Hot Freaks Write Me Letters

Hot Freaks Write Me Letters – The Beltrami County Sheriff’s Office shared a handwritten apology from a young prank caller last Friday, Jan. 17, acknowledging the offender’s remorse and creating a learning moment.

“Dear Beme G 911 Dispatchers,” the letter begins in a child’s handwriting, “I was the prankster who called you. I’m really sorry and I know it’s not right and that No joke.” The transgressor explains the reason for his (or her) punishment.

Hot Freaks Write Me Letters

Hot Freaks Write Me Letters

“My mom told me people died because of it.” “I also feel very bad for my grandmother and grandfather because this was their home and I was afraid they would be charged,” the letter continued.

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The letter concludes, “I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again. I hope you have a great New Year. Please forgive me.”

According to the Facebook post’s caption, the Beltrami County Sheriff’s Office sent back a letter accepting the apology and telling the author that they are “still friends” with the office. He also took advantage of the opportunity to learn from the situation. “Parents, please talk to your children about the proper use of 911. Also, know that cell phones you no longer use and give to a child as a toy should be turned on. So can still call 911.”

Comments on the Facebook post showed overwhelming support for the child’s parents and the sincerity of the youngster’s letter. A couple even shared similar experiences:

“My dog ​​called 911 on my husband’s phone this summer,” Angie shared. “His wet nose activated the “emergency call” function on the lock screen. Talk about embarrassing when the officer came to make sure we were okay. I still feel bad for him.”

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“My youngest son did it once after a presentation at school,” added Laura. “I think it was mostly out of curiosity and in his young mind, to see if he really ‘ Did it work?’ Great news…it really works!! The deputy that came out to our house was very patient with her and did a great job of explaining to her why it is not okay to call when there is no real emergency. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to our community.”

Have you ever asked your child(ren) to write an apology letter or apologize in person when they did something they shouldn’t have done, big or small?

Devano Mahardika

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