How To Reset Wordlock Bike Lock With Letters

How To Reset Wordlock Bike Lock With Letters – Oh! Forgot the code to your Wordlock bike lock, or wondering how to reset your Wordlock password?

First things first, don’t panic, you’ve come to the right place. I have years of experience with bike locks, including combination locks like the Wordlock.

How To Reset Wordlock Bike Lock With Letters

How To Reset Wordlock Bike Lock With Letters

Below I’ve included some basic tips to help unlock your Wordlock, and I’ll also explain how to set up a new parcode.

Combination Bike Locks

The steps I’ve put together below are suitable for most bike locks and will teach you how to program bike locks with letters or numbers.

Don’t worry if your word doesn’t sound like mine. Below I will show you how to open two types of Wordlock!

Wordlock bike locks are similar to most combination bike locks on the market, except instead of using numeric dials, Wordlock uses letters.

Once the correct combination/word is entered into Wordlock, the keys will allow you to lock.

Wordlock Key Lock Box

The problem with digital combination bike locks is that it’s easy to forget the codes, and a word to remember should be easier to remember! Until now!

But don’t worry, the steps below will teach you how to unlock a Wordlock bike lock so you can go back and reset your combination.

However, if you have forgotten how the lock works, first align the combination with the small pieces on the outside of the locking mechanism.

How To Reset Wordlock Bike Lock With Letters

If your lock still won’t unlock, continue with the steps below. Otherwise, scroll down and read the How to Install Wordlock section!

Best Combination Bike Lock 2022

So you don’t know what the code is for your Wordlock? Don’t worry! Let’s find out. Most Wordlock bike locks come with a SHED passcode.

Now that that’s done, click here and I’ll show you how to install Wordlock bike locks. If not, then we have a few more options.

Remember when you first bought Wordlock, and you set the combination to a memorable name, a funny word, or your favorite sports team?

If you’ve tried the above combinations and still can’t open your Wordlock, there’s one more step to take before we break.

Stor More Key Safe

I’ve put together a detailed guide on how to pick bike locks, including Wordlock and other bike locks with letters. Read “Rotation and Gravity Method”.

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When placed under tension, the cheapest combination locks will give a response indicating that each register is in the open position.

This should unlock your Wordlock, if it still doesn’t work, we have one last method that we can use to unlock your Wordlock. This will take a bit longer than the other methods, but it is 99.999% effective in unlocking Wordlock.

How To Reset Wordlock Bike Lock With Letters

If you have three or four Wordlock entries, continue to the next section below. Otherwise, if you have five or more Wordlocks alive and you end up paying for other options you’ll have to get another bike lock. In this case, a slightly more secure bike lock might be a better option.

Buy Alloy 5 Dial Letters Combination Padlock Code Password Lock Silver & Black At Affordable Prices — Free Shipping, Real Reviews With Photos — Joom

This next step is reserved for when you have some free time, perhaps an evening watching TV or sitting outside in the sun.

Yes, you guessed it! We’re going to go through all 9,999 possible combinations. This may seem like half a lifetime, but if you do the math, it should be 55 minutes max.

I’ll let you decide whether you’re ready to take that final step or not

Although this is not a Wordlock, a combination lock with five registers will take around 9 hours to crack using the following method!

Wordlock Prism Combination Bike Lock, 8mm (silver)

So, each key in Wordlock bike locks has ten letters, and four registers, giving us 9,999 possible combinations.

If we work on the basis that we enter 3 different codes per second, we will enter all 9,999 combinations in 3,333 seconds or 55 minutes and 33 seconds.

Normally, you don’t have to enter all 9,999 combinations to crack a password, so 55 minutes is the maximum time!

How To Reset Wordlock Bike Lock With Letters

In the beginning, you will be a little slower than 3 writes per second, but as you progress, you will get faster.

Cable Lock 4 Non Reset Red

How to enter each combination is self-explanatory, but remember to start with a catchphrase so you can recognize it after going through the calls.

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If you need a little help unlocking Wordlock using 9,999 test methods, follow the simple steps below.

Congratulations! Skip to the next section of the Open Lock article where I’ll teach you how to reset the combination for Wordlock bike locks!

If you’ve followed the steps above and still can’t get the lock to open, you may need to get yourself a new bike lock. Your Wordlock is screwed together, making it almost impossible to open without breaking it.

Solved: I Have A Wordlock Bike Lock How Do I Reset The

If you’re looking to replace your bike combination, check out the best and most secure combination locks.

To reset the Wordlock bike lock, you need to unlock it. If you don’t understand the code, go back to the top of the article and I’ll teach you the fastest ways to open a Worldlock bike lock.

These are the most popular styles of combination locks. If your locking mechanism does not look like any of these images, select the most similar option and follow the image steps below.

How To Reset Wordlock Bike Lock With Letters

With your Wordlock open, locate the small lever/turn on the lock mechanism, which should be facing upwards.

I Have A Bikemate Bike Lock I Forgot The Combination.

Move the lever/switch downwards (or initially in the opposite direction). The locking mechanism is now in the adjustment position.

With your Wordlock open, locate the spin key on the lock mechanism, which will usually have arrows and the word “adjust.”

Turn the spin switch to the “set” position, turning it all the way until it stops. The locking mechanism is now in the adjustment position.

If you’ve forgotten your old combination, it’s a good idea to take note of your new Wordlock password. You can make a note on your phone, or make a physical note that you are somewhere safe.

Locs Wordlock 3 Letter Combination Lock Code Steel Standard Size Padlock Set Of 3

Your Wordlock bike lock may look safe and secure, but if you want my honest advice, don’t use a cable lock as your primary bike lock as much as possible.

Cable locks offer a minimal level of security and can be defeated with small wire cutters in seconds.

If you want to use Wordlock without risking your bike, why not use it to mount your wheels to your bike frame? So chancellors can’t loosen and remove your wheels.

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How To Reset Wordlock Bike Lock With Letters

Police recommend spending at least 15% of the value of your bike on locks.

Dwd Combination Lock

I’ve reviewed some of the best bike locks on the market here, or if you’re on a budget, some of the best cheap bike locks that offer the same level of security.

As you have read above, Wordlock bike locks provide very minimal security for your bike. Their cable sheath is made of thin metal wires twisted together.

In fact, if a professional thief targets your bike and you equip it with Wordlock, they can remove the lock in 5-10 seconds.

Furthermore, Wordlock does not have a Marketed Security rating or any other security rating from reputable organizations. This means that unless you are using the bike accessories and components for support, it should be avoided.

Wordlock Steel Shackle Combination Padlock In The Padlocks Department At

Although Kryptonite CryptoLock does not receive a 990 Sold Security rating, it does offer improved security compared to Worldlock.

Of course, with a price of 990, you can buy at least 5 Wordlocks for one price. However, when using Cryptolock 990, the bike will be 5 times more secure than when locked with Wordlock.

Not only is it sold because it’s Diamond rated (top rated!), 16.8mm hardened steel frame, and bolt cutter proof, but because it’s all at a very affordable price.

How To Reset Wordlock Bike Lock With Letters

Granted, Brute uses cheaper plastics to cover the armored locking mechanism, but Sold Secure pointed out that I’m not a bike lock enthusiast, so it thinks it’s the best one here.

Wordlock Quik Release Bike Lock, 12mm (blue)

Subsequently, this lock was featured in my reviews of the best cheap bike locks, the strongest bike locks, the best bike locks and the best D locks.

Skunklock is a species. This is the only bike lock I’ve reviewed so far with anti-theft capabilities.

At the end of the day, every bike out there can beat the lock with a shifter crank. Your job as a bike owner is to make it as difficult as possible for thieves.


Wordlock Discus Lock

Devano Mahardika

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