caught fire. Captain Duffy stood on his skis, caught a wounded Vietnamese officer who had fallen from the plane, and threw him back onto the ship, saving his life. He then proceeded to treat the wounded helicopter crew chief who died in his hands. Significant new evidence explains more about their actions than the information available immediately after the action. The importance of the new evidence was underscored by a recent decision by the agency’s Army Review Board. I personally briefed Major Duffy on 16 April 1972, the day after he left. In the year I affirmatively support and strongly recommend the approval of the recommendation to upgrade the award to the Medal of Honor for his actions at Fire Support Base “Charlie” in April 1972. Excerpted from (9 pages): 29 January 2014 DA, Board for Correction of Military Records In the interest of “fairness and justice”, binding and final on all members and personnel of the armed forces. Full relief is granted on your claim. The applicants were commended and applauded for their bravery and courage in extremely dangerous circumstances in April 1972. He is truly an American hero. Therefore, the documents presented by him should be thoroughly evaluated. Therefore, his case should be referred to the HRC for review of all material facts relevant to the case and for further processing as per Jewelery Board standards. Note: Access to the Board, all witness statements/recommendations/tape transcripts including an extensive correspondence file are available below for detailed viewing.

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See Department of the Army Discovery of Military Records Correction Board: January 29, 2014 (cover letter and nine pages of discovery) Final and Binding at

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