Alexander Hamilton Letters To John Laurens

Alexander Hamilton Letters To John Laurens – The opening of the hit musical Hamilton at the Durham Performing Arts Center has meant letters from Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, and other musical personalities have been viewed on campus, in newspapers, and in our reading room. We are always happy to share our collections, especially when they relate to music that grapples with the questions of whose voices are included in history and how historical narratives are constructed.

Want to hold and read a letter written by Hamilton or Burr? These collections are available in our reading room and are open to all, so come and visit us.

Alexander Hamilton Letters To John Laurens

Alexander Hamilton Letters To John Laurens

In November 1791, Hamilton, who was the Secretary of the Treasury Department, wrote to Abisha Thomas and James Taylor, agents of the treasury of North Carolina, trying to find out if North Carolina had ever given its debt in exchange for those of the United States. This may seem like one of the more technical provisions in the Funding Act of 1790 (which Jefferson complains in the music has “too many pages for any man to understand”), but it is related to one of the most important aspects of Hamilton’s finances. a new type of project: the federal government’s estimate of the debts incurred by the various states during the Revolutionary War. The strong debates surrounding Hamilton’s economic vision for the US were reimagined in Hamilton as a rap battle in “Cabinet Battle #1.” Hamilton, of course, succeeded in getting congressional support for his monetary policy, thanks to the agreement he made with Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in the Compromise of 1790.

Hamilton Quotes — Hamilton Musical Quotes

This letter may have been written by the author (Hamilton was a busy man!), but it bears his signature, at the bottom of the cover “Your Obed. Servant.” This was the closing letter between noblemen in the 18th century. Burr and Hamilton both used it (if not sincerely) during the exchange of letters that led to their duel, earning this line a famous place in music.

The collection also includes a newspaper clipping of a reprinted letter, 1780, from Hamilton to Elizabeth Schuyler regarding the case of Benedict Arnold and the death of Major John André.

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In this letter, we see Burr’s side being written in music. Here he is not Hamilton’s political opponent, but a dedicated man trying to find relief for his wife, Theodosia, from a “troubling illness”. Theodosia’s relationship with Aaron Burr gets a few lines in the musical, but as the story goes, Theodosia was married to a British officer when Burr began courting her during the war. Theodosia and Aaron married in 1782, following the death of Theodosia’s first husband. The Burrs’ marriage was based on love, friendship, and mutual respect as equals.

Theodosia had been ill for most of their life together and in 1793 she was in great pain. Aaron Burr writes this letter to Theodosia from Philadelphia, where he was serving in Congress, on Christmas Day, 1793 to speak with Dr. Benjamin Rush, a famous Philadelphia physician, and Rush ordered him to take hemlock. Burr hadn’t told Rush Theodosia had already taken the hemlock and is glad that Rush’s opinion is in line with the medical advice they had already received. He closes his letter by saying that he hopes the hemlock “may restore health to you and to your loved one, A. Burr.” ” Tragically, Theodosia may have been suffering from cancer, and died just five months after this letter was finished.

Burn (john Laurens Vers.) Heard Somewhere That Some Of Lauren’s Letters To Hamilton Are Missing And (in Theory) Have Possibly Been Burned Due To His Family Thinking It Was Too Saucy And

Hamilton wrote this letter to Harrison Otis, a famous lawyer and Federalist, suggesting that a document would be admitted as evidence in an ongoing case related to the insurance inquiry into the capture of a Portuguese merchant ship off the coast of Brazil. Otis was one of the attorneys representing Hamilton’s brother-in-law, John B. Church (whom Burr had previously fought!), in the case.

