Letters Between Mus And Xis

Letters Between Mus And Xis – RESTAURANT LEASE 1″, 1, •• , THIS RESTAURANT LEASE (the “Lease”), data for reference purposes as of J’Ii~, ‘;j ) c, -“-2014 (the “[ease Execution Date”) .. entered and among the Investors of the Triangle of the Sun, LLL from Ca lifornia Iimileu liabil comitatus (, ‘Landlord’). and La Conq, LLC. a Ca li fornia limited liability company (”Tenant” therein), Landlord and Tenant hereby agree as fo li ow: TION L FUNDAMENTAL PROVISIONS (A) Prem ises: The leased premises (through the “Promises”) stand quietly. space or ram site 370 1 Slmset Blvd. in the City of Angels, California. Subject to the fo regoing and other terms and conditions of this Lease, the total area of ​​the Prem ises comprises approximately 2,434 square feet (including use of an indoor patio) of rentable square feet (the “Premises Area”). The Prem ises are dep twohus on th e floor plan anachcd as Exhibit A (the “Floor Plan”). Tenant expressly acknowledges that the black shoulder behind 3701 W. SunserBlvd .. Los AngcJes, Ca lifornia, 90026 is not part of Praemist:s. (B) Legal Non-Confollll ing Use: The Premises is cU ltently a legal non-conforming usc, Capit nut shall not approve any building amendments or applications which im pact or change the status of an existing legal non-conforming ing use, (. C) Lease Tenn : The Lease will be for a term of one hundred and twenty-seven (117) months from the beginning of the given month (by “Lease Tcrm”), and will expire at midnight on the last day of the Lease Term. . rmless is terminated sooner as this ided (by “Lease Termination Date”), (D) Lease Execution Date: As we explained in the initial paragraph above. (El Lease Commencement Date: Lease Exec ution Date. (F) Rent Commencement Date: Seven (7) months fo ll owi ng Lease Commencement Date. Not later than August 30, 2014 or the land owner ha’e given the option. Lease on noti ce to Tenant (G) Minimum MonthlyRent Subject H below, Minimum Rent Vestibule In Anno Onc S 13, 265 .30 (Thil1een Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty-Five Dollars and Thirty Cents ) of rent and rent for the first month, as provided below payab le upon the execution of the Lease, For the purposes of the aforesaid schedule by “month 1” means 1110, in which he meets Commencem Dale.

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(H) Annual Monthly Rent Increases: The Minimum Monthl y Rent will increase by three percent (3%) each year during the term of the lease and at any time from tenancy. with the first sllch increase commencing on the anniYersary dale of the less commencement date. (1) Intentional Option. According to [0 Exhibit B brought to th is Leasc. The landlord gives the Tenant two (2) options to let the Term. If the Tenant properly aDd properly exercises such extension of 0plion(s) according to w nth Exh ibit B, then all parties in Ihis Lease Ten” understand the location of Ten” as ex tended according to Exh t B, and all references to the Lease Termination Date l mean th e Leasc Term as extendcd to them juxta Exhibit B. Minimum Monthly Rent duri ng such ex tension lease Ten” sha ll be detellllined as in Exhibit B. (J) Tenant t. Improvement Allocation: The Chapter agrees to pay the Tenant an improvement a oWance of565 000 immediately in evidence of the e l iquor license tran sfCITed in the Tenant·s name/entity, over wh ich tim e the Tenant excludes any privilege justD lease (K. ) urity Deposit: Simultaneously with the execution of your Lease Tenanl sha ll deli ver to Capit urity Deposit as the statute fo rth affixed to Exhibit F beret (‘·SO·’). The owner of the land must extract by the firm of the tenant SO. Any such extract shall be without conveyance or any right the owner may have under this injury ve l in law or in cavalry from Ihe default, as a toff for full or partial compensation for default. If any portion of the SD is drawn after default by the Tenant, the Tenant shall within ten (10) days after the transaction “‘Tien deman d from the Head or Tenant in alllout money, which together with lh amount remaining undrawn under the SO equals the total SD. Failu re to compl y with the proposal immediately preceding with ten (10) business days will be del”ult from the Tenant under their lease. the owner will not be required 10 to keep the SD from his general funds separate and Tenant nO! sd slIch of interest is due; Prescriptive tenant privilege California Civil Code 1950,7. and ll other proYisiol1s of law now in force or Ihal made in fo rce after the day of execution of this Leas thai proyide that the Landlord requests from the deposit of the property only those sums reasonably necessary to remedy the default in the paymcnt of relll, to repair . damage to Tenan l, or to clear the Prcmises. (l l Ulilities Prem ises: I s ed juxta leon 15 of this item. (M) Common Area Sustentation Charges: As bi llcd pursuant to tions 24 through 27 of this. (0) Permitted Uses: As sel forth in tion 19. (P) Business Hours: As sei forth in tion 18. 2

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Letters Between Mus And Xis

Letters Between Mus And Xis

Grou nd and underl ying leases and measures now or hereafter affecting this lease as provided therein. TLOI, 5. SURRENDER OF POSSESSION Upon another lcnninalion of the tenancy, the Tenant shall promptly and peacefully surrender the Premises. Russian clean, in good condition and repa. Except as usual, they shall tear and tear, and the Tenant shall remove all the fabrics and equipment from their premises. Any damage caused by such removal shall be borne by the Tenant at his own expense. Commerce, tixmfcs. personal property or equipment not removed by the Tenant either before the expiration of or prior to the end of the Lease Term made into fixtures (such as commercial fixtures). or abandoned (as to personal property and equipment). Capturing personal property or equity left on Ihe Premises in Tena nt’ s. at the tenant’s expense and without the tenant’s notice. and thenceforth the owner of such goods may be reserved by law. The Tenant hereby wai ves all claims for damages that may be caused by the Landlord terminating the Tenant’s occupation pursuant to this. Leasing or removing and storing properly the property of the tenant, and will hold Landl ord hanlli ess from damage, costs, or damages caused. The removal of commercial fixUlres will be at the charge of the sale and at the expense of the tenant. If the owner has sold. or retain such fixtures, and the landlord may receive and retain the proceeds sucb sa le to offset against the expenses incurred by the Chapter in stori ng and se ling such possessions and any other whatever unts due under the lease. also del iver all keys to the prem ises pertaining to the land of the owner or agent of the Landlord de data lees exp ires or other ten inates, provided, however, the del iver of the keys is not operated on any employee or agent of the Landl ord. the termination th is L * otium, an sun’ender of the Pm. TION 6. ON THE ARRIVAL OF THE OWNER THE OWNER AND THE PLAINTIFF shall have the right to enter and inspect the premises for the purpose of inspecting all reasonable things due to the prior notice to the Tenant. erecting, improving, innovating, adding or improving the premises or the building, but your right shall not be construed in an agreement on the part of the Chapter to perfonn such acts. The owner shall show the premises to prospective tenants six (6) months before the expiration of the lease term and place and place “For Rent” signs in a conspicuous place on the premises for nine (90) days before the expiration of the lease term. . TION 7. Working covenant – AB. … rno ‘ ME NT Tenant wills and concordats that during the term Lease continuously and un intenuptedl y they act and act below the premise business that is required to operate a!ld conduct und er provision ns of this thing excepl dum. The premises are properly conducted or are unrentable by reason of fire or other unavoidable accident. and il wi II

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