Pi Follower 3 Letters

Pi Follower 3 Letters – Prediction of Wear on Tibial Inserts Made of UHMWPE, PEEK and CFR-PEEK in Total Knee Arthroplasty Using Finite-Element Analysis

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Pi Follower 3 Letters

Pi Follower 3 Letters

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Approximations For Large Deflection Of A Cantilever Beam Under A Terminal Follower Force And Nonlinear Pendulum

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Hazim U. Jamali 1, Amjad Al-Hamoud 1, Odai I. Abdullah 2, 3, * , Adolfo Senatore 4 and Joseph Schlattmann 3

Leader–follower Formation Control Of Two Quadrotor Uavs

Received: 14 February 2019 / Revised: 30 March 2019 / Accepted: 3 April 2019 / Published: 5 April 2019

Important factors affecting the characteristics of the contact problem between cam and follower vary enormously during the operating cycle of this mechanism. It includes radius of curvature, surface velocity and applied load. It has been found in the past decades that the mechanism operates under a very thin film of lubricant. Any practical improvement in the level of film thickness separating the connected surfaces represents an essential step towards a satisfactory design of the system. A detailed numerical study for cam and follower (flat-faced) lubrication is presented in this paper, including the effect of introducing an axial variation of cam depth (parabolic shape) on film thickness and stress distribution levels. This is achieved based on a point contact model for the cam and flat-faced follower system. The results reveal that the deformation cam shape has substantial effects on the predicted film thickness and stress distribution and the degree of surface deformation.

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A cam follower is a mechanism in which the rotary motion (of a cam) is converted into oscillating or reciprocating motion. This mechanism is simple and reliable, it is widely used in many machines especially in internal combustion engines. Follower dynamics depends on the type of follower selected cam profile and its rotation speed. Therefore, the cam profile and follower type are selected according to the desired performance and machinery requirements. In addition to their use in internal combustion engines, cams are used in printing machines, packaging machines and paper cutting machines, etc.

Pi Follower 3 Letters

There are many types of cams and followers depending on their applications. Cams are mainly classified as disc cam and cylindrical cam but followers have a greater variety; In some cases they are classified according to reciprocal or oscillatory motion. In other cases, followers are classified according to the surface in contact with the cam, such as knife edge, flat face, spherical face and roller followers. More details on the cam-following mechanism can be found in [1].

Formation Control Of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Using Local Sensing Means In Absence Of Follower Position Information

A cam follower is considered a high torque mechanism; In upper pair, the type of contact between elements is line or point contact, while in lower pair surface contact occurs. A point and line connection is considered a non-corresponding connection in most pair mechanisms. Other typical examples of this type of connection are between gear teeth and between the inner race of ball and bearings. In contrast to a conformal connection, such as the connection between a journal and a bearing, significant deformation takes place in the connecting surfaces. Therefore, during the operation of cam-follower mechanism and with the existence of lubricating fluid, elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) occurs. This type of lubrication for a cam with a flat face follower is studied in detail in this paper.

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EHL connectivity problems are solved by treating connectivity as a 2D or 3D problem. These are called line and point contact solutions respectively. The 2D case can be used when the geometry does not change along one of the two dimensions in contact (such as the depth of a cam). For problems where the geometry varies in two dimensions at the contact (such as cam depth variation), a 3D EHL (point) model is required.

Lubrication of machinery is an important topic for designers and maintenance engineers. The main goals of lubrication are to reduce wear in contact with machine elements and to reduce frictional energy lost during operation. In the last few decades, the fuel consumption rate of machines has become a significant parameter. This issue was raised first to reduce the cost of operation of the machines and secondly to reduce the pollution caused by the exhaust gases which has emerged as a big environmental problem. The lubrication of cams was studied by Dyson and Naylor [2] mainly focusing on the tappet stresses of scraping and polishing. He believed that the occurrence of these problems was controlled by the temperature in the contact region and his study was based on that. Muller [3] studied cam and tappet lubrication both experimentally and theoretically considering the geometry and lubrication performance of the cams. In this study, it was concluded that consideration of the oil film in the contact zone is an important factor for tribological design. Dyson [4] considered the Hertzian stress on the cam wheel and the lubricant film thickness as compromises in selecting the design parameters of a cam-follower mechanism. The load in the contact zone is one of the factors controlling elastohydrodynamic lubrication. It is often complicated to accurately evaluate the load along the cam cycle. Accordingly, measuring the load empirically may be an option; It was conducted by Bair et al. [5]. The follower is equipped with a piezo-electric force transducer to measure force in three independent directions, allowing measurement of the friction force in addition to the load. Ball [6] did a comprehensive tribological study on automotive cams using analytical methods to evaluate key parameters of lubrication. Tyler [7] presented an important review on lubrication analysis and previous work on valve tray lubrication (which includes cam-follower mechanisms).

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Transient elastohydrodynamic analyzes were investigated by Kushwaha [8] and Teodorescu et al. [9]. Furthermore, Teodorescu et al. [10] used integrated tribological analysis within a multi-physics approach on piston and valve train systems. Nguyen and Kim [11] described a synthesis method for designing flexible cam profiles using smooth spline curves.

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Vela et al. [12] experimentally studied the cam-follower contact using an existing apparatus, which is used for the investigation of a non-conforming lubricated contact based on the optical interference method. Experimental tests confirmed the feasibility of using this method in a cam-follower connection. Wang et al. [13] investigated the elastohydrodynamic lubrication of an eccentric-tappet pair in terms of the wave length and eccentricity of the surface wave, the results showed that the wave has a significant influence on the oil film properties. Ciulli [14] conducted an experimental study on a circular eccentric cam and follower using different eccentricities and surface roughness, which gave encouraging points about the tool used. Wu et al. [15] presented a thermal elastohydrodynamic study on a cam tappet pair assuming smooth contact. They made a comparison between thermal and isothermal analysis, finding that the latter overestimated the film thickness at certain angular positions of the cam. The results also show significant variations of oil film pressure and thickness at various selected angular positions on the cam.

Shirzadegan et al. [16] used finite length line EHL model for simulation of contacts between cam and roller follower. In their study, systematic analyzes are presented for the effects of roller crown and edge geometries in addition to lubricant rheology. More recently, Alakramsingh et al. [17, 18, 19] investigated the contact problem of cam-follower mechanism in detail considering collision and mixed EHL analyses.

Alakhramsingh et al. For [17].

Pi Follower 3 Letters

Devano Mahardika

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