Jarred And Jolted Crossword 7 Letters

Jarred And Jolted Crossword 7 Letters – Danish shoe manufacturer / TUE 7-12-22 / Appropriate name for a car mechanic? / Puccini opera set in Rome / Potato salad ingredient for short / Counterpart of rouge in roulette

Relative Difficulty: Slightly on the harder side of Tuesday (mostly because the first longer answer was initially unclear and the second…I only vaguely know)

Jarred And Jolted Crossword 7 Letters

Jarred And Jolted Crossword 7 Letters

THEME: SLEEP-WAKE CYCLES (57A: The body’s internal clock patterns, regulated by the phenomenon seen in the circled letters) – circled squares form a wave across the grid that spells CIRCADIAN RHYTHM. You also get the answer TWENTY-FOUR HOURS at the top of the grid (16A: Approximate length of 57-Across), as well as DAY up top (5A: Light time) and NIGHT down below (66A: Dark time)

Rex Parker Does The Nyt Crossword Puzzle: Fancy Term For A Long Prison Sentence / Sat 1 25 20 / Musical Family From Cremona / Olden Land North Of Anglia / Pistolet Par Exemple /

Word of the day: circadian rhythm (spelled out in the wavy circle line above the grid) — Acircadian rhythm (/s ər ˈ k eɪ d i ə n / ), or circadian rhythm, is a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep–wake cycle and repeats approximately every 24 hours. hour. It can refer to any process that originates in an organism (ie, endogenous) and responds to the environment (induced by the environment). These 24-hour rhythms are driven by the acircadian clock, and they have been observed in many animals, plants, fungi and cyanobacteria. The term circadian comes from the Latin circa, meaning “around” (or “about”), and diēm, meaning “day”. Processes with 24-hour cycles are more generally called circadian rhythms; circadian rhythms should not be called circadian rhythms unless they can be confirmed as endogenous, and not environmental. Although circadian rhythms are endogenous, they are adjusted to the local environment by external cues called zeitgebers (German for “time givers”), which include light, temperature, and docking cycles. In clinical settings, an abnormal circadian rhythm in humans is known as acircadian rhythm sleep disorder.

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What does the wave represent? I don’t quite understand the visual representation. It looks like an EKG or other hospital monitor…but are circadian rhythms measured this way? If you do a google image search on [circadian rhythm], all the visuals you get are basically disc-shaped, like a clock face (not surprisingly), showing day on one side and night on the other, or something like that. Something like this, actually:

You have the DAY/NIGHT thing going on, but these responses are so small they hardly register. As for the “circadian” wave: no doubt a “wave” is a common enough representation of a cycle, but the connection between the visual (the entire puzzle’s raison d’être) and the word it contains just seems tenuous . Moreover, I know the expression primarily in the plural: circadian rhythms. That’s how it appears in the title of this page on the UCLA Sleep Disorder clinic, for example, and that must be how the phenomenon is often talked about, or I’m not sure why it would exist in the plural in my head. The fact that it appears in the singular here is certainly not a bug or elegance, just a routing tweak that jarred my ear a bit. Notice that while “rhythm” is singular, the revealed is plural. More grid-friendly. Also note that the wave is not quite regular, i.e. it flattens out at the top of the cycle (for two squares) but then peaks at the bottom. Again, the grid is a tough task master, so you make the theme material work however you can. I don’t think any of the grids here are extreme or disqualifying, but when you make a visual element into the marquee arrangement, small mistakes and inconsistencies stand out (if you bother to look and don’t just go about your day like a normal person).

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The fill was rough, especially through the wave, which is not surprising. As I’ve said before, trying to fill a grid neatly around a word that runs on diagonals is very difficult. If you put 24 HOURS in your grid, well, it just sits on one line and behaves itself, and you just have to do the normal amount of architectural work to accommodate it, whereas when a phrase does that “circadian” does, hoo boo are you in for a rough ride. Seems like it should be just as much trouble—the same number of letters as TWENTY-FOUR HOURS, after all; but when you leave the right plane for Across, you’re now involving all the other Across planes in your shenanigans, and the grid will really start to screw up and turn on you. This is why you get FAA and DOFOR and AONE and RAE all together in a wet bunch there in the middle, and then the OTTO OHM OHH tap in the east, oops, that was probably the roughest part of the grid for me. I’m never good at the [Good name for someone who works in some profession] kind of answers, and having “O” in 38A: Appropriate name for a car mechanic? (OTTO) all I could think was “… OILY? Are people called OILY?” And then I wanted ERGO for THUS (40D: Start of a conclusion). And *then*, after I got THUS, I really wanted AHA for 44A: “”Now” I get it!” (“OHHH!”). Ugh, that one answer, “OHH!,” gave me more trouble than anything except the revealer, which I needed almost every cross for (the WAKE part was ???). I wanted OHM for 41D: Physicist Georg with electrifying discovery? but AHA wouldn’t let me go with it. And even when I went with it, I ended up going “AHH!” for 44A: “”Now” I get it!,” which, come on, seems at least as correct as “OHH!” Just a wreck, and a wreck that happens on some of the most nonsensical fills on the grid. Not too much fun. However, I encountered a classic example of a kealoa* today, which was also not funny, but it allows me to illustrate the phenomenon quite nicely with a grid image:

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Bravura Literary Journal

The only way this could be a more perfect example is if the word “Observatory” wasn’t in the clue. Maybe it’s meant to help you decide between LOA and KEA, but it didn’t help me at all because I wasn’t an observatory aficionado. And as you can see, I had “A” – which also didn’t help me at all. That’s the hallmark of the kealoa*—there’s no way to choose between two (or more) options until you get some crosses … and then you get one (or more) … and it *still* doesn’t help you. This happens with a bunch of common crossword answers: ATON v ALOT, ELUDE v EVADE, etc. A kealoa is a bit of a stress, not a Natick** level disaster. See you tomorrow.

[UPDATE: the thing about having smart readers is, well, you’ll hear about it if you go unknowingly into their specialties. Fortunately, I have not only smart, but (mostly) kind readers. So thanks to reader Bill L. for sending me the following email this morning:]

*kealoa = a short, common answer that you can’t just fill in quickly because two or more answers are viable, even with one or more letters in place. From the classic [Mauna ___] KEA/LOA conundrum. See also, e.g. [Heaps] ATON/ALOT, [“Git!”] “SHOO”/”SCAT,” etc.

Jarred And Jolted Crossword 7 Letters

Devano Mahardika

Halo, Saya adalah penulis artikel dengan judul Jarred And Jolted Crossword 7 Letters yang dipublish pada October 14, 2022 di website Caipm

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