O Letters Wsj Crossword Clue

O Letters Wsj Crossword Clue – I didn’t see any obvious potential subject entries beyond the large FOOTSTOOLS and OUTERSPACE dimensions. I was briefly distracted by the idea of ​​DARTS (ie “Game with a numbered board”), trying to connect it to the title. It turned out to be a red herring.

Two techniques helped me solve this relatively quickly: switching to cues when the grid doesn’t signal, and Mike’s metas often use the center (or end) horizontal input as a bonus theme or cue. I focused on FARGO and noticed the odd clue: “Major eastern North Dakota city.” The first letter of each word on the clue was spelled SECOND, and I went to… well, hold that thought. Five entries followed the same pattern, written MONDAY through THURSDAY, here they are (in grid order):

O Letters Wsj Crossword Clue

O Letters Wsj Crossword Clue

Next step: get the first letter from ROMULAN, the second letter from FARGO, etc. In retrospect: I was lucky enough to list them in numerical order in my notes, avoiding a major pitfall:

Wsj Contest — Friday, August 20, 2021

This stands for RACES , our meta-solution, linked by the title “Starting Positions”. I double-checked my work before submission and noticed that the letters spelled SCARE in grid order. I’m pretty sure RACES is the correct solution (based on the title), but I can imagine that many solvers submitted SCARE (which is also a five-letter word), without thinking to try to put the letters in numerical order. A solver friend of mine did just that. It seems that this ambiguity could have been avoided with a slightly different indication, such as

I’m curious how everyone did on this one: were you team RACES or team SCARE (or maybe another team entirely)? Please let me know in the comments. Mike mentioned the Reservoir Dogs Soundtrack in his COCONUT feature, so here’s another song from that album: we’ll end with this Soul Train performance of I Gotcha by Joe Tex, featuring dancer Damita Jo Freeman. Our topic entries are phrases that contain the word “back”. However, this word does not appear in the entries. Conversely, the word immediately preceding “back” is spelled backwards.

I enjoyed bringing this up but I know this trick has been done before and I feel like it was done recently. I found a Paolo Pasco example from LAT four years ago, but I want to say I’ve seen it more recently, although I can’t find it.

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My big issue with running this theme is the decision to place some entries in the downward direction. In my book, there is no way “back” means “up”. And so I want to read D0wn’s entries as “diamond-up rattler” and “hump-up whale”, e.g. I felt that was a big negative factor in this puzzle.

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And the surrounding padding did nothing to redeem it. Entries like TWO DOTS and random-sounding ART BOOK, DOUSER and RAILERS and the alphabet AAU, HHH, HI-Q, FSLIC, RNR and ELP all contributed to weighing down the grid.

I liked a few things like SLUSHIE, “NICE TAN” and GO DARK, but those were few and far between with 10 full length themers dominating the grid.

My favorite moment in the resolution was in 34d [Admission of disability]. Even though the answer was I CAN’T, the clue immediately brought to mind my then 2 year old whenever she couldn’t do something she desperately wanted to do. With the weight of the world on her shoulders, she shook her head, and with a sigh and all the seriousness a 2-year-old could muster, she declared, “I can’t do it.” The rest of us got such a kick out of her formality that it quickly became a catchphrase in our house whenever one of us tried and failed to do something. (Rest assured, the 2-year-old is now a happy 10-year-old who excels in school and is involved in many activities, from robotics to musicals.)

O Letters Wsj Crossword Clue

But back to the puzzle. I think it would be better served with fewer themers (preferably after special entries that have appeared on other grids) and keeping them all in the opposite direction. This would allow for a more open design and possibly a fresher, fun fill. As it is, three stars from me.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Favorite fillings: HOTLANTA, MAROONED (love the verb), MINOTAUR, GROUPONS, PIXIE CUT (about what I have), FLEXTIME, CARPACCIO (try the pumpkin variation—it’s delicious), MANSCAPING, DOMINATRIX (worrisomely next to POLE AXE), TOO MUCH TO ASK, and PANSEXUAL.

Worst crossword puzzle: It’s a tie! 33d. [People on the case, in brief], TECS. First I had ATTS, lawyers. Then I had DETS, detective. But it’s tecs, old slang of some sort for detective. 3d. [Some school clothes for preparation], ETONS. I suspect those collars or what-have-you don’t wear in American prep schools and the British don’t refer to Eton College as a “prep school”. Bleh.