Following his battle with Hamilton and the end of his term as Vice President, Burr went on a seven-month tour through the western states and territories, making it all the way to New Orleans. Van Ness served as Burr’s second-in-command in his match with Hamilton, and as this letter shows, Burr continued to trust Van Ness. Burr writes Van Ness from Chillicothe, Ohio, the nation’s capital at the time, asking Van Ness to meet him in Berkeley Springs, Virginia (now West Virginia) “as soon as possible (I do not say easily),” and instructing Van Ness to contact some of his supporters. : doctor and journalist “Dr. I” (Dr. Peter Irving) in New York, by Philadelphia merchant Charles Biddle. Burr also mentions plans to meet his daughter Theodosia Burr Alston and son-in-law “Mr. A” at the Springs on November 4th.

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Includes a letter dated August 17, 1777 from John Laurens to his father requesting that a few books on military doctrine be sent to him. He asks his father to “lead a Parcel, as my name is unknown, to Colonel Hamilton aid de camp to Genl. Washington.” Laurens’ name may not be known as he had just started serving as aide-de-camp in Washington eight days before this letter was written. Hamilton was one of his aides-de-camp, and the two became close friends and remained so until Laurens’ death in 1782.

Alexander Hamilton Letters To John Laurens

Philip Schuyler was Hamilton’s father-in-law and served as one of New York’s senators in the First United States Congress. A Federalist, Schuyler lost his re-election to Aaron Burr, who ran as a Democratic-Republican, in 1791. Schuyler regained his senate seat from Burr in 1797, before resigning the following year due to ill health. In this letter, Schuyler, a chronic sufferer of gout, gives an account of his case and writes about the treatment prescribed by Samuel Stringer against gout, oxygen inhalation.

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Goebel, Julius, Jr., ed. The Law Practice of Alexander Hamilton; Articles and Commentary. New York: Columbia University Press, 1964.

October 31st: Screamfest VUncola: Seven-Up, Counterculture and the Making of the American BrandFinding Your Voice: Creating an Exhibition on the History of Duke’s Latina/o/e/x Students with love for each other?” Their letters seem like that to some people. Even if one thinks that men were more romantic in the 18th century, the way these two spoke was more romantic even for that time.

This may or may not end up being controversial. I hope it doesn’t happen but inevitably when someone brings up the possibility that anyone involved in the founding of the country was anything other than ultra hetero, it makes some people even more upset. But guess what – I don’t give a fuck. I’m almost 30 and to be honest I’m done caring what straight people think when I guess.

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Again I am not alone in this assumption – the theory that John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton may have had feelings for each other that were more than friendship is not a new theory! I know some people want to pretend that this is something young “Hamilton” fans on tumblr made up (and even if it was, fuck off? Let young people – real kids – have fun trying to figure it out for themselves?) but this is a legitimate professional conversation that’s been going on for years . There is a long-standing gay man’s club in San Francisco named Hamilton, the New York City LGBT area program lists the Hamilton Grange in its LGBT historical site list, so this is obviously a legacy that means a lot to many people, however. anything else results in more consensus. Even long-time Hamilton historian Ron Chernow has this to say about it, though he wasn’t “homo” about it:

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As the war continued, Hamilton developed such an unrequited love for Laurens that Hamilton’s biographer, James T. Flexner, saw a homosexual romance in their relationship. Because eighteenth-century letter writing can be subtle, even among men, one must tread carefully in approaching this subject, especially since Laurens’ letters to Hamilton were warm but appropriate. It is worth noting here, however, how often people used the word woman to describe Hamilton – very surprising given his military and technical skills … Hamilton had experienced homosexuality as a boy, as many “sodomies” were carried. in the Caribbean along with thieves, thugs, and others who were considered undesirable. In all thirteen countries, sodomy was a capital offense, so if Hamilton and Laurens became lovers – and it is impossible today with any certainty – they would have taken. Amazing security… At the very least, we can say that Hamilton started something like a teenager crushing on a friend.[… ] For Hamilton, the news [of Laurens’ death] was painful. ‘Poor Laurens, he’s fallen. a sacrifice to his zeal in the little struggle in South Carolina,” he wrote sadly to Lafayette, another member.

Devano Mahardika

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