Lord Foulgrin’s Letters

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Lord Foulgrin’s Letters

Lord Foulgrin's Letters

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About 75 years ago, as C. S. Lewis reports it, he eavesdropped on correspondence between two devils, one a senior demon and the other his student who was being taught how best to tempt and attack man.

While Lewis declined to share how he came to these letters, the published correspondence was eye-opening, offering insight into how the Devil can twist not only our weaknesses, but even our strengths, to his diabolical ends. So, for example, we get to listen as the seasoned tempter Screwtape teaches his charge, Wormwood, to sidestep prayer, either by doing it perfunctorily—perhaps done regularly but with little or no thought—or by making it emotion, rather than God, focused. Either diversion will do.

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During World War II, it remains as insightful and useful as ever. But it was also a book worthy of imitation, and nearly 60 years later Randy Alcorn did just that, with his

Lord Foulgrin's Letters

But while Lewis stuck strictly to diabolical correspondence, Alcorn alternates between letters and story chapters—it’s half mail and half narrative. The narrative sections make Alcorn’s book a little more accessible to a teenage audience, while on the other hand Lewis’s is the more insightful, which also makes it the more satisfying of the two for adults. But both are excellent.

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A caveat: both books have an Arminian flavor, and as my brother Jeff points out, “whether this Arminian tendency is simply the devil’s misapprehension is not clear, but Lewis at least seemed to be Arminian in his other writing.” That means that while both books may serve as a warning about the devil’s many means of attack, there are at least a few that Lewis and Alcorn overlook.

I understand that some may find the diabolical focus of both books disturbing. That may seem wrong since Christians normally don’t want their children to read books about demons. What makes Alcorn’s and Lewis’s books different from the satanic sham found in so much of today’s entertainment (

, the darkness. They equip readers to be aware of the Devil, not ask them to join him.

Adult fiction, Book reviews, Teen fiction Tagged: fiction for adults, Book review, C.S. Lewis, Christian Fiction, Featured, Screwtape, Juvenile Fiction

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Lord Foulgrin’s Letters Audiobook By Randy Alcorn

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Lord Foulgrin's Letters

Referring to God as a “tyrant” and “the enemy”, Lord Foulgrin is a proud, demanding and cunning rebel with an inflated sense of self-importance.

What Will We Look Like In Heaven?

As Christians, we are on Satan’s hit list. Demons are out to get us. They are devoted to seducing and destroying us, as a means of getting back at God, the Creator who cast them out of heaven when they rebelled. This vast army is led by Satan, the dark lord, who wages war against us and the righteous angels who defend us.

Imagine what a great military coup it would be if we could eavesdrop on Hell’s war room. What if we could plant a eavesdropping device where we could overhear our enemies assess our weaknesses and strategize how to attack us?

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Of course we have to weigh and measure their words – they are liars after all. But if they didn’t know we were listening, we could learn a lot from their insights about us, how the war is going, and which of their strategies work with us and which don’t. What an opportunity to see what they have up their sleeve!

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