Star Ledger Letters To The Editor

Star Ledger Letters To The Editor – U.S. Rep. Tom Malinowski, left, is an effective centrist, a member of the bipartisan Problem Solvers’ Caucus. Tom Keane Jr. promises to be loyal to Trump and limit abortion rights. Aristide Economopoulos file photos | for Advance Media

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Star Ledger Letters To The Editor

Star Ledger Letters To The Editor

The Star-Ledger began endorsing candidates for Congress this week with a piece on the hottest race of them all, the contest between Rep. Tom Malinowski and his challenger, former state Sen. Tom Kean Jr. in the 7th District. We helped Malinowski, and it wasn’t a close call.

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Keane Jr. is running a most bizarre campaign, refusing to hold town hall meetings or talk to the press, as if his last name will carry the day, given the popularity of his father, the former governor.

He has one website for the public that avoids taking clear positions on anything, and does not mention the word abortion. But he has another aimed at conservatives that is full of Trumpian slogans, and promises to use his seat in Congress to protect “the sanctity of life” by pushing national laws that will limit abortion rights in all states, including New Jersey.

He called himself “pro-choice” at a recent forum, but he voted repeatedly to defund Planned Parenthood as a state senator, and his final vote in Trenton was cast against a clean bill to protect abortion rights. Go count.

Normally, we would try to unravel this mess at an editorial meeting. Before each election, we invite candidates from both parties and pepper them with questions for about an hour. Malinowski, a centrist member of the Problem Solvers Caucus, played ball and was fluent on all subjects.

The Gentleman’s Magazine 1797 06: Vol 67 Iss 6

But Kean refused, just as he has refused every interview request during this campaign. We sent him a list of written questions, and he also refused to answer them.

Then dad, the former governor, weighed in. During an interview with David Cruz on Spotlight TV, he blamed everything on me. “Tom Moran put things in the paper that are inaccurate, unfair, and he never got a chance to answer any of those things,” the former governor said.

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Ouch. This is coming from a man this newsroom deeply respects. But what he said is simply wrong. Kean gets a chance to comment every time, and we have the emails to prove it. And when challenged, neither father nor son could point to a single error of fact. We asked. This was Trumpian stuff.

Star Ledger Letters To The Editor

Moreover, the supporting editorial drew praise from some of Trump’s major Republican critics, including New York Times columnist David Brooks, and Bill Kristol, the founder of the neocon bible, The Weekly Standard.

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It’s a shame Kean didn’t show up, even knowing he’d face tough questions. This board is center-left, but it supported many Republicans, including Chris Christie, Christie Whitman and Leonard Lance. And it has offered strong support for several conservative initiatives, such as Christie’s pension and health care reforms, and the charter school movement.

Yes, in this Trump era, it’s harder to find common ground with national Republicans. But if Rep. Liz Cheney moves to Jersey from Wyoming, she has a great chance to win our support.

Does any sane person believe that repealing the watchdogs would be good for New Jersey?Michael Mancuso | Advance Med

A Gloucester County man had his job offer rescinded because he tested positive in a pre-employment urine test, so it could have been in his system for weeks. Now the retail giant is being taken to court in a class action lawsuit.AP

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The letter writer says, “The Advance Media article, ‘Online grocery orders reveal bag ban,’ clearly shows how banning all single-use bags by some retailers was not well thought out about the consequences.”

In 1989, Steven Benvenisti was nearly killed by a drunk driver weeks before he was scheduled to graduate from The College of New Jersey. With the number of crashes climbing, Benvenisti says action is needed now to stop dangerous driving.

If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. (JCPA), which would allow news publishers to collectively negotiate with the tech platforms for fair compensation for use of their content. With your support, we hope to pass this bill and that news publishers will receive the compensation they deserve.

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Star Ledger Letters To The Editor

Submit your letter of support to be included here! (A link to download a sample letter template is directly below.)

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See the Authors Guild’s statement supporting the JCPA in its comments to the US Copyright Office, January 5, 2022

“Millions of people around the United States access news and information from digital platforms every day. The platforms rely on quality publishers to fill their feeds and search results to provide factual information and stop the spread of misinformation and misinformation. To ensure a level playing field, The Lenfest Institute for Journalism believes that news publishers should be able to negotiate fairly with companies that depend on their journalism.”

“Facebook and Google love us for our local content. But they don’t contribute to the cost of gathering our intensely local and interesting news, and publishers don’t get any compensation when our material travels through these mega-giant networks. This bill would give to newspapers the ability to work as an industry for justice in the digital environment. We hope that Congress will act quickly to pass the legislation.”

“News media have struggled for several years with the impact social media has had on the distribution of our content. While providing our members with the potential to reach more readers, the opacity around the inner workings of major platforms means we can never truly maximize that potential. We are at a competitive disadvantage, beholden to the platforms and their rules. This bill will help us level the playing field.”

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“The journalism industry has a tenuous relationship with major content platforms like Google and Facebook. We need them to distribute our content, but we are also beholden to the rules they set, with no ability to meaningfully negotiate policies or practices that will actually benefit our members .This bill is necessary to ensure that we control how our content is distributed, so it benefits not only AAN members but our readers.”

“While the proposed ‘Journalism Competition and Preservation Act’ will not solve all the challenges facing news organizations, Guild leadership believes it will give news content creators more control over the pricing of their content and enable them to have more influence over content access. and distribution with news aggregators like Google and Facebook. This should give news outlets more latitude in building and maintaining robust newsrooms of experienced and talented journalists, supporting jobs and ensuring that Americans continue to have access to the accurate, quality news and information they need in a democratic society.”

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“It’s encouraging to see bipartisan support for legislation responding to this crisis, and the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act offers an important opportunity for news outlets to negotiate a fairer settlement with the tech giants.”

Star Ledger Letters To The Editor

“With print editions continuing to migrate to digital-only subscriptions, and consumers’ preference for content on the go, we need to build a media ecosystem that works for all parties involved. One where big tech can continue to thrive, but also one where media companies can increase data sharing, revenue and monetization efforts. The key is for platforms to understand that they must work with publishers to create an engaging user experience and a strong business model. And the first step toward collaboration is through the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act.”

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“Members of Congress realize the urgency and importance of this issue, especially for local news outlets. Communities will remain unserved and uncovered if the current trajectory continues. News publishers need greater leverage in negotiations with the dominant intermediary platforms that distribute and monetize quality journalism with little profit for those who produce it.

“At the heart of this bill is helping newspapers survive amid shrinking circulation and mass layoffs. Google and Facebook now control the news kingdom. They have pitted themselves against newspapers in a David-and-Goliath battle in which newspapers have no stone to spare throw much less a slingshot to put it. Readers are the real losers as newsrooms empty across this country. Google and Facebook aren’t just companies. They’re countries. We can’t allow them to bully newspapers out of business.”

“Without honest and trustworthy journalists reporting around the world and here at home, what’s out of sight really becomes mindless – but we’re seeing more and more independent and local news outlets shut down as ‘fake news’ increases. It’s more important than ever that we protect the free press and establish a level playing field for negotiations with online platforms. Our bipartisan legislation will improve the quality and accessibility of reporting and ensure that journalists can continue their critical work.”


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Devano Mahardika

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