Palm Beach Post Letters To Editor

Palm Beach Post Letters To Editor – I am a Republican who voted for Joe Biden. As a retired engineer, I spent 40 years applying science to keep commercial and military jet engines flying reliably. Science is more important than politics.

My wife and I use masks and social distancing to protect our citizens. We know that these actions protect others, not ourselves. Wemustrely tell others to use masks and social distancing to protect ourselves. We are in a high risk category for COVID-19. COVID-19 may be a death sentence for us.

Palm Beach Post Letters To Editor

Palm Beach Post Letters To Editor

When a citizen does his “custom” not to wear a mask, my freedom to be safe is violated. When the faceless man came within 6 feet of him in the house, I feared for my life. As a good citizen, I will do my best not to use “stand your ground” to defend myself.

Letters To The Editor: Get Your Covid Vaccination

Joe Biden uses the science of masks, social distancing and cleaning to defeat COVID-19. This will keep our economy healthy and prosperous. This science will only work if everyone follows these principles.

The Obama-Biden administration took the United States out of recession and into a super economy. Donald Trump succumbed to COVID-19. This release destroyed the economy and defeated the American people. Personally, I fear that re-electing Donald Trump is a death sentence for my wife and me.

Democracy doesn’t work when the Fourth Estate, the media, academia and social media today are all about one political party or cause, the Democratic Party and liberalism. now. No Democrat is really challenged when questioned but the media supports it to their advantage.

Opinions opposed to liberalism are shut down by the likes of Twitter and Facebook. For four years, the media’s mission was to topple the president or prevent him from reaching another term. This is far worse and far from our nation than anything the left can imagine is Donald Trump.

Gov. Desantis Abortion Press Conference And Photo Op Exploits Children

I fear that if Trump wins in the near term, the left will be in trouble in our streets across the country.

Just think if our president had voted for the reforms on the ballot. Did he have a paper with him to help him in the process? Did he vote for a dictator who thinks he’s a Democrat? Did he vote for judges?

The Palm Beach Post is committed to publishing a wide variety of opinions. Send your comments to [email protected] or by mail to Letters to the Editor, The Palm Beach Post, 2751 S. Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL 33405. Letters to be addressed, no more than 200 words, and include your name, address and daytime phone number (only your name and city will be published by us). ELECTIONS Find out voter rights by state Real Estate Market Report CORONAVIRUS Who got the cost savings? CORONAVIRUS COVID-19: Equating the Curve

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Palm Beach Post Letters To Editor

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Crime Rate Community Crime Comparison FSA Test Score Card Message Suspensions, School Punishment CORONAVIRUS Map Coronavirus CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 Unemployment Tracker CORONAVIRUS Home Recovery Menu CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 Vaccine Tracking Refugees Among Us POLITICS Election Results 2020 Results Politics 2020 Election Results. COMPARISON POLITICS Early Voting Voting Funding Gun Money How much money do pro-gun PACs spend lobbying your lawmakers Health Check Directory Opioid Epidemic Online Pill Tracking Hurricane Irma Power Outages Hurricane Dorian Power Outages Map HURRICANE Michael Power Outages They’re annoying not only for the first installation but also for their macho, gun-toting Second Amendment. These aren’t the little folks at home with pitchforks and torches … hugging Dr. Anthony Fauci’s mansion.

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No, these hombres wear fashion with Grizzly Adams beards, and some even mock the Confederacy flag, right up in Michigan. They don’t want to be told what to do.

Letter To The Editor: Palm Beach Mayors Seek Donations To General Employee Appreciation Fund

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and this one is unlike any other. The Coronavirus and social distancing are challenges we have never faced before.

Professionals and caregivers in the child welfare system are doing more to keep children safe.

When an abused or neglected child enters the foster care system, judges appoint certified advocates from the Palm Beach County Public Defender Program to represent the child in court. That volunteer becomes an expert in the child’s case, acting as the eyes and ears of the judge as the court decides the child’s best interests.

Palm Beach Post Letters To Editor

Meanwhile, already depressed households are suffering from unemployment and loss of income. Child abuse is more dangerous. Staff ad litem guardians and aides are responding by bringing basic needs to families, such as groceries, diapers and computers for school and making sure children are safe through video chats and telephone calls.

Press And Media

In an April 15 column in the Palm Beach Post, Beverly Hallberg wrote that “CNN only broadcasts brief comments when (Dr.) Fauci and (Dr. Deborah) Birx speak to avoiding giving (President) Trump to their audience.”

That is absolutely false. I think Hallberg is justified in lying because he clearly believes all of President Trump’s denials of the past despite the video-taped testimony to the contrary.

A headline in the Post’s April 15 edition, “Trump returns to power to ‘open up’ states” :

This is what President Donald Trump means. He knew that if he left the responsibility of opening up the economy to the governors, he would win.

Donald Trump’s Life In Florida: A Palm Beach Post Editor On The “center Of The Maga Universe.”

If it works, Trump will be credited for its implementation. If it fails, he will deny responsibility and blame the governors. It’s brilliant!

I am a senior citizen who does not live in a luxury apartment, but I have two very busy wives who clean my house regularly. Their husbands had young children and their husbands had been laid off from their jobs. And I have, and will continue, to reward them in this terrible crisis.

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Others may consider doing the same. If this is not a time to protect our friends and neighbors, and the people who help us, I don’t know of a better time.

Palm Beach Post Letters To Editor

The Palm Beach Post is committed to publishing a wide variety of opinions. Send your comments to [email protected] or by mail to Letters to the Editor, The Palm Beach Post, 2751 S. Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, FL 33405. Letters to be addressed, no more than 200 words, and include your name, address and daytime phone number (only your name and city will be published).I have been with my husband for 35 years. Our 12 year old daughter goes to public school. During his primary school years, he has revealed that he has two fathers and that his mother does not live with him. He has created family photo collections and the three of us are the heart of his family. We have volunteered in his classes as a couple.

Hurricane Andrew: Images From The Killer Storm: The Palm Beach Post: 9781563520594: Books

Although sexuality and gender identity are not taught in Florida’s K-3 classrooms, families and relationships are discussed in the curriculum and in the classroom. The “Don’t say gay” bill would accuse my daughter of innocent behavior, and it might not be illegal. Do the teachers tell him to keep quiet or not share his art for fear that another student will tell their parents and they will sue the school? Can webe suspect? This is a bad bill not only for LGBTQ students but for all parents who care about raising their children to be respectful and loving people.

I remember when people could argue about laws and other public policies. Today it is common to have a conversation with a close friend or an acquaintance and realize that the other person has no real idea about the matter being discussed. The latest is the “Don’t say gay” law. I took the time to read the bill to a number of people and they all agreed with the law as written and were disappointed that their reports did not reflect the facts. If I were the editor of the newspaper, I would print the entire bill and let my readers decide.

The photo of Gov DeSantis signing the “Don’t say gay” bill really bothered me. I’m interested

Devano Mahardika

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