Geophysical Research Letters 影响 因子

Geophysical Research Letters 影响 因子 – Measures the weighted citations received by the journal. Citation weighting depends on the categories and reputation of the citation journal.

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Geophysical Research Letters 影响 因子

Geophysical Research Letters 影响 因子

Geophysical Research Letters publishes short, concise research papers that present scientific advances that are likely to have an immediate impact on the research of other investigators. GRL papers may focus on a specific discipline or may be more broadly applicable to the geophysical science community. GRL is a paper magazine; Limiting the size of the manuscript speeds up the review and publication process. GRL also publishes a limited number of feature articles at the invitation of editors. GRL’s mission is to disseminate concisely written, high-impact research reports on major scientific advances in AGU topics [PDF]. With this goal, the Editorial Board evaluates manuscripts submitted to GRL according to the following criteria: High-impact innovative results with broad geophysical implications at the forefront of one or several AGU disciplines. The results have an immediate impact on the research of others and require rapid publication. A device or methods manuscript introducing an innovative technology, with immediate applications to AGU topics, that makes new science possible. read less

Five Decades Of Observed Daily Precipitation Reveal Longer And More Variable Drought Events Across Much Of The Western United States

Geophysical Research Letters publishes short, concise research papers that present scientific advances that are likely to have an immediate impact on the research of other investigators. GRL papers can focus on a specific discipline or can be widely applied to the geophysical sciences… read more

Blonder, G.E., M. Tinkham, and T.M. Klapwijk (1982), Transition from metallic to tunneling regimes in superconducting microstructures: excess current, charge imbalance, and supercurrent conversion, Phys. Rev. B , 25(7), 4515–4532.

Abstract: The dominant empirical orthogonal function of the winter sea level pressure field is more strongly associated with surface air temperature fluctuations over the Eurasian continent than the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). It is similar to the NAO in many ways; But its primary center of action covers more of the Arctic, giving … the dominant empirical orthogonal function of the winter sea-level pressure field in surface air temperatures over the Eurasian continent than the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). is more strongly associated with volatility. , It is similar to the NAO in many ways; But its primary center of action covers much of the Arctic, giving it a more regionally symmetrical appearance. Coupled with strong fluctuations at the 50-hPa level on intraseasonal, interannual and interdecadal time scales, this “Arctic Oscillation” (AO) can be interpreted as a surface signature of modulations in strength above the polar vortex. It is proposed that the regional asymmetric surface air temperature and mid-tropospheric circulation anomalies observed in association with the AO may be secondary baroclinic features driven by land-sea contrasts. Clear trends in winter and springtime surface air temperature, sea-level pressure and 50-hPa height over the past 30 years show the same model structure: several K, sea-level pressure over parts of Eurasia As much has warmed parts of the Arctic have dropped by 4 hPa, and the core of the lower stratospheric polar vortex has cooled by several K. These trends can be interpreted as the development of a systematic bias in one of the modes of the dominant, naturally occurring variability of the atmosphere. , read more read less

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Topics: polar vortex (64%)64% paper related, arctic dipole anomaly (62%)62% paper related, arctic oscillation (62%)62% paper related, geographic height (57%)57% paper related , 57% related to the North Atlantic Oscillation (57%) paper

Climate Has Shifted The Axis Of The Earth

Abstract: Recent revisions to the geomagnetic time scale indicate that the global plate motion model NUVEL-1 should be revised for comparison with other rates of motion, including those estimated from space geodetic measurements. The optimal re-calibration, which is a compromise between a slightly different calibration suitable for slow motion … Recent revisions to the geomagnetic time scale indicate that the global plate motion model NUVEL-1 should be adapted to other rates of motion. must be modified for comparison with those estimated from space geodetic measurements. The optimal re-calibration, which is a compromise between slightly different calibrations appropriate for slow, medium and fast rates of sea level spreading, is to multiply the NUVEL-1 angular velocity by a constant, α, of 0.9562. We refer to this simplified reconstructed plate motion model as NUVEL-1A, and give corresponding revised tables of angular velocities and uncertainties. Published work indicates that space geostationary rates are on average slower than those calculated from NUVEL-1 by 6±1%. This average discrepancy is reduced to less than 2% when space geodetic rates are compared to NUVEL-1A. read more read less

Abstract: North Atlantic sea surface temperatures for 1856–1999 have a 65–80 year cycle with a 0.4 C range, referred to by Kerr (2000) as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). The AMO warm phases occurred during 1860–1880 and 1940–1960, and the cold phases occurred during 1905–1925 and 1970–1990. North Atlantic sea surface temperatures for 1856–1999 included a 65–80 year cycle with a 0.4 C range, referred to by Kerr as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). 2000). The AMO warm phases occurred during 1860–1880 and 1940–1960, and the cold phases occurred during 1905–1925 and 1970–1990. The scope of the signal is global, with positively correlated co-oscillations in parts of the North Pacific, but it is most intense in the North Atlantic and covers the entire basin there. Much of the United States receives less than normal precipitation during AMO warming, including the Midwest drought of the 1930s and 1950s. Between the warm and cold phases of the AMO, outflow into the Mississippi River varies by 10% while inflow into Lake Okeechobee, Florida varies by 40%. The geographic pattern of variability is mainly influenced by changes in summer rainfall. The winter patterns of the inter-annual precipitation variability associated with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation have also changed significantly between AMO phases. read more read less

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Topics covered: Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (65%) 65% related paper Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (52%)52% related paper

Geophysical Research Letters 影响 因子

Qi Zhang1, Jose L. Jimenez2, Manjula R. Canagaratna, James Allen3, Hugh Coe3, Ingrid M. Ulbrich2, MR Alfara4, Akinori Takami5, Ann M. Middlebrook6, Yale Sun1, Katja Dzepina2, Edward J. Dunnelly2, Kenneth S. Docherty2 , Peter F. DeCarlo 2, D. Salcedo 7, Timothy B. Onash, J. T. Janne, Takao Miyoshi 5, A. Shimono, Shiro Hatakeyama 5, Nobuyuki Takegawa 8, Yutaka Kondo 8, Johannes Schneider 9, Frank Drewnick 9, Stefan Bormann 9, Silke Weimar 1, Kenneth L. Demerjian 1 , Paul I. Williams3, Keith Bower3, Roya Bahraini6, Roya Bahraini2, L. Cottrell10, Robert J. Griffin10, J. Rautianen11, J.Y. Sun, Yaping Zhang, D.R. worsnop

Deep Coseismic Slip In The Cascadia Megathrust Can Be Consistent With Coastal Subsidence

State University of New York System1, University of Colorado Boulder2, University of Manchester3, Paul Scherrer Institute4, National Institute for Environmental Studies5, Earth System Research Laboratory6, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos7, University of Tokyo8, Max Planck Society9, University of New Hampshire10 , University of Eastern Finland11

Abstract: Organic aerosol (OA) data obtained by aerosol mass spectrometers (AMS) in 37 field campaigns were decomposed into hydrocarbon-like OA (HOA) and several types of oxygenated OA (OOA) components. HOA has been linked to primary combustion emissions (mainly from fossil fuels) and other primary sources such as meat cooking. OOA … Organic aerosol (OA) data acquired by aerosol mass spectrometers (AMS) in 37 field campaigns were decomposed into hydrocarbon-like OA (HOA) and several types of oxygenated OA (OOA) components. HOA has been linked to primary combustion emissions (mainly from fossil fuels) and other primary sources such as meat cooking. OOA is ubiquitous in various atmospheric environments, with total OA in urban, urban downwind and rural/remote sites averaging 64%, 83% and 95%, respectively. Case study analysis of a rural site shows that the concentration of OOA is much higher than the estimated HOA, indicating that HOA oxidation is not a significant source of OOA, and that the increase in OOA is primarily due to SOA. is caused by Most global models lack a clear representation of SOA, which can lead to significant biases in the magnitude, spatial and temporal distribution of OA, and aerosol hygroscopic properties. read more read less

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Abstract: [1] The GRACE mission is designed to track changes in Earth’s gravitational field for a period of five years. Launched in March 2002, the two GRACE satellites have collected nearly two years’ worth of data. The data available during the commissioning phase was used to derive the initial gravity model. Gravity models were developed… [1] The GRACE mission is designed to track changes in Earth’s gravity field for a period of five years. Launched in March 2002, the two GRACE satellites have collected nearly two years’ worth of data. The data available during the commissioning phase was used to derive the initial gravity model. The gravity models developed with this data are more than an order of magnitude better at long and mid-wavelengths than previous models. Error estimates indicate 2-cm accuracy over land and ocean regions alike, a result of the highly precise, global and homogenous nature of the GRACE data. These preliminary results are a strong validation of the GRACE mission concept. read more read less

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Pdf) Arc‐type Magmatism Due To Continental‐edge Plowing Through Ancient Subduction‐enriched Mantle

Devano Mahardika

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