Fort Riley Cg Policy Letters

Fort Riley Cg Policy Letters – 1 / 2 Show caption + Hide caption – Capt. Jesse Hart, right, commander of Company C, 299th BSB, 2nd ABCT, reviews policy papers with 1st ID, Spc. Wesley Brown, a medic with the company that created the volunteer-based designated driver program Sept. 9 at Fort Riley. The program is very… (Photo credit: US) View original

2 / 2 Show caption + Hide caption – Capt. Jesse Hart, right, commander of Company C, 299th BSB, 2nd ABCT, looks over policy papers with 1st ID, Spc. Wesley Brown, a medic with the company that created the volunteer-based designated driver program Sept. 9 at Fort Riley. The program is very… (Photo credit: US) View original

Fort Riley Cg Policy Letters

Fort Riley Cg Policy Letters

A soldier arrested for driving under the influence can have devastating consequences not only for that soldier, but also for his friends, family and unit. All the good work of teams and squads of brave, responsible and on-point soldiers can be undone by a quick, bad decision made when vulnerable.

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“Like any other company commander, I want a work environment where people can focus on the job,” said Capt. Jesse Hart, commander of the 299th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division. “Where they’re not distracted by anything else, whether it’s (equal opportunity) or sexual harassment issues or other issues after they come into the workplace.”

The last time Hart’s medical aid company dealt with DUIs was more than a year ago. As of Sept. 10, the unit had been DUI-free for a year. A big reason for that, Hart said, was a program offered by Spc. Wesley Brown had his last DUI last year. Brown is a physician with the company and a Hurst, Texas, native.

Designated drivers are on call at all times, along with a Designated Driver Coordinator whose job it is to recruit drivers and arrange dates and times to cover them. Each driver has an eight-hour shift starting at 8 p.m. The company’s staff duty desk has driver contact information at all times till 4 a.m. Contact information is usually sent in text messages among junior soldiers in the company.

In addition to the designated drivers listed on the staff duty desk, a large part of each company’s safety brief emphasizes the importance of planned designated drivers, who refrain from drinking when out with a small group of friends and everyone else. are in charge of getting them home safely. .

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Federal Relief Reaches All 105 Kansas Counties

There are no negative effects of any kind to using the service, which Brown said improves the chances that soldiers will use the program and get home safely.

“Honestly, it’s a ground-up push, it’s not a top-down push,” he said. “It has a command emphasis, but the junior soldiers came up with the program themselves and it’s like a peer-to-peer program.”

Brown said the program worked because it was simple and trooper-driven, while some other unit anti-DUI plans failed because of their complexity.

Fort Riley Cg Policy Letters

Brown’s program capitalizes on the desire of young soldiers and sergeants to earn promotion points through awards, and uses military outstanding volunteer service medals to attract those soldiers to serve as designated drivers for the company.

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“We have a lot of new Soldiers coming in and a lot of them haven’t deployed, so they want to earn awards to advance their careers, including MOVSM,” Brown said. “It’s one of the easiest ways to do it and it gives a very tangible result. Because it’s always talked about — how many hours do you have — everybody says they want to be next. .”

The plan Brown set in motion has succeeded in eliminating the DUI problem at the company, and leaders across the division are taking notice. That’s changing the culture around the issue, and Hart told Maj. Gen. Paul Funk II, commanding general of the 1st Inf. Div. and Fort Riley, and other senior leaders at a Sept. 3 event at Fort Riley.

Brown prepared policy papers for the plan that could be used at the battalion, brigade, and division levels. They are adamant that if the plan is properly implemented on a large scale, the post will lead to a rapid decrease in DUIs. As Kansas safely reopens, please take precautions to keep you and your families safe, and please call your primary care physician if you are experiencing. Symptoms related to coronavirus. As individuals, it is important that we each take personal responsibility to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including wearing masks in public and social distancing by staying six feet from people outside our homes. . This includes washing our hands regularly, avoiding touching our face, sneezing or coughing into a tissue or the inside of our elbow and disinfecting frequently used items and surfaces as much as possible.

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The Kansas State Finance Council approved a plan to distribute $400 million in federal resources to Kansas counties for COVID-19, allowing each county to use the funds to address specific challenges and needs. Congress passed the CARES Act to provide relief and support local governments with the resources they need to safely reopen our economy, and I’m glad to see that relief reaching Kansas communities. The state’s Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) Taskforce has drawn up a plan to distribute the funds, and the first wave will be used to pay for health-related expenses to help prevent the spread of the virus, support local health care providers and more. . With the distribution of these funds, all 105 county governments in Kansas will receive federal dollars to help navigate the challenges of Covid-19. Funds will be distributed based on population with additional support to counties that have been hit hardest by the virus and are facing the highest unemployment rates. To view funding levels for your county, please click here.

A Healthy Soldier Is A Ready Soldier

I am pleased that President Trump has signed an executive order to strengthen protections for federal monuments, memorials, and statues from being illegally destroyed or vandalized. Peaceful demonstrations demanding the removal of statues or monuments are protected under the constitution, but destroying or vandalizing them is a crime. The federal government will assist in the protection of federal monuments and property throughout the country, and anyone who intentionally damages federal property can be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison.

On Wednesday, the Senate passed Cory T. Voted to confirm Wilson as a United States Circuit Judge for the Fifth Circuit, marking the 200th Senate-confirmed judge during the Trump administration. As a member of the U.S. Senate, I have the responsibility to evaluate and confirm judges who will uphold the Constitution, administer justice, and preserve our liberties. My colleagues and I have worked diligently with the president and the administration to fill judicial vacancies across the country, and today, the Senate achieved a historic milestone by confirming more judges than any president in the past 40 years. . These judges, including Judge Brooms and Judge Teeter serving in Kansas, will have an impact on our nation for generations.

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On Wednesday, as a member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Justice and Science, I questioned Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai and other commissioners about progress on broadband mapping, the Keep Americans Connected Pledge and FCC designations. 9-8-8 to be a national suicide and mental health crisis hotline. From 1999 to 2018, the national suicide rate increased 35 percent. During the same time period in Kansas, the suicide rate increased nearly 70 percent, making the issue of immediate access to mental health resources critical. To address this important issue, last year, I introduced the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act, which would designate a three-digit phone number as a national suicide prevention and mental health hotline. The bill has been passed by the Senate and is awaiting a vote in the House. Also, the FCC is working on a rule to designate 9-8-8 as a national hotline and will vote on the final rule on July 16. I look forward to working with the FCC to ensure Americans have easy-to-remember and easy-to-access service when they need help.

Fort Riley Cg Policy Letters

Last week, I had the opportunity to speak with Amtrak President and CEO William Flynn on the importance of long-distance passenger service to rural America. Amtrak recently announced that they will scale back service across the Amtrak network, including long-haul passenger routes such as the Southwest Chief. I am pleased to hear that this change is solely in response to the pandemic but I have requested more information on when service will eventually be restored and what criteria will be used in this determination. Mr. Flynn relayed his commitment to long-haul passenger routes, and I look forward to continuing to work together to ensure Southwest’s success for years to come.

Kansas Common Sense

The US Economic Development Administration awarded $400,000 from the CARES Act to the Mid-America Regional Council in Kansas City. As Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, I continue to

Devano Mahardika

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