Battlefield 5 Under No Flag Letters

Battlefield 5 Under No Flag Letters – As you play in Battlefield 5 War Stories, three of which are currently in the game, you can meet characters. These are the core of the player campaign that can be collected, and can be found scattered through one of the game’s missions. In the first Battle Story, Under No Flag, there are nine of these Battlefield 5 characters to find; three in Chapter 1, and six in Chapter 2.

The first of the Battlefield 5 characters in Under No Flag is easy to miss, as it appears very early in the mission. Right at the beginning, as you follow Mason up the hill, you should come across a small house on your right. When you reach the status, you should get an on-screen pop-up indicating that you are entering the collection area. This pop-up occurs every time you get close to a message, and it shows that you are looking at the right place. Head inside and find the letter on the table.

Battlefield 5 Under No Flag Letters

Battlefield 5 Under No Flag Letters

The first group of enemies you encounter is in a scrapyard of old airplanes. After defeating them, you can advance to a larger area. Instead of following the road to the right or going down the lower left, go up the hill in the middle, where you can see the ruins. As you go up the hill, the second letter can be found in the grass, before you reach the ruins. Check the collection point pop-up to show you the right patch of grass to search for.

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The third and final letter in chapter 1 of Under No Flag is probably the hardest to find. Once you get the second letter, go back down the hill to the road, on the other side of the hill to the main German camp. As you travel along this path, you should encounter a small roadside checkpoint where you will find two enemies and a car. Just past the lookout you can go down a slope to a small river. Follow the river bank until you see a gathering point coming out, then pick up the third letter from where it is hiding in the bushes.

All Battlefield 5 Letters in Under No Flag, Chapter 2: Butcher and BoltLetter #4: Cook Instantly in Berlin

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After completing chapter 1, you will find yourself in a large open world area for chapter 2. With a large area comes double hidden characters. The first, fortunately, is very easy to find. At the beginning of chapter 2 you will find yourself on top of a hill facing the building in front of you. Get past the two German guards and enter the building to get the letter.

The three areas of purpose in this chapter can be handled in any order. However, this guide assumes you start with Village. Like the first letter, the second is not difficult to find. Follow the main road that leads out of the Village, and as you do you should come to a canyon made of stacked stones. The pile is not far from the Village area, and the letter can be found near it.

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As you make your way from the Village to the Comms Base, the second objective site, you can pick up the sixth letter without going around. As you follow the main road you will eventually come to a bridge. Comms Base targets should appear on the screen when you arrive. Before crossing the bridge, look on the right side of the road for another wagon that has passed by the side of the road. Like the fifth letter, this letter is next to it.

After completing the Comms Base objectives, take the road to the Airbase. Also, the seventh letter can be found near a stone block on the side of the road. Shortly after leaving the Comms Base, you should see a stand of trees on the far right. The cairn can be found nearby. Check the collection point pop-up to know if you have arrived at the right place.

Leaving the Comms Base, continue towards the Airbase, which is the third and final objective site. Near the Airbase is a wide and shallow river that flows across the map, and the eighth letter can be found next to a cairn on a small island. Follow the course of the river until you see an island, there is a cairn next to a tree.

Battlefield 5 Under No Flag Letters

The final Battlefield 5 characters in Under No Flag are easy to find compared to the others in chapter 2. At the Airbase, you should see a bell standing on the side of the road. Approach the tower and when you get to the bottom you should see the gathering place pop-up. The letter can be found near the stairs going up in the tower, downstairs. Each of the four chapters has its own unique cosmetic item. There are currently no other results to be found.

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Note: Collecting this will not give you Achievements or Trophies. The only reward is the cosmetic multiplayer feature!

The first letter is simple enough. When the mission starts, walk to the first room, enter it and you will see it on the table.

After the session with the Binoculars, you need to get out of the small camp. When you’re done, head East up the hills until you reach a clearing. The next letter is here.

After the session with the Binoculars, you need to get out of the small camp. Once it’s clear, head South-East down the road until you find two soldiers. Take them out, and head South down the small path that leads to the river. Walk through the tall bushes to find a letter.

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The first is found at the beginning of the level. Kill the two soldiers and go inside the house.

From the beginning, lead West to your one goal. When you arrive, you can find a letter on the upper part of the village, going to the east road. You will know you are in the right place because there are a few trees near the rock pile.

From the village where you want to shoot the radar dish, head West out of town to find a bridge you can cross. Cross it, then when the path splits, go right. On the right side of the road you will find a stone pile and a letter.

Battlefield 5 Under No Flag Letters

From the Comms Bunker, head South and follow the road that leads North-East. When you pass the rock pile on your right, take a right turn and walk through the bushes. On the other side, look behind the different trees to see a letter sitting under one of them.

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This letter is out in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of shallow water. From the Comms Bunker, head South / South-East out through the water. You will find a small island with a car on it. A few meters to the right of the car is the post office.

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The last one is easy! Head to the airport, walk to the end of the runway and on your left is the tower. Go behind it to find a letter sitting on the sand and rocks.

After the skiing part, you will see two soldiers near a bright light. Right next to them, between the other two is a letter.

Before the second, small bridge, look to your left to see a path in the snow. Follow it to two houses guarded by soldiers. There is a letter right in the room. Note that this house can explode, making it difficult to find mail, but it will still be there.

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When you reach the large wall guarding the base, turn right to find a pipe. Go in and pass, then kill the guard immediately on the way out. The letter will be at his feet.

The last letter is right before you get the Resistance Fighter. When you reach the door that leads to your goal, don’t open it. Look to the left to see a small office with a typewriter inside. The letter is on the desk.

From the beginning of the level, head to the first frozen island on the ice. The letter will be sitting on some logs, near the hatchet.

Battlefield 5 Under No Flag Letters

From the first letter, continue with the snow. Finally you have to go to the right, up towards the power station. Instead, go left up the slope. Farther up you’ll find a fire with another letter.

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This one is at the power station. Walk along the fence until you see a small wooden hut. Log in to get a letter.

The last letter is found at the bottom of the power station. As you go down the slope, you should head West past the last fire towards the end of the level. Instead, go to the fire and turn to face South / South-East. Walk towards the trees and keep looking to the right to see a body in the snow

Devano Mahardika

Halo, Saya adalah penulis artikel dengan judul Battlefield 5 Under No Flag Letters yang dipublish pada October 14, 2022 di website Caipm

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