Words With Letters Blazer

Words With Letters Blazer – Ketanji Brown Jackson, U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia District Judge, after President Joe Biden introduced her as a nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court at the White House on February 25. Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Supreme Court Law Dean’s Letter Calls for Confirmation of Biden’s Historic SCOTUS Peek Ketanji Brown Jackson Angela Onwuachi-Willig’s Letter to US Senate: ‘Black Women Are Vital Contributors to Our Nation’s Democracy’

Words With Letters Blazer

Words With Letters Blazer

In a letter citing the underrepresentation of black women on the federal bench, Law School Dean Angela Onwuachi-Willig and more than 200 other black women law deans and professors urged the U.S. Senate on Friday to confirm President Joe Biden’s nominee Ketanji Brown. Jackson, to the nation’s highest court with “quick and bipartisan support.”

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Onwuachi-Willig, co-founder of the Law Deans Against Racism Clearinghouse Project, wrote the initial draft of the letter and made efforts to collect more than 200 signatures from black women law professors by noon Friday. In the letter, Onwuachi-Willig wrote that she and the other signatories were “ecstatic” about Biden’s appointment of Jackson, who, if confirmed, would be the first black woman to serve on the Supreme Court, as well as the first former public defender. and was the first since Thurgood Marshall to represent the accused in a criminal trial. (Marshall, who was appointed in 1967, was the first black judge.) Jackson appointed retiring Judge Stephen G. Replaces Breyer (Hon.’95).

In a letter of support for Ketanji Brown Jackson, signed by more than 200 black women law deans and professors, Law Dean Angela Onwuachi-Willig wrote: Jackson has “demonstrated time and time again that she has legal acumen, temperament, experience, character, integrity. and the commitment to the Constitution and the rule of law necessary to serve on the nation’s highest court.” Photo by Doug Levy

Onwuachi-Willig, Ryan Roth Gallo, and Ernest J. The Gallo law professor noted Jackson’s accomplishments in the letter, writing: “He has served as a federal judge for nearly a decade, including Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and two lower court clerkships. -judges and record of leadership of the United States Sentencing Commission, which will make for an outstanding Supreme Court justice.”

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Noting that the court “deals with some of the most controversial and difficult questions facing the nation” and that its opinions affect everyone in the country, the letter stressed the importance of having a court that “reflects a diversity of experiences, perspectives and perspectives. in our great nation.”

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. “As Justice Ruth Ginsberg once said, ‘It’s important for little girls to see women on the Supreme Court — it’s natural and appropriate.’ It is only natural and appropriate for a black woman to sit on the Supreme Court of the United States.”

For people other than little black girls, it’s important to see a black woman on the Supreme Court, Onwuachi-Willig said. Bernice Buie Donald, US District Judge of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, Tennessee’s first black female judge, spoke at LAW this week and “told the story of when she first ran. for public service, she presented herself for an interview and the host told her, “You don’t look like a judge,” Onwuachi-Willig said. “The woman had never seen a black woman judge before, so the idea was out of the question for her. That’s why it’s important for everyone—white boys, young Asian Americans—to see the fairness of a black woman as ‘natural and appropriate.’

The hearings on Jackson’s nomination are expected to be very contentious – “from this point forward, the nomination to the Supreme Court will be a tough and ugly affair.”

Words With Letters Blazer

Michael Scheer wrote after Biden’s announcement. As Onwuachi-Willig’s letter noted, Jackson has been confirmed three times by the U.S. Senate in a bipartisan vote, including less than a year ago, in June 2021, to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

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In an interview with CNN on Friday, Onwauchi-Willig said how important it is for Jackson, who has two children, to be a mother — “Just like Amy is Connie Barrett’s mother.” It’s important that she brings her perspective as a black mother to the nation’s highest court, Onwauchi-Willig told CNN. “There are a lot of issues that women face at the intersection of race and gender and motherhood, or just gender and motherhood, and she brings a really important perspective to that.”

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Black Law Professors’ Strong Letter of Support for United States Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Read FULL LETTER.

As over 200 Black women law professors, we are writing to express our unequivocal support for the nomination and appointment of Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson to the United States Supreme Court. We have looked forward to the opportunity for President Biden to follow through on his commitment to nominate and appoint the first black woman to the court, and we are pleased that he has chosen Judge Jackson to fill this historic position. With nearly a decade of experience as a federal judge, experience clerking for Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and two lower court justices, and leadership experience with the United States Sentencing Commission, she will make an outstanding Supreme Court Justice. He has been confirmed three times on bipartisan votes, including less than a year ago in June 2021 for a seat on the D.C. Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals. We ask that you confirm him without delay to appoint him to the Supreme Court of the United States.

When Justice Thurgood Marshall retired in 1991 after 24 years on the Supreme Court, his colleague, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, wrote:

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“While we all come to the Court with our own personal histories and experiences, Judge Marshall brings a unique perspective. He had the eye of a lawyer who saw the deepest wounds in the social fabric and helped heal them through law. He was the ear of the counsel who understood the vulnerabilities of the accused and laid out the guarantee of their defense. The mouth of a person who knows the sorrow of the silent and gives a voice. In oral argument and conference proceedings, in opinions and dissents, Justice Marshall brought to bear not only his legal knowledge but also his life experience, prompting us to respond not only to the persuasiveness of legal arguments but also to the power of moral truth. “—Sandra Day O’Connor, Thurgood Marshall: The Influence of Raconteur, 44 Stanford Law Review 1217, 1217-18 (1992)

In her words, Justice O’Connor, the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court, recognized the importance of having a court that reflects the diversity of experience, perspective and background of our great nation.

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Every year, the court decides the most controversial and difficult questions facing the country. His comments affect everyone living in the United States. Justice O’Connor saw diversity as of great importance to the Court because it enhanced the Justices’ behind-the-scenes deliberations and ultimately enriched the development of their opinions, dissents, and concurrences. President Reagan, who nominated Judge O’Connor, recognized the importance of diversity in the judiciary when he pledged to appoint more women to the courts “to ensure a better balance on the federal bench.” Lou Cannon, Reagan Promises to Name Woman to Supreme Court, Washington Post (Oct. 15, 1980).

Words With Letters Blazer

Throughout the history of the United States, laws have been made, enacted, interpreted, and enforced primarily by whites. Today, white men make up about 30 percent of the nation’s population, but they make up more than 70 percent of the federal judiciary. In contrast, according to a 2022 report by the Pew Research Center, only 70 of the 3,843 federal judges in our nation’s history have been black women. That’s less than two percent, far below the representation of black women in the United States.

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The Supreme Court is “charged with the promise of equal justice under the law to the American people, and in doing so serves as the guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.” Representation is important. This is important for fairness, justice and the legitimacy of the Court. All of these weaken the justice system, which does not resemble other parts of the United States or reflect the values ​​of a section of society.

For these reasons, we support President Biden’s nomination of a black woman to the Supreme Court. Black women are important contributors to our nation’s democracy and should not be excluded from critical institutions in our constitutional democracy. The seat is deep. There is a large and diverse pool of highly qualified candidates with exceptional credentials that equal or exceed many of the most respected judges in our history.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is eminently qualified for this critical position. He is

Devano Mahardika

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