Work Shy Person 6 Letters

Work Shy Person 6 Letters – Nazi concentration camp badges, mainly triangles, were part of the identification system in German camps. They were used in German-occupied countries to find out why prisoners were being held there.

The triangles were made of cloth and sewn into the prisoners’ jackets and trousers. These obligatory badges of shame had specific meanings indicated by their color and shape. Such symbols helped guards assign tasks to prisoners. For example, at a glance a guard can see if someone is a convicted felon (grey patch) and thus likely has a tough temper suitable for kapo duty.

Work Shy Person 6 Letters

Work Shy Person 6 Letters

Anyone with an escape suspect sign would not normally be assigned to a team working outside the camp fce. Someone wearing an F could be called in to help translate the spoke instructions of guards on a train of new arrivals from France. Some historical monuments cite badge-imagery, using the triangle as a kind of visual shorthand to symbolize all the camp victims.

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The modern-day use of the pink triangle symbol to symbolize gay rights is a response to camp identification patches.

The system of badges varied between camps and in the later stages of World War II the use of badges declined in some camps and increased casualties in others. The following description is based on the badge coding system used in the early stages of the war at the Dachau concentration camp, which had a more elaborate coding system.

The shape was chosen based on its similarity to the triangular road hazard signs common in Germany that warn motorists. Here, the triangle is called inverted because its base points up while one of its angles points down.

Like those wearing the pink and gray triangles, the bottom two categories of people would be convicted in a criminal court.

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In addition to color-coding, non-German prisoners were marked with the first letter of the German name for their home country or ethnic group. A red triangle with a letter, for example:

Polish migrant workers originally wore purple diamonds with a yellow backing. A letter P (for pole) was cut from the purple fabric to show the yellow backing.

Furthermore, repeat offenders (rückfällige, meaning recidivists) will receive bars on their stars or triangles, different colors for different crimes.

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Work Shy Person 6 Letters

After the war (late 1944), Jewish prisoners to save clothing wore a yellow stripe in a regular pointed-down triangle to indicate their status. For example, regular Jews would wear a yellow stripe in a red triangle while Jewish criminals would wear a yellow stripe in a gray triangle.

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Many different symbols and combinations existed. A prisoner usually has at least two and possibly as many as six.

Limited preventive detention (Befristate Vorbegungschaft Höftling, or BV) was the term for German criminals (who wore a gray triangle with no special markings). They were initially only held in the camp until their terms expired and they would be released. However, when the war began they were confined indefinitely for its duration.

Erziehungshäftlinge (correctional prisoners) wore E or EH in large black letters on a white square. They were composed of intelligent and respectable community members who could organize and lead resistance movements, suspected persons picked up in sweeps or stopped at checkpoints, persons involved in conspiratorial activities or actions, and prisoners who broke work discipline. They were put to hard labor for six to eight weeks and released. It was hoped that the threat of permanent imprisonment at hard labor would deter them from further action.

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Polizeihäftlinge (Police Prisoners), short for Polizeilich Sicherungsverwahrte Häftlinge (Prisoners in Police Safe Custody), had the letter PH in large black letters in a white square or the letter S (for Sicherungsverwahrt – in safe custody) in a gray triangle. To save costs, some camps made them wear civilian clothes without insignia. Archives used the letters PSV (Polizeilich Sicherungsverwahrt) to designate them. They were police court-martialled or people who had already been convicted. They were held in special prison barracks until their execution.

Some camps designated Nacht und Nebel (Night and Fog) prisoners were made to wear two large letters NN in yellow.

Soviet prisoners of war (russische Kriegsgefang) assigned to work camps (Arbeitslager) wore the two capital letters SU (for sowjetischer Untermsch, meaning Soviet sub-human).

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Work Shy Person 6 Letters

In yellow and had vertical stripes painted on their uniforms. Few of them were shot in the hand or died of neglect from untreated wounds, exposure to the elements, or starvation before reaching the camp. They worked hard. Some joined Andrei Vlasov’s Liberation Army to fight for the Germans.

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Labor education prisoners (Arbeitserziehung Häftling) wore a white letter A in their black triangle. It stood for Arbeitsscheuer (“work-shy person”), assigned to stereotypically “lazy” social undesirables such as gypsies, petty criminals (such as prostitutes and pickpockets), alcoholics/drug addicts and vagabonds. They were usually assigned to work in labor camps.

Assogiele (anti-social) prisoners wore a plain black triangle. They were considered too “selfish” or “distracted” to contribute to society or too weak to support themselves. So they were considered a burden. This category included pacifists and conscription resisters, petty or habitual criminals, mtally ill and mtally and/or physically disabled. They were usually executed.

The Wehrmacht Strafbattalion (punishmt Battalion) and the SS Bewährungstruppe (Probation Company) were military punishment units. They included Wehrmacht and SS military criminals, SS personnel convicted by honorable courts of bad conduct, and civilian criminals for whom military service was a voluntary substitution of prescribed sentences or imprisonment. They wore regular uniforms, but were forbidden to wear rank or unit insignia until they had proven themselves in combat. They wore an inverted (point-up) red triangle on their upper sleeve to indicate their status. Most were used for hard labor, “special tasks” (unwanted dangerous jobs such as defusing landmines or running phone cables) or as desperate hopes or cannon fodder. The infamous Dirlewanger Brigade was an example of a regular unit created from such personnel.

The Strafkompanie (punishment company) was a hard labor unit in the camps. Prisoners assigned to it wore a black circular white border under their triangle patch.

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Prisoners “[attempting] to escape” (Fluchtverdächtiger) wore white with a red circular border under their triangle patch. If also assigned to hard labor, they wore a red roundel under their black strafkompanie roundel.

A prisoner-executive (Funktionshäftling), or kapo (master), wore a cloth brassard (their Knzeich, or insignia) to indicate their status. They served as the camp organization at camp guards (Lagerpolizei), barrack clerks (Blockschreber) and seer prisoners (Altest, meaning elders) at the camp (LagerAltester), barrack (BlockAltester) and room (Stubaltester) levels. They received privileges such as large and sometimes good food rations, good quarters (or private rooms), luxuries (such as tobacco or alcohol) and access to camp facilities (such as showers or pools). Failure to please their captors meant demotion and loss of privileges and almost certain death at the hands of their fellow prisoners.

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Prisoners wearing civilian clothes instead of striped uniforms (more common later in the war) were marked with a prominent X on the back.

Work Shy Person 6 Letters

This made for an ersatz prisoner uniform. For durability, such Xs were painted with white oil paint, with strips of fabric sewn on, or cut (with the underlying jacket-liner fabric providing a contrasting color). Prisoners will be forced to sew their number and (if applicable) a triangle symbol on the front of such X-ed clothing.

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The numbers were worn in the following order: prisoner number, repetition bar, triangle or star, member of tent battalion, escape suspect. In this example, the prisoner is a Jewish prisoner with many beliefs, serving in a Strafkompanie (tent unit) and who is suspected of trying to escape.

Triangle-motifs appear on many post-war memorials to victims of the Nazis. Most of the triangles are plain and some have national letters. Otherwise the potili puzzle designs are a direct reference to the idtification patches used in the camps. In such monuments, usually an inverted (point down, base up) triangle (especially if red) evokes all victims, as well as non-Jewish victims such as Slavs, Poles, Communists, homosexuals, Roma and Sinti (see Porazmos), people. Disability (see task T4), Soviet POWs and Jehovah’s Witnesses. The inverted triangle with the color pink will symbolize homosexual male victims. A non-inverted (base down, point up) triangle and/or yellow triangle is even more evocative of Jewish victims.

In June 2020, Donald Trump’s re-election campaign posted an ad on Facebook stating that “dangerous mobs of far-left groups are running through our streets causing absolute destruction” and identifying them as “antifa”, along with a graphic. A downward pointing red triangle. The ads appeared on the Facebook pages of Donald Trump, the Trump campaign, and Vice President Mike Pence. Several observers drew graphic comparisons

Devano Mahardika

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