The Architecture Of Persuasion How To Write Well-constructed Sales Letters

The Architecture Of Persuasion How To Write Well-constructed Sales Letters – Persuasion is a powerful force that changes the attitudes and behaviors of others. It is about influence and it manifests itself in many aspects of everyday life. People can also persuade themselves. The most direct representations of persuasion may appear in places like courtrooms, political debates, and car showrooms, but many trades rely on persuasion, including UX design. We can divide the art of persuading a user into many components; following them in order (the process) can lay a solid foundation for winning over users.

The source is the company, but specifically, you the designer. The relationship you want to establish with the user is long-term.

The Architecture Of Persuasion How To Write Well-constructed Sales Letters

The Architecture Of Persuasion How To Write Well-constructed Sales Letters

In a crude form of user persuasion, we can imagine a salesman who has a “miracle hair tonic” in the Old Wild West. Going from town to town, he captivates the public, alerting the balding men in the community to the point that his “miracle tonic” can restore their hair follicles (the goal). The marketer delivers his message to an audience. He sells a few bottles; morning comes, it’s gone. Three days later (when he had told the clients that the first hairs should appear), he is far away, trying the same thing in the next town, hoping that no one from the other towns has followed him to show the others their sugary Rose water!

Purpose, Audience, Tone, And Content

Presence Your users know you through your design, so it is vital to show that you are a trustworthy company because

Crossing the great gap between you and the user, the medium of the Internet, means creating an impression with a strong and pleasing presence. If you have a friendly presence that’s attractive and user-friendly (meaning users can easily and intuitively navigate your simple, nice design), you’ll have a much better chance of hooking them and removing uncertainty. If they don’t have to ask any questions about you or what you want them to do, you’ll be one step ahead of them in the persuasion process.

The more someone likes you, the more they will say yes. It is a universal truth. Also, people are more likely to do things that people they like do. Facebook’s ‘thumbs up’ sign is a powerful example of this trend and is a great way to identify what people in social groups like. Can your company access users from special interest groups? Do you have the resources to reach them through a blog or page, for example, that has a friendly face that can attract them and earn their trust (and ‘Likes’!)?

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By creating a strong customer-centric identity in your design that matches the user’s sense of self, you can get users “on your side.” They will identify with you…and trust you; therefore, it will be more likely to do so

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. Author and psychologist Roger Cialdani showed that users will be more likely to commit to an action, such as a purchase, if they feel like they have something first.

Think and the previews of books and music it offers for free. Users who access these free samples leave hungry to read or hear snippets of something they’re considering buying. If you can include free samples of goods or services your company offers

Your user experience design, you’ll help instill a little bit of “must-friendliness” in your users. It helps if you reinforce your credibility by stating that buyers can return goods or receive refunds if they’re not satisfied, “no questions asked.”

The Architecture Of Persuasion How To Write Well-constructed Sales Letters

For example, let’s say your company offers resume writing services. You can include a design feature that offers potential clients a free covered resume section if they enter a few details. For example, John Smithson puts in his name, profession (“fictitious volunteer”), years of most recent employment (fictitious volunteer), and major accomplishments (appears to be very successful as a fictitious volunteer in many industries). Your company has software to turn it into a highly effective (and persuasive!) document in the space of a few clicks. John is impressed by this and wants full service. I’m more likely to buy it now.

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The information age has made it all too easy to express opinions. A simple “Like” on a global issue or a product tells a lot about people. UX designers can take advantage of this resource knowing that their users will be more likely to support a service, product or belief if others can see that they have an opinion about it, or if they have already begun the process of acquiring one thing (such as how, for example, to fill out an application for a university course). Cialdani found that people are more likely to commit to buying if they have already committed to do so on a smaller scale. This could be manifested by clicking the shopping cart button, for example. Later, they can click to review their items before going to checkout.

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Does your company have the resources to have a blog? If so, it’s a great way to get users talking and responding. A carefully written piece can “provoke” users to leave comments that other users can see and respond to. Since people generally like to stand up for their beliefs and do what they say, users will be more inclined to assert

This is doubly beneficial because not only does it mean you got them talking and they engage with the feedback, but you can also learn valuable insights.

As much as people try to deny it, the herd instinct is there. If you’ve shopped on Amazon, for example, have you noticed the “People who bought this item also bought” or “They often shop together” features?

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There’s strength in numbers, and if users can see proof of tracking placed next to an item they’re considering buying, they’ll be more likely to do so. There is something about seeing that “2 million customers” have been there before them that is wonderfully reassuring!

Twitter embraces this principle to great effect with its ‘Trending’ feature. Amazon’s “Best Seller” feature is another example of displaying “popular items”. Can you frame and present your company’s offerings in a similar way?

The art of persuasion is largely based on the identity of the persuader. The Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, founded by B.J. Fogg, a renowned scientist who created a new model of human behavior change, has determined guidelines (based on scientific research with more than 4,500 people) for designing with credibility.

The Architecture Of Persuasion How To Write Well-constructed Sales Letters

The key ingredient to keeping your users on board is maintaining their trust. Therefore, you should show your company’s expertise through the content of your design, which should be clean, nicely designed, secure, and error-free.

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Sometimes the experience can come from the words of influential people in your company. Other times, a few well-placed testimonials might be better, as users will listen to other users. Because? Because they are disinterested parties who still found that leaving good comments and healthy words was a worthwhile endeavor. This can go a long way in persuading others.

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The age-old relationship between supply and demand is a good ally to persuade users. While this is arguably easier to do with products than with services, you can still consider ways to adapt this strategy.

“Closeout” sales attract hordes of shoppers looking for great “bargain” deals. Psychologists have shown that scarcity can affect taste: People who eat chocolate chip cookies from an almost empty jar find them more enjoyable than those from a fuller jar.

Remember our Wild West hair tonic salesman? UX design is an industry that is at the other end of the scale of its “craft”, at least ethically. There is a lot more to designing eCommerce sites. Because UX design is about influencing users to change their behavior (even if that change is to try something new, like contacting the company or buying services or goods), the ability to convince a user that this new action (or change) will be

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UX designers have a real empathy for their users, especially because they want to help them fall in love with good designs. This is essential to increase user engagement and the chances that users will follow through with the actions we want them to take. The trick is to convince the user that it is also a desirable action for them. The key to designing persuasively is appreciation

As people, users tend to make snap judgments. When looking at a design, for example, their eyes tend to do a lot of thinking for them, and in milliseconds. Making a careful list of pros and cons takes time and thought; given the large number of decisions people make in a day, it would be too much hard work to implement it

Choice Both users and designers could starve while trying to figure out what to have for dinner if they had to rely on these finesse!

The Architecture Of Persuasion How To Write Well-constructed Sales Letters

If you’ve ever had to list your top ten favorite items in a category, you can see how easy it is to do… until you’re asked to justify your choices. Humans tend to

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Devano Mahardika

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