Graffiti Letters For Beginners

Graffiti Letters For Beginners – In this tutorial you will learn how to draw graffiti art. I originally did this lesson with my 8th graders. I’m having some trouble keeping them engaged, so I wanted to find something that would keep their attention. This lesson worked.

When I started this art lesson, I knew very little about graffiti. So I started doing some research and came across a very interesting documentary series (Graffiti Verite) on the subject and became interested. The more I learn about this art form, the more inspired I am.

Graffiti Letters For Beginners

Graffiti Letters For Beginners

The more I practice, the more I like doing this type of art. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Graffiti For Beginners: An Easy Introduction To Drawing Graffiti Letters

If you’re not completely impressed with graffiti art, I challenge you to open your mind and give it a try. You may be surprised.

I started by showing the video to my students. I made a flyer according to the video that was filled in and submitted after the documentary was finished.

The next step is for them to decide which word they will use. I want them to use the word instead of their name for several reasons. For starters, I don’t want to get any complaints from schools or parents about students learning to “tag”.

I also want to integrate language arts into lessons. To do this, students choose a word that has meaning to them. They also write a short paragraph about why their words matter to them.

Graffiti Letters Hi Res Stock Photography And Images

For my example, I use the word dream. The importance of this word to me because without dreams we have nothing. While making my samples for lessons, I fell in love with this type of art. If you visit me on Instagram @teaches, you will see some of my graffiti style artwork. I continue to make “Dream” artwork today.

There are many challenges involved in creating a piece of graffiti art. The purpose of creating graffiti art is to get attention. So now you have to decide how to get noticed. What will be in the background? What color will be used? How are you going to make the letters stand out?

Do I want the letters to stand out? Which font style will I use to draw your graffiti? There are many things to consider when drawing graffiti art. But there is a lot to be gained in improving your drawing skills.

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Graffiti Letters For Beginners

*Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for purchases made via this link at no additional cost to you.

Blue Letter B By Esone Urban Graffiti Street Style

These are the supplies I used for this tutorial. There are many acceptable supplies that you can use. This is really just a personal preference. As you develop your own style, you will find out which art supplies you want to use.

Before you start the actual drawing, there are a few things you need to think about.

For this graffiti art tutorial I will use the word dream. I usually do my graffiti style art on a hard cover sketchbook. I have some cheaper ones for practice drawings and some nicer ones for my finished drawings. This is what I will be using today. I picked it up at the Barnes and Noble bookstore on their clearance shelf.

If you’re going to use a marker, make sure the paper has finer teeth. They seem to pick up markers better than rough paper.

A Step By Step Guide On How To Draw Graffiti For Beginners

In all my sketchbooks, I keep a piece of scrap paper between the page I’m drawing on and the page directly behind it. This prevents one of the markers from flowing onto the next drawing paper. This extra sheet of paper remains in the sketchbook and is moved to a new location after each drawing.

Before drawing your letters, you need to decide how you want them to flow on the page. Will they be tight at the bottom of the page? Do you want them to curve in the middle or maybe curve outward? Should they go diagonally across the page?

I’ve decided on a diagonal flow for my letters. Draw lightly some guidelines for where your letters should go. I usually use the red Col-Erase pencil because it doesn’t smudge like a regular pencil. However, today I’m using a regular pencil so it’s easier for you to see.

Graffiti Letters For Beginners

When drawing your letter, you want to make sure that you fill out as much of your paper as possible.

Graffiti Tag Letters

For this reason you must know where the middle of your word is. For the word “dream”, the letter E is in the middle. If your name or word has an even number of letters, your midpoint is between the two letters.

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The next step is to divide your drawing area into enough parts for each letter. Since the word dream has five letters, there are five sections on the page. This will be your guide for your letters. This will give you a rough estimate of how big, or small, each letter should fit on your paper.

I usually start with the middle letter, which is the letter E. The first thing I do is draw my letter E in the center of the page. While doing this, I try to stretch my letter to the top and bottom of the guidelines I created for how I want my letter to flow.

Don’t worry too much about your letter getting out of that section. You want your letters to overlap each other so this will be fine.

How To Draw Graffiti Styled Letters Step By Step Drawing Tutorial

Move to the next letter. At this point, you can work on the next letter on the right or left. This is really a personal preference. I draw the letter A next.

As you draw your word, you must decide how your letters will overlap one another. This is partly personal preference, and partly determined by the letters themselves.

If you cover up important parts of a letter, it will be difficult to tell what letter it is, and therefore, will make it more difficult to read your words.

Graffiti Letters For Beginners

Continue working your way through each letter of your word. The order in which I draw my letters is my own personal preference. The overall look of your drawing will vary depending on how you draw your letters.

Graffiti Letters: 61 Graffiti Artists Share Their Styles

How you overlap, varying the size, and shape of your letters will help create your own personal style in your artwork.

Finish your drawing by adding the letter D. The biggest struggle I have right now is deciding how I’m going to overlap the D and R because of the way they both have the top circle in the letter.

After some thought, I decided to let the R overlap the E, and the D overlap the R. If you’re happy with how your letters look, it’s time to clean up your drawing a bit.

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Erase all the lines that don’t need to be there, and darken all the lines that need to stand out a bit more.

Graffiti Alphabet Vector Art, Icons, And Graphics For Free Download

After cleaning up your rough drawing, it’s time to step in with a black marker and start working on your finished artwork. When all of your letters have been outlined, use a pink pearl eraser to erase your pencil lines.

It’s a good idea to give the marker a few minutes to dry before using the eraser to avoid ink stains.

Once your words have been outlined, go back in and thicken your lines a bit. How thick you make it, again, is a personal preference. You can make them all the same thickness, or vary the thickness. Up to you.

Graffiti Letters For Beginners

Now it’s time to add some color to your graffiti image. This is where the real fun begins. And the challenge. I use warm colors for my letters.

How To Draw Graffiti Letters: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

You can use any color scheme you want to use. It is better if you have at least a basic understanding of color theory. You want to choose colors that work together in your graffiti art.

For the letters in this graffiti image, four markers were used (yellow blaze, summer melon, sunset orange, fandango pink). And they are used in that order. This is all included in the Bic Intensity 24 plan.

Start adding yellow flames at the top of your letter. Work one letter at a time because you want the marker to stay “wet” as you work or it won’t stick together.

Next, add the summer melon. Make sure to overlap your color. Use yellow where the two colors meet and blend together.

Graffiti For Beginners: An Easy Introduction To Drawing Graffiti Letters (pb) (2021)

Now add the sunset orange. Again, go back with the previous color (summer melon) and blend the colors where they meet.

There are so many options when it comes to choosing how to finish your letter. What colors you use and how you add color is entirely up to you. However, I would suggest using some kind of color theme when you are just starting out.

After doing

Graffiti Letters For Beginners

Devano Mahardika

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