What Letters Have No Line Of Symmetry
What Letters Have No Line Of Symmetry – In each figure on the side, a letter of the alphabet is shown along with a vertical line. Take the mirror image of the letter on the given line. Find which letters look the same after reflection (that is, which letters look the same in the image) and which do not. Can you guess why? Test for: O EM N P H L T S V X
Even if there exists at least one line that divides a figure into two halves such that one half is the mirror image of the other half, it is known as reflection symmetry.
What Letters Have No Line Of Symmetry
Thus, the letters O, M, H, T, V, X have the same mirror image as they follow reflection symmetry or have at least one line of symmetry while, E, N, P, L and S do not have the same mirror images, since they have no line of symmetry.
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In each figure on the side, a letter of the alphabet is shown along with a vertical line. Take the mirror image of the letter on the given line. Find which letters look the same after reflection (that is, which letters look the same in the image) and which do not. Can you guess why? Test for O, E, M, N, P, H, L, T, S, V, X.
The letters O, M, H, T, V, X have the same mirror image following reflection symmetry or have at least one line of symmetry while, E, N, P, L and S do not have the same mirror images. since they have no line of symmetry.