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Two 10s, two 12s and a 15!! This is ambitious. There is no room for much else in the horizontal. In the vertical, however, with a nice indication, we have AMAZON ECHO and DATA MINING. Quite a bit, if you ask me. A solid, effortless 3.5 star effort!

We have an issue! I didn’t notice it at first, but after scanning for threads to discuss, I noticed something that tied the three big entries together, aside from all being the right names:

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Take it? Peter, Paul and Mary were a singing group and I’m a little surprised the younger people know who they are. Are they still alive? Anyway, a great puzzle even without a thematic element; This was a wide open 68-worder that was fun to solve. I wasn’t in a rush on this one, I think, which is why my time was over 7 minutes. Or maybe it was a little harder than I remember. A solid 4.7 stars for it.

That annoyed me. I haven’t had this much difficulty on a Stumper in quite some time. I was literally going to redo this puzzle in another solver so you wouldn’t see all the error signs. But I’ll be honest and show that I had all kinds of problems, especially in the lower left corner. This was brutal, it made me feel stupid and I was very disappointed. Part of it is that the solving pleasure isn’t as great when you have a blogging deadline, especially on these harder puzzles, but I get the grids in plenty of time so it’s usually not a problem anymore. There were some very stressful Saturday mornings a few years ago when I’m staring at a blank grid at 9:00 am. and I wonder how I will finish!

So if you found this puzzle difficult, I can report it. I would describe this as nothing short of a struggle. I really hope to see someone do this Twitch-only downs and see how they do. Although saying this makes me feel even more inadequate in my solving skills! A solid 4.6 stars for this headbanger!

O Letters Wsj Crossword Clue

This entry was posted in Daily Puzzles and tagged Andrew Kingsley , Brad Wilber , Christopher Adams , John Lieb , Randolph Ross , Trent H. Evans . Bookmark the permalink. Most of them are pretty cringe-worthy, but if that’s how you like your crossword, you probably enjoyed this one.

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The Wall Street Journal Premium Sunday Crosswords: 72 Aaa Rated Puzzles (volume 4) (wall Street Journal Crosswords): Shenk, Mike: 9781454929543: Amazon.com: Books

I don’t care so much about the title which is the basis for the whole puzzle. I understand that we are going to re-parse it as “B less U”, but if it is interpreted as a math problem (“B – U”) or is it an adjective of the first part (ie “B-less U”) ? That last one makes the most sense, but since most U are already less B (whatever that means), it’s kind of awkward. And if a solver didn’t even recognize that they needed to reparse the title, they probably just shrugged it off at best, or they were left scratching their heads.

Otherwise, I didn’t know SECCO [Dry Plaster Painting] nor ACTA [Official Procedures]. You can also drop the prepositional phrases TOSS AT (TOSS

There are definitely highlights, though: the Queen of Hearts’ HEDGEHOGS, a peaceful MANATEE, and the fun word DIMINUTIVE. Hannibal LECTER is always creepy fun too.

As the revealer says, each set of three black squares represents the letters ART, making our theme answer the much more logical POISON DART, ARTICLE II, FLOWCHART, ARTHUR DENT and ARTIFICIAL HEART. This was relatively simple in theme, but some tricky clues helped keep it at a level of difficulty on Thursday.

Wsj Contest — Friday, August 13, 2021

I just looked for phrases for my new puppy that would work with this theme today, but the only slightly viable one I could find was HELLIS HNESS, which is a shame. Haha!

As far as hidden word themes go, this one meets all the standards: The hidden word bridges parts of the phrase, they’re all very common phrases, and the dogs themselves are all virtual. Guess it would be hard to include LASSIE or RIN TIN TIN in it!

However, the revealer didn’t land for me. I’m not sure what the ATTENTION part is supposed to do about the topics. The title,

O Letters Wsj Crossword Clue

There is, of course, the issue of circular letters (Universal cannot circle letters in its regular releases, although solvers can come here to

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Devano Mahardika

Halo, Saya adalah penulis artikel dengan judul O Letters Wsj Crossword Clue yang dipublish pada October 1, 2022 di website Caipm

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