Carol Of The Bells Piano Easy Letters

Carol Of The Bells Piano Easy Letters – Are you looking for an easy version of Carol on Bell Sheet Music to play on the piano? I’ve got you covered! This is a version that I have taught many beginner and intermediate piano students.

I’ve always loved Carol of the Bells. For one thing, it sounds like its name – beautiful Christmas bells ringing in melancholy music!

Carol Of The Bells Piano Easy Letters

Carol Of The Bells Piano Easy Letters

This piece was written by Ukranian composer Mykola Leontovych in 1914. He really wrote a song like no other! In the 100+ years since it was first written, Carol of the Bells has become a Christmas song known around the world, featured in many movies, and performed by many famous musicians. .

Christmas Carol Medley

Click on the image or button below to download your own copy of Carol on the Bells as a simple piano! The link will take you to google drive, and from there you can save it to your personal drive or download it as a PDF.

The first version kept everything nice and simple. The left hand is limited to one note and a few parts.

The middle version of the carol on the bell adds some extra elements, such as 3rds when the ostinato moves, and some 16th notes of the song. It adds a little more spice to the song!

I chose to arrange the Carol of the Bells in the key of A minor. This makes it especially easy for people who are new to the piano, since A child has no sharps or flats in it.

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The whole structure of the song is simple. It starts out with a repeating pattern on the right hand that continues for several measures. (This is also called ostinato). This pattern will eventually move to higher notes, and then become useful for certain melodies and scales.

With the simple version, I tried to make the left hand very simple. It has single notes or intervals throughout the entire song, so you won’t have to worry about moving through a group with both hands at the same time.

When you learn this song, don’t forget to pay attention to the energy! I have included some notes in the music, but here are some additional notes:

Carol Of The Bells Piano Easy Letters

While the lyrics to Carol of the Bells may seem intimidating, it’s made up of pretty simple chords.

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When the Ostinato repeats, no chords appear there. But when we go to the “chorus” section, there are very clear definitions.

In this section, there is a great opportunity for creativity and innovation. You can improve by playing a note in minor (so the white keys!)

This is actually how my father and I like to teach this piece—as a way to learn to improvise. While following good old songs, you can add different tempos in, change the melody, or create new songs too!

For this section the overall chord is E major. If you’re feeling adventurous, try adding an E major inversion in the left hand after playing the root note.

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Carol of the Bells is a very fun and easy song to learn on the piano! I hope you will enjoy learning it with this free and easy music! “Carol of the Bells” is a popular Christmas carol, composed by Mykola Leontovych with lyrics by Peter J. Wilhousky. The song is based on the Ukrainian singer called “Shchedryk”.

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It is associated with the arrival of the New Year which, in pre-Christian Ukraine, was originally celebrated with the arrival of spring in April.

To save this free sheet music of “Carol of the Bells” to your computer, right-click (or tap and hold, on mobile) and select “Save Image As…”.

Carol Of The Bells Piano Easy Letters

To download a printable PDF version of this song for music with lyrics, lyrics and illustrations for children, click on the button above or on the link below.

Easy Christmas Songs To Play On The Piano

To download the PDF version of this song with easy piano sheet music for beginners, click on the button above or on the link below.

How many times is the motif “fa mi-fa re” heard in the first part of the song? Or, again, how many of the same meters are repeated?

Find four bell-like sounds, share them with the four children, and play them in this order: (don’t forget to sing at the same time!)

For the first 4 meters, play the first tone (x.x. little bell) on the first beat of each meter (4 times).

Letter Note Player

In the next 4 meters, in the same way, add the second sound (x.x. a triangle), while the previous one is still playing.

Go to the next 4 meters with the third tone (eg glockenspiel A or D note) plus the previous two and add the fourth tone (eg jingle-bell – also known as sleigh bell- or small cymbals) at the end 4 m a.

Devano Mahardika

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