Rutland Herald Letters To The Editor

Rutland Herald Letters To The Editor – Each week, The Post publishes a collection of reader complaint letters – pointing out grammatical errors, missing reports and inconsistencies. These letters tell us what we did wrong and, occasionally, offer praise. Here we present this week’s Free For All letters.

Jeff Danziger’s cartoon on the May 4th drawing board was completely unclear. It shows the Russian dissident Alexei Navalny in bed with the inscription above his head: “Dzhugashvili Memorial Hospital. No man, no problem.” How many readers recognized “Jughashvili” as Joseph Stalin’s real surname? How many know that “Stalin”, derived from the word for “steel”, was just the autocrat’s nom de guerre? As for the chilling quote, Stalin really did say, “Death is the solution to all problems. No man, no problem.” Similarly, Stalin is believed to have said, “One death is a tragedy; A million dead is a statistic.”

Rutland Herald Letters To The Editor

Rutland Herald Letters To The Editor

Perhaps Danziger’s cartoons should include footnotes or clearer references. For example, the inscription on the head of the bed could read “Stalin Memorial Hospital”. Everyone would get it.

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What happened to junior varsity cheerleader Brandi Levy that brought her case to the Supreme Court? Levy was suspended by her cheerleading coaches for a year for posting an angry Snapchat to her friends. But the April 26 front-page article “Cheerleader’s Passing Message Leaves a Mark” kept readers in suspense until 18 paragraphs into the story before describing the reasons for her lawsuit. We were given extensive background on the precedents and other history long before we knew what happened.

Good grief! The fifth W of Who, What, When, Where and Why describes a case that reached the Supreme Court shouldn’t wait that long before joining the team that carries this story.

The recent discovery of a review criticizing the classic film “Citizen Kane” by a pseudonymous reviewer from the Chicago Tribune merits further investigation into possible motive. Yes, “Citizen Kane” was a cinematic novel à clef for newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst, but according to writer-director Orson Welles and others, it was a synthesis of many prominent people, including two members of the influential Chicago McCormick family: Harold, the president of the board of the International Harvester Co., and Robert R., publisher of the Chicago Tribune.

Welles claimed that the famous scene in which Kane forces his second wife, a terrible singer, to sing the title role in an opera he was promoting was based on Harold McCormick’s effort to stage an opera starring his second wife, the Polish opera star Ganna Walska. known for being a bad singer.

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An excellent May 2 obituary for actress Olympia Dukakis, “Wins Oscar for Breakthrough ‘Moonstruck,’ ” cites her incredible body of television, film and stage work, but says she “worked in stage obscurity for decades before her Oscar breakthrough” in the film “Moonstruck.” “Obscurity” seems an odd word to describe the work of a stage actress whose credits included performances in the works of Bertolt Brecht, Vaclav Havel, Eugene O’Neill and Henrik Ibsen, and who worked under directors such as Joseph Papp and Mike Nichols while was a “regular” at the Williamstown Theater Festival in Massachusetts. Enviable achievements for any professional actress.

I appreciated Philip Kennicott’s May 2 review of Pershing Park’s redevelopment into a World War I memorial, “D.C. gets a fitting memorial to a war we’ve largely forgotten,” but I have to disagree with him about their preference to read a book instead of visiting a memorial. Any opportunity for people to learn about history is good, especially since Pershing Park is located near hotels that host tourists.

Another location note: On one side of Pershing Park is Ron Brown Way. The grandmother of the late Secretary of Commerce, Ruth Welborne Osborne Davis (1899-1952), was one of the first black women to serve in the US Navy (as a Yeoman-F in the Army’s Data Collection Division during World War I). Both she and her grandson are buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Rutland Herald Letters To The Editor

Philip Kennicott glossed over the massive deconstruction of the masterpiece of urban design, Pershing Park, built in 1981 to pave the way for the new military parade we now have, designated the National World War I Memorial.

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Although he correctly credited “acclaimed landscape architect Paul Friedberg” as the designer of “the existing park,” now effectively obliterated, Kennicott insinuated that the park became ephemeral because it was “an outlying place in the heart of the monumental core,” the earthen berms that visually protect the park “they violated a basic rule of contemporary urban park design” and “the street furniture — lamps and benches — felt dated.”

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For the sake of expediency, Congress identified and designated a prime site without a large building occupying the site, along with an existing statue of World War I General John J. Pershing that could be recycled — despite opposition from landscape architects, the Cultural Landscape Foundation and others.

But Pershing Park “failed,” Kennicott added. Of course it is! When the site was condemned as a World War I Memorial in 2014, maintenance funding was withdrawn as the park’s days were numbered. Kennicott could have presented a more honest historical account.

Totally agreed with Ann Hornaday Style’s April 27 Oscars 2021 review,  “Oscars Can’t Find Midas Touch Amid Pandemic.” However, I think she failed to mention other troubling issues in the program that I found most annoying and had nothing to do with the pandemic.

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I can’t find any reviewers who have commented on aggravating background noise. It sounded like the muffled hum of a crowded nightclub. Also the inexplicable decisions not to play film clips of most of the nominees, to omit performances of the nominees’ songs from the main telecast, to rush through the heartbreaking “In Memoriam” segment with a cheerful song, and to announce the Best Picture award early Best Actress/Best actor resulted in a lackluster, boring broadcast that did nothing to advance the goal of bringing movie fans back to theaters post-pandemic. I was an avid moviegoer who looked forward to the Oscars every year and, before the pandemic, hosted viewing parties at my home. I’m questioning that tradition!

I read the April 29 obituary for John Richards, “Nospaperman was possessed by an elemental urge to protect the apostrophe” [Metro],  with a mixture of interest, amusement, and regret – regret that I missed the opportunity to serve the Society for the Protection of Apostrophes as a (probably underqualified , but willing) volunteer. Although (I) am not, strictly speaking, a writer, my profession involves a lot of writing and I spend a lot of time trying to use correct grammar and punctuation.

My own most abhorrent misuse of the apostrophe is the possessive form of “it,” as in, “Look at that bird. His feathers are yellow.” I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen this huge error, often in professional publications. I will (I will) remember Richards the next time I see him. I think it (is) a fitting way to honor him.

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Rutland Herald Letters To The Editor

Two recent Retropolis columns — “Md. dig unearths a rare coin almost 380 years old” [3. of May] and “A 90-year search unearths a lost fortress” [22. March] — about important discoveries in the city of St. the first permanent English settlement in Maryland.”

Letter To Moses Nickerson, 19 November 1833, Page 64

The first permanent English settlement in present-day Maryland was created when the Englishman William Claiborne sailed across the Chesapeake Bay from Jamestown and settled on Kent Island in 1631. It was the third permanent English settlement in North America, after Jamestown (1607) and Plymouth (1620 Maryland). it did not exist in 1631, and Kent Island was then considered part of Virginia.

The Maryland Charter of 1632 was granted to Cecilius Calvert by King Charles I to establish the colony of Maryland, which included Kent Island. This provision was immediately contested by Virginia and certainly by Claiborne and his fellow Kent Island settlers. The first naval battle on the Chesapeake was fought over the issue in 1635. Forces from the Colony of Maryland seized Kent Island in 1637 as a legitimate part of their domain while Claiborne returned to England to dispute the claim to jurisdiction. He lost, and Kent Island was confirmed as part of Maryland.

Kent Island, founded in 1631, was the first permanent English settlement in present-day Maryland. City of St. Mary’s was the first permanent English settlement established in the new colony of Maryland and – the former Calverts would surely agree – the second oldest settlement in what is now Maryland. Thanks for focusing on the early history of Maryland (and maybe Virginia).

I enjoyed the tongue-in-cheek sense of humor displayed by the juxtaposition of the headline and photo in the May 2nd Sports section. The headline “Caps fall straight from first,” which was a continuation of the article on the front of the section “Salary caps let rivals push them out of first,” was placed to the left of a large photo of Capitals goaltender Ilya Samsonov sprawled in front of the net.

Drawing Board: Coronavirus

As for the May 1 free-for-all letters about renaming the Washington football team, “The team

Devano Mahardika

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