Kairos Retreat Letters Examples Download

Kairos Retreat Letters Examples Download – A letter of encouragement for a spiritual retreat is a letter that can be used to recommend a spiritual retreat to a person who is experiencing difficulties. The purpose of the document is to encourage the recipient of the letter to take care of themselves and spend some time on a spiritual retreat. With this type of encouragement letter, the sender can suggest that the recipient think about what the future holds for them and offer any help they may need to reach spiritual refuge.

This letter often contains quotations and references to the Bible, which are usually used to inspire the recipient of the letter to take some time apart and continue their spiritual development during the retreat. A sample letter of encouragement for a spiritual retreat is available for download below.

Kairos Retreat Letters Examples Download

Kairos Retreat Letters Examples Download

With the help of this letter, the sender can introduce the person to ways of developing his spiritual side, as well as offer kind words of support. This can help neutralize their frustration caused by the difficulties the recipient of the letter has to face.

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I am writing this as a letter to you personally, Diana, my dear sister in Christ, in case

I am writing this because I want to remind you of the great future that God has for you. i

You have no idea how big your future is. He says that what He has for you is so

When you draw near to God and do what He asks you to do, when you worship Him in spirit

Beyond Palancas Engaging The Whole School Community In Support Of Retreats.

And indeed, if you love others and give yourself to them, if you speak the Word of God in him

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Pressing the PRINT button will print only the current page. Download the document to your desktop computer, tablet or smartphone to be able to print it in its entirety.1 APPENDIX D. SAMPLE LETTERS AND FORMS Sample Letter from Member of Our Lady of Perpetual Movement, 930 Side Street Ourtown, OH (513) Dear Julie, How are you going to go into high school, you’re probably both excited and nervous. There are many things you look forward to and some things you wonder about. Have you ever wanted to know about high school? Well, you can. You are invited to participate in a special Day of Reflection for those new to high school. This day will explore the highs and lows of being a freshman, help you learn where God fits into the picture, and give you some resources you may need. High school students will be there to share what they have learned. The day of reflection will be held on September 15 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the church meeting room. Cost for the day will be $5 and includes lunch. We really hope you can be there on this special day. If you plan to join us, please have your parents sign the attached permission slip and return it along with your five dollars to the Office of Youth Services by September 10th. Please invite your friends, if they have not received this invitation, have them contact you for more information and a permission form. Hope to see you there! Peace, James Madison Corps: Authorization Form D-1

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Kairos Retreat Letters Examples Download

2 Sample parental letter St. Parousia Youth Ministry 626 S. Oklahoma Street Your Town, OH (513) Dear Parents, As you know, your son/daughter will be participating in a confirmation retreat in March. A retreat is a special time to get away and get in touch with God. The focus of this retreat will be on deepening your son/daughter’s faith and exploring the role of the Holy Spirit in his/her life. The retreat will be led by Joe Slavinski and Julie Meyer from our parish who have been trained as retreat leaders. Other adults and peer leaders will help in a variety of ways. LOCATION/TRAVEL: The retreat will be held at Camp Hiawatha, 20 miles west of Waukesha. Transportation will be carried out by bus. At 18.30 we leave the Church parking lot. on Friday and return on Sunday at 12:00 p.m. Mass. Please join us for Mass. FORMS: Parental permission/medical form attached. Please fill out the form as accurately as possible and sign it. Please bring the form to the parish office by March 3rd. Youth will not be allowed to participate without a signed parent/medical form. COST: The cost of the retreat is $75 and must be paid when you return your permit ticket/medical form. If you have difficulty paying the fee, please contact me so that arrangements can be made. No one will be turned away due to insolvency. CODE OF CONDUCT: Your son/daughter has received a letter detailing the retreat, including what to bring and what not to bring and behavioral expectations. A copy of the Code of Conduct is attached to this letter. Keep in mind that if your teen disrupts the retreat, you will be asked to come pick him/her up. EMERGENCY INFORMATION: In the event of an emergency, camp phone numbers are: Camp Office and Camp Director’s Home, Sincerely, Judy Jones-Smith D-2

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3 Sample follow-up letter to participants. Parish of St. Parish 626 South Oklahoma Cincinnati, Ohio (513) Dear Jason, I was so glad you were able to attend the confirmation retreat last weekend. I know life can be busy. Thank you for taking the time to be there. I have heard some positive comments about the retreat and I hope the experience was good for you. Since confirmation is just around the corner, I am sending information for young people to further explore the role of the Holy Spirit in the sacrament. I thought it might be of interest to those who attended the retreat. I would also like to encourage you again to share the resource materials you received at the retreat with your parents. This can be a good way to start a discussion. Thanks again for participating! I look forward to seeing you at confirmation! Sincerely, Judy Jones-Smith Supplement: D-3 Youth Update

4 Sample of the following letter to the parents of St. Parousia 626 S. Oklahoma St. Cincinnati, OH (513) Dear Parents, Thank you for allowing your son/daughter to attend the Confirmation Retreats last weekend. I appreciate your support of our program. Participant evaluations indicate that it was a positive experience for most of those who participated. I want to share with you some comments from the evaluations. I had a lot more fun than I thought I would. It really gave me something to think about. I used to have many questions about the Church and confirmation. This retreat really helped me understand the Sacrament more. After this retreat, I feel ready for confirmation. Of course, one overnight retreat can’t cover everything or completely shape your teen’s values. I encourage you to talk to your son or daughter about faith and spirituality. To help you in this dialogue, your teen has received some retreat resource materials that he/she has been invited to share with you. Although it may not seem like it at times, teenagers are still influenced by what their parents say. (If your son/daughter has not already given you the resource material, ask them to share it with you.) If there is anything else I can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call. I look forward to sharing your son/daughter’s confirmation celebration with you. Sincerely, Judy Jones-Smith D-4

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5 Examples of Checklists Checklist of Administrative Forms and Materials? Forms of health insurance for all young adults? Authorization and release forms? Session handouts? Member books or magazines? Assessment forms? How to get to the facility? Checks/payments for facility, director, musicians, clergy, etc.? Forms of preparation for prayer and liturgy? Videos, CDs, Tapes Needed for Sessions Essential Recreational Equipment Checklist? Paper (various sizes)? Name battles? Construction paper? Index cards? A poster board? Kleenex? Pens, pencils? Markers? Music tapes, CDs? Envelopes? Slides? Masking tape? Scissors? A regular tape? A stapler? Glue? A hole punch with three holes? Change box? Flashlights? Post-it Notes (various sizes)? Paper clips Hardware checklist? Easel/newspaper? A first aid kit? Sports equipment? Games, cards, board games? CD/tape player? Screen? A disc projector? VCR, DVD player, TV? Extension cord, adapters? LCD, notebook D-5

6 Liturgical and Prayer Tools Checklist Common Prayer Supplies Eucharistic Liturgy Supplies? the bible? Bread or hosts? Candles? Wine? Matches or lighter? Baskets and vessels? Prayer books? Cleaners? Music books or a worship manual? Lectionary? Decorative fabrics? Sacramentary? Other items to decorate? Clothes? Liturgical, contemporary and reflective CDs/cassettes? Order of Worship/Script? Desks? Liturgical Music Tapes/CDs Checklist: Food, Snacks, and Utensils? Menu, list of products? Plates? Recipes? Bowls? Measuring cups and spoons? Cups (hot and cold)? Mixing

